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Old 10.01.2025, 01:37
SirJohnny SirJohnny is offline
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Default How do I properly use callSync with parameters ?

i am trying to use exiftool to change the metadata of an audio file from youtube but i am misunderstaning how to use callSync.

Using the command line:
"C:/ExifTool/exiftool.exe" -artist="New Artist" -albumartist="New Participating Artist" -title="NewTtitle" -overwrite_original "SomeAudio.mp3"
On the eventscipter i have tried to follow this example:
    var program = ["C:\ExifTool\exiftool.exe"];
    var parameters = ["paremeter1", "parameter2", "paremeter..."].join(",");
    var file = getPath(link.downloadPath);
    callSync(program, parameters, file);
Could you clarify how the parameters variable work or point me to some documentation about callsync ?
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Old 10.01.2025, 10:40
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Jiaz Jiaz is offline
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@SirJohnny: See example here
callsync method siganture is (String...) meaning that you just put the individual parts as Strings
callSync("C:/ExifTool/exiftool.exe", "-artist=New Artist", "-albumartist=New Participating Artist", "-title=NewTtitle", "-overwrite_original", "SomeAudio.mp3");
It might be necessary to escape the values, eg
"-artist="New Artist""
don't know if the quotes are necessary or not

Just give it a try and of course, just ask if you need help or got questions
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
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Old 11.01.2025, 04:28
SirJohnny SirJohnny is offline
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I have moved on from exiftool to ffmpeg. What I am trying to do is use ffmpeg to create a temporary file with the metadata I want, delete the original file and then rename the temporary file as the original.

I realize the error is in the callSync but I can't figure it out.

var file = getPath(link.downloadPath);
var fileName = link.getName();
var fileExtension = "." + fileName.slice((fileName.lastIndexOf(".") - 1 >>> 0) + 2).toLowerCase();
var downloadFolder = package.getDownloadFolder();
var tempFilename = downloadFolder + "/" + "temp" + fileExtension;

alert(callSync("ffmpeg","-i", file, "-metadata", "title=" + title,  "-metadata",  "artist=" + artist,  "-metadata",  "album_artist=" + artist, "-c", "copy", tempFilename,  "&&", "del", file, "&&", "rename", tempFilename, file));
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Old 11.01.2025, 11:36
SirJohnny SirJohnny is offline
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This is my full working script:

var linkIsFinished = link.finished;
var packageName = link.getPackage().getName();
var isPackageNameDiscography = packageName.includes("Discography");
var isHostYoutube = link.getHost() === "youtube.com";
var fileName = link.getName();
var isAudioFile = /\.(aac|m4a|ogg|opus|mp3)$/.test(fileName);

if (linkIsFinished && isPackageNameDiscography && isHostYoutube && isAudioFile) {
	// Get metadata values
	var artist = packageName.replace("[Discography] " , "");
	var title = fileName.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.');
	alert("title:" + title);
	var file = getPath(link.downloadPath);
	// Temp file for ffmpeg
	var filenameNoExtension = fileName.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.');
	var fileExtension = "." + fileName.slice((fileName.lastIndexOf(".") - 1 >>> 0) + 2).toLowerCase();
	var downloadFolder = package.getDownloadFolder();
	var tempFilename = downloadFolder + "\\" + "temp" + fileExtension;
	alert("filename:" + fileName);
	// Create temp file with provided meta data values with ffmpeg
	callSync("ffmpeg","-i", file, "-metadata", "title=" + title,  "-metadata",  "artist=" + artist,  "-metadata",  "album_artist=" + artist, tempFilename);
	// Delete original file
	callSync("cmd", "/c", "del", file);
	// Rename temp file with original name
	callSync("cmd", "/c", "rename", tempFilename, fileName);
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Old 11.01.2025, 14:36
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Jiaz Jiaz is offline
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callSync is no cmd/bash/batch, you cannot make use of &&

You have to call those commands separately.
I would also recommend to not use cmd for delete and rename and make use of FilePath, see the list of available Objects/methods
/* === FilePath === */
/* ========= Methods =========*/
var myBoolean = myFilePath.copyTo(myString, myString, myBoolean);
var myBoolean = myFilePath.copyTo(myString);
var myBoolean = myFilePath.delete();
var myBoolean = myFilePath.deleteRecursive();
var myBoolean = myFilePath.exists();
var myString = myFilePath.getAbsolutePath();
var myFilePath[] = myFilePath.getChildren();
var myLong = myFilePath.getCreatedDate();
var myString = myFilePath.getExtension();
var myLong = myFilePath.getFreeDiskSpace();
var myLinkInfo = myFilePath.getLinkInfo();
var myLong = myFilePath.getModifiedDate();
var myString = myFilePath.getName();
var myFilePath = myFilePath.getParent();
var myString = myFilePath.getPath();
var myString = myFilePath.getPathSeparator();
var myLong = myFilePath.getReservedDiskSpace();
var myLong = myFilePath.getSize();
var myBoolean = myFilePath.isDirectory();
var myBoolean = myFilePath.isFile();
var myBoolean = myFilePath.mkdirs();
var myBoolean = myFilePath.moveTo(myString);
var myFilePath = myFilePath.rename(myString);
var myFilePath = myFilePath.renameName(myString);
var myFilePath = myFilePath.renamePath(myString);
var myBoolean = myFilePath.renameTo(myString);
var myString = myFilePath.toString();
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
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Old 13.01.2025, 10:39
mgpai mgpai is offline
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Your script currently will (try to) delete and rename the file without checking if the ffmpeg command was successful. Better to use callAsync and check the exitCode OR redirect the errOut to stdOut in callsync OR use "&&" as in the example below.

callSync("cmd", "/c", "notepad", "&&", "dir")
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