Merged VK threads.
@miguelsat Check Settings --> Plugins --> vkontakte.ru -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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The problem with crawling of posts containing, for example, content + photos, or the wall text content itself is strictly dependent on the "Grab URLs inside wall post" setting, which must be enabled additionally from "grabb album + grabb photo"
Previously, I thought only Enable the settings "photo" + "album" does not crawl all content offset Which proves confusing so you can add a little note in the plugin's advanced settings that this option also applies to photos. |
Again I do not understand what you mean.
That setting is relevant for: - Crawling a complete WALL of a user - Crawling a WALL-post If you're experiencing issues with this functionality, please add a detailed description and a log. I do not see the need to add any kind of extra description to that mentioned plugin setting. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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For example
If grabb turns on: Code:
Album links Photo links If I enable grabb: Code:
Album links Photo Links URLs inside Code:
All data is recorded in the log: C:\JD\logs\ Vkontakte.Decrypter IDXXX.log |
Without a log, I'm unable to help you. I need working example URLs, I need the exact URLs to the posts of which content does not get crawled. Without this, I won't be able to help you. -psp- EDIT And again: I know you're playing around with JDownloaders log content --> This is not any kind of (official) feature so I will not help you to get content of the vk website in our logs. If you are having a real issue with our plugin, provide the required logs so that I can try to help you ...
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Surely you think that I underestimate your time, your dedication and your work. You're wrong.
Everything is fine for me now, only you misinterpret my posts. Previously, I gave the links, nothing in these links has changed and is still the same, and I do not want to spam the same links over and over again. You just didn't reply to my previous older posts. Probably skip a very important post. You didn't give me an answer. I asked you for a screen of your advanced Vkontakte plugin settings. How do I know what your settings are and everything is OK decrypt for you. If you had given me a screenshot earlier, I would have avoided a 1-month ban. You can provide a screenshot of your settings "deprypt all photo in wall", I mean only photos without other materials. Just enough. That should clear things up. **External links are only visible to Support Staff**... |
Defective decryption of user profile (photo albums)
Source: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** shouldbe decrypt two album: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Also check the correctness of the decrypted ID-album XXX_XXX 17.09.20 09.47.48 <--> 17.09.20 09.51.45 jdlog://5007225302851/ |
![]() Quote:
These albums are nowhere linked in that profile. In this case, only the single photos will be crawled. I still don't see any issue here. I expect more precise descriptions otherwise you're again just wasting my time ... Where are these albums linked on that profile? Add a URL which leads directly to the single wall post that contains these albums otherwise it will be impossible for me to even verify your request ... -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Previously, fully supportive, even in this topic there was an old topic of changing nickname to albumsXXX (albumsID)
You improved the plugin after changing the new graphic design of Vkontakte, but nothing has changed here, there should be the same method of changing the main profile name or id to albums. Decrypt source: nickname -> albumsXXX **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** change to: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** id -> albumsXXX **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** change to: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Screen: https://postimg.cc/18w8Jt9S |
![]() Quote:
So far you're the only user who is asking for this functionality. I will not implement this as I do not see any advantage of this for any of our other users. Again you seem to do site-rips and other dubious things for which special scripts are needed. If you need special software solutions for your plans, find a company that makes them for you but do not ask us for functionality which only you would use. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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If you add vk.com/id or vk.com/nickname - The link to the album is directly in the source of the page (profile user), so even "Deep-Crawl" is disabled in the plugin in this case? No write special script is required in the case.
<a class="page_counter" href="/albumsXXXXX?profile=1" <a\s+(?:(?:\w+\s*=\s*)(?:\w+|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'))*?\s*href\s*=\s*(?<url>\w+|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')(?:(?:\s+\w+\s*=\s*)(?:\w+|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'))*?>.+?</a> /[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9-]+ |
As we've already told you multiple times:
You cannot use the deep-crawler if a plugin is there to handle the URLs that you want to add. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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I still see the bug Crawler
Example: User Two album **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** 7 + 241 number photos See LinkCrawler screenshot: https://postimg.cc/N9VNkmLN Log: 12.10.20 17.54.26 <--> 12.10.20 18.03.07 jdlog://7624325302851/ |
Works fine here.
Also, your screenshot shows another URL than the one that is in your post. Screenshot: ![]() -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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I use Chrome and it shows me the link correctly when I click in the album.
The crawler's wrong is that it decrypt the same pictures on the wall even unnecessarily: See in the log: decryption: wall_post_ID This is a photo album, not a wall. |
Yes because the function that crawls the content is used for multiple types of URLs.
Stop these random reports! You can get our source-code HERE. You can check such things before making unnecessary reports! -psp- EDIT Source code: See jd.plugins.decrypter.VKontakteRu.java
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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But JD2 also parses such links.
Add crawl: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** also parse... **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** If the user has huge walls. This can take a lot of time to parse the wall, not small albums. So I want to avoid parsing big walls, I just want an just album Please understound. |
I've seen a lot of forums, and it seemed a polite and friendly atmosphere, but you dismiss everything as it goes ...
I understand your indignation and the lack of any understanding on your part, possibly some personal dislike of me. I prefer to be silent than next warns/bans. Since it won't change anything. Goodbye. |
Regarding your "z=albums" URL:
- Yes JD can handle such URLs - Your URL shows the following error in browser: "This profile is private" --> Same with the same URL/ID as "wall" link. I cannot open that URL and I still have no idea which bug you mean. If you need specified vkontakte crawler feature, please use other software that is specifically designed therefore ... Quote:
You're disrespecting our forum rules, wasting our time, reporting nonsense-reports and doing all of this with a broken/auto-translated English which is hard to understand. Quote:
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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All links to albums require an account.
If you don't have accounts, you will see "private album / private profile" or some "unknown error" all the time. Without an account, nothing will work. Do you have an Vkontakte account or do you use: "No account"? |
I have an account but I'am still unable to access the content behind your URLs.
![]() -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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For example, this link should be visible to you **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** ==== For example, this link should be visible to you **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** ==== Message: This profile is private (not visible for me and you) **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
Fixed issue where crawler failed for some (newer?) walls.
Wartest du auf einen angekündigten Bugfix oder ein neues Feature? Updates werden nicht immer sofort bereitgestellt! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! --- Are you waiting for recently announced changes to get released? Updates to not necessarily get released immediately! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Recently some (new) videos from closed groups have become undownloadable (JD2 detects them as offline), although some others from the same groups are downloadable. Everything works fine in browsers, of course.
For example, this works fine: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** ...and this video isn't downloadable at all **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** same video, different link -> **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** 23.10.20 12.45.14 <--> 23.10.20 18.24.10 jdlog://7657325302851/ |
I'm not able to access your first two URLs because of the following error I get on the vk website: Code:
You need to be a member of this group to view its video files. I've fixed a bug because of which it was impossible to add the 3rd URL. You will have to wait for the next update AND add your vkontakte account to JD in order to be able to download the 3rd URL. If URLs 1 and 2 keep failing after the update even with added vkontakte account, please post a log. Wartest du auf einen angekündigten Bugfix oder ein neues Feature? Updates werden nicht immer sofort bereitgestellt! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! --- Are you waiting for recently announced changes to get released? Updates to not necessarily get released immediately! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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vk.com URLs not recognized by vkontakte.ru hoster plugin. When I add a link with vk.com in it to LinkGrabber, it says the link is offline, and an account is required. I do have an account in JD2 - using vkontakte.ru hoster - but it doesn't seem to be used to process vk.com links.
I tried to trick JD2 by changing the host name from vk.com to vkontakte.ru in the URL, but I believe the web site re-routes the *.ru domain name to vk.com. 20.11.20 22.19.31 <--> 23.11.20 21.47.27 jdlog://9586425302851/ |
@groinksan: please provide example link, most likely link format is not yet supported
because log doesn't contain any crawling activity for vkontakte
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
![]() Quote:
I'm almost certain that vkontakte.ru is no longer officially being used by the social media service. They seemed to have switched to vk.com, and vkontakte.ru is simply re-directing all requests to vk.com. Last edited by groinksan; 28.11.2020 at 04:29. |
@groinksan: The plugin does support both domains just fine and no activity at all means that the plugin URL pattern did not match the URL you are trying to download. That's why I'm asking for an example URL
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
![]() Quote:
If I give LinkGrabber a link for a individual video or image, it picks it up. What I was hoping was that the plugin would work like the Twitter plugin, where it grabs everything from the page, such as **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**. |
The plugin does work like the twitter plugin! It picked up over 1500 results when I added your URL - I stopped my test then. Please check your vk.com plugin settings - they affect the results! If that doesn't help, please provide a DEBUG-log: Please post your log-ID here | bitte poste deine Log-ID hier. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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@groinksan. link worked fine for me as well
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
During testing, I basically left everything in the plug-in as-is. I then enabled "Grab documents" and "Grab other urls" and now it is at least picking up the images and videos.
Now that things appear to be working, one new problem I'm seeing. The packages are named correctly - using the "video-xxxxxx xxxxx" as the package name. However, the video inside of the package are named "Untitled_xxxp.mp4". Is there a way to have the filename reflect the package name? |
Please post the URL to that video here.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
Hi again,
the title of this video and all others in there is "Untitled": Screenshot:
![]() I don't see any JD bug/failure here. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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The data cannot be decrypted. Please help.
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** [jd.plugins.decrypter.VKontakteRu(decryptWall_Website)] -> Stopping because: Failed to find more items for 5 times in the row |
Hi there,
I tried searching first but either due to it's being very short word or no one really has posted before, I couldn't find anything about VK.COM. When I try to add the account, it gives me the following error message. I don't have 2 factor auth enabled and I did have a special character in the password on first try that I changed back to just lower/upper case and numbers only but it still shows the same error ![]() PS:- I am using my email address that I registered with as username since that's how I log into vk.com as well. ![]() |
@Student im ersten Jahr
Für dieses "kaputte Feature" wird es in naher Zukunft keinen Bugfix geben. Ticket: Alternativek kannst du die Inhalte auf diesem Weg herunterladen. @TheOne I'm unable to reproduce your issue and I won't be able to help you without a debug log. However, I've added cookie login support for this host for the next update so once the update is released you might want to try that and see if you can login via this method. Wartest du auf einen angekündigten Bugfix oder ein neues Feature? Updates werden nicht immer sofort bereitgestellt! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! --- Are you waiting for recently announced changes to get released? Updates to not necessarily get released immediately! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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pspzockerscene Ich verstehe. HLS ist nicht so einfach. Ich weiß, dass es derzeit keine Erweiterungen gibt, die das Herunterladen von Musik ermöglichen, da man oft das Skript aktualisieren muss (wenn jemand es online zur Verfügung stellt). Es gibt jedoch ein spezielles Programm zum Herunterladen von Musik von VK.
Die Bedienung des Programms kann problematisch sein, da die Programmoberfläche nur in russischer Sprache vorliegt. Intuitiv kann man das Programm nur bedienen... **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
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