YT Threads zusammengeführt.
@daniellll Please post your log-ID here | bitte poste deine Log-ID hier. -psp- EDIT @GuitarMantra Merged YT threads!
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download Last edited by pspzockerscene; 11.04.2022 at 15:38. |
du hängst an jeden Link den gewünschten Paketnamen an, zb Quote:
https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...ame-via-anchor Dann nimmt der JDownloader als Paketnamen jenes was du an die URL angehängt hast. Konnte im Test keine Probleme feststellen
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
@GuitarMantra: can you please check if you have a dashAudio file in your download folder where this broken download happens? filename contains videoID
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Yes. It is there. @Jiaz
Last edited by GuitarMantra; 12.04.2022 at 21:06. |
danke ![]() funkitoniert das eig. derzeit noch, mit dem ab 18 von Youtube. mir zeigt es unbekannter Fehler an, obwohl alles richtig ist Last edited by zToRm777; 11.04.2022 at 22:14. |
YT Account via Cookie Methode hinzufügen. Siehe https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...n-instructions
Auch mal am Ende des Artikels wie man *frische* Cookies exportieren kann
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
hello im trying to download Livestream with 11 hrs on it but in jd2 the size of the video that will be downloaded is only 98kb
here is the link: Quote:
@simonrule: live streams are not supported while being *live*. you'll have to wait for the stream to finish and be available as regular video/record.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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guess it'll never get fixed then haha |
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Does it help? Logs are updated, I guess. Last edited by daniellll; 15.04.2022 at 15:17. |
Did something change with the Youtube plugin? ever since the update yesterday i noticed that even if i have 'max 15 chunks per download' (or rather connections?) it still only uses 1. also when a new youtube download starts it's always around 1mb/s with 1 connection, but if i restart it it becomes 5mb/s with that single 1 connection.
I thought both the fact i can't use 15 or rather that it doesn't use 15 even when my settings are so is weird + the fact for the weird 'stable' speeds it starts with or when i restart the download... Anyone else noticed it? as i doubt its just me |
@GeorgeCostanza:I just need a single entry of a list with the issue, can be any yt video, doesn't matter.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
@Leifman: we've found the cause of the slow/throttled speed and updated plugin accordingly. unfortunately the new method currently doesn't support chunks but with much higher speeds there should be no need for it. I just need to find out why you only get higher speeds on reset and not from the start. have you tested this with freshly added links or existing links in list?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
No one? Nothing? :(
@daniellll: In dem Log ist keinerlei Aktivität/Fehler vorhanden. Bitte den Fehler abwarten und direkt danach ein Log erstellen
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Dank und LG Last edited by daniellll; 16.04.2022 at 13:39. |
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And yes i can understand, as already the 1mb/s or 5mb/s with a single connection is definitely an improvement to having 15 connections sometimes to achieve a 9-10mb/s or what have you. And honestly i have no idea why it happens, i never have links in my list and all the stuff i download is ones i clipboard observer grab from the browser and then start the download. and i did notice more than often that like i mentioned it will start with the 1mb/s and if i just right click/other/reset the download then it will be 5mb/s but that's not a '100% chance' but one that happens more than often to mention. I did notice that sometimes it will just start straight away between different videos/downloads with 4mbs or 5mbs.... so ![]() Anyways thanks again for confirming u changed something and it's not "that bad" , i can always just do 2 simultaneous downloads or 3 to max my 100mbit connection was just more curious on why it suddenly changed and if i wasn't just hallucinating it ![]() |
Cannot run program "/.../JDownloader 2.0/tools/mac/ffmpeg_10.10+/ffmpeg": error=86, Bad CPU type in executable Hast du Rosetta 2 installiert? osxdaily.com/2020/12/04/how-install-rosetta-2-apple-silicon-mac/ Das Binary ist aktuell nur intel/x86 und benötigt daher Rosetta 2
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
@Leifman: as the download happens in small parts it might take a moment for the speedgraph to adapt. Could you provide example links and tell me what variant/quality you are testing?
Also could you please provide a screenshot of your about dialog of JDownloader, see https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...tion-directory Maybe old java version is reason for capped speed for single connection
JD-Dev & Server-Admin Last edited by Jiaz; 16.04.2022 at 18:51. |
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LG Edit: Das fehlende Rosetta war das Problem. Somit Problem gelöst. Danke JIAZ. <3 Last edited by daniellll; 16.04.2022 at 15:11. |
@daniellll: Danke für die Rückmeldung! Ja, Installer/Java/Entpacken ist nativ Apple Silicon, aber ffmpeg liegt derzeit nur in einer intel/x86 Variante vor, daher die Voraussetzung von Rosetta. Ich werde hierfür nächste Woche noch eine Erkennung einbauen und entweder einen Dialog zur Installation von Rosetta oder Hinweis einbauen. Sobald ich mal über brauchbare Builds für ffmpeg für Apple Silicon stolpere, kann das geändert werden.
könntest du mir mal die Ausgabe von Quote:
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Auch mit weniger Links kein anderes Ergebnis. Wenn ich Links einzeln reinkopier, klappt es Log: 16.04.22 12.58.41 <--> 16.04.22 22.02.31 jdlog://4638925302851/ Test Links: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Ergebnis: https://abload.de/image.php?img=12343uji5.png nur 53 Links drinnen ;( Last edited by zToRm777; 16.04.2022 at 23:03. |
Ich habe hier zwar gesucht aber so richtig Hilfreiches habe ich nicht wirklich Gefunden und im Englischen Bereich schon gar nicht weil ich kein Englisch kann - kommentare dazu bitte Verkneifen sind alt in sachen Englisch.
Es wäre nett mal zu wissen warum der JD nicht in der Lage ist eine Komplette Playliste zu Laden und sich quasie nur die Hälfte zu grabben ? 16.04.22 23.35.33 <--> 16.04.22 23.37.23 jdlog://7638925302851/ |
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![]() I can really live with the single connection 5mb/s thingy, even if i have to reset each download every time. it's not that much of a "problem" as much of me just knowing there was even a change to begin with. tho, i guess you guys could have also made a "toggle" sorta option for the youtube settings to either use this "new method" or keep the old one for those that want multiple connections... that's my idea but i'm not sure how feasible it is or something u even would have wanted to do... |
Big hype for the playlist limit fix! Last edited by TheRenegadist; 18.04.2022 at 05:15. |
@Gregory: Ein Fehler im Parser. JDownloader *sieht die nächsten Seiten* der Listen nicht und bricht daher nach der ersten *Seite* ab. Dieser Fehler ist auf der todo Liste
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
@Leifman: Thanks for the feedback! You might wanna try Settings->Advanced Settings->GeneralSettings.preferbouncycastlefortls and check if that helps. Please test and provide feedback
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Na da bin ich ja mal Gespannt wann das mal was wird, wie man hier im Forum sieht ist der fehler ja schon um einiges älter daher die Frage warum das immer noch nicht Gefixt wurde ?
@zToRm777: Laut log befinden sich schon einige Links in der Liste und werden entsprechend nicht nochmals verarbeitet
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Im Forum wurden auch etliche funktionierende Workarounds zu dem Problem genannt und YT is nur eines von tausenden Plugins. Ich kann dich jedoch verstehen und denke das der Umbau/Fix bald fertig ist
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Es ist egal ob ich was im Loader habe oder die Liste nue Einlesen lasse, der stoppt immer stur an der selben stelle. Mehr nimmt er nicht, stur wie ein Panzer.
Ja, weil er eben die *nächste Seite* nicht *sieht*. Es ist unabhängig ob schon Links in der Liste sind oder nicht
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
HI I have asked this before and not sure where else to put this as it always seems to be pushed into the general Youtube issues thread and lost it seems.
I really have no issue with JD and youtube grabbing or downloading either individual or playlists but, the one issue I have is that when some download and finish some of the audio files are OGG which overall is ok unless one needs to do some quick editing in either mp3 or mp4 formats. I usually have to use another tool to convert the OGG to either an mp3 or mp4 file so I can edit it easier. What I am wondering is there a real easy way to have everything from youtube, Veneo (possibly other place I may not have tried dling from also) to auto save as either mp3 or mp4 if the original is an OGG? Yes I know I can do it within JD individually but that takes a lot of time especially if one is doing a playlist from youtube or sometimes vemeo. Does this need to be added to JD within the plugin or added to JD in some other setting or what way is the best way to force OGG to be either mp3 or mp4? TIA
OS X !0.6.8 Mac Pro Intel (Workhorse) OS X 10.13.6 MBP Intel 17" (Secondary) OS X MBP Intel 15" Dual boot 10.6.8 and 10.13.6 (as needed) |
Vimeo has no "audio only" support in plugin and you have to manually change to demux the audio. Youtube, just disable the ogg container in Settings->Plugins->youtube.com at the bottom "variant collections" and in "best audio" rightclick and change your preferences
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
kann das mal nicht auch in den Deutschen Bereich wandern ?
@Gregory: So sind alle Themen gebündelt und sehe jetzt keinen Vorteil von noch einem Thread zu dem Plugin?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
I discovered a possible bug either in JDW or Youtube.
I bet this is Youtube's fault. But why? Please check what is happening: 1) The 1st video has 8h35m. I uploaded this years ago, it was a huge file created by FRAPS, from a videogame. 1080p@60 fps. **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** If I add this to JDW, it will first say it has 21 GB (best quality for everything). Then right after I start downloading, the size will be reduced to 2 GB. Which is totally wrong, because 8 hours can't fit in 2 GB perhaps not even in 144p. Second sign there's a server issue: very, very slow download speed. For that Youtube link only. Take a look at those screenshots: https://i.postimg.cc/tgxZG0M7/RE1.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/PxnLt6gy/RE2.jpg ********* Important: JDW's account area for Youtube has my credentials (logged) there. So no possible bandwidth restriction. I also renewed my dynamic IP just to check if this was a temporary issue. No luck. This bug happens every single time. ********* That's not all: I tried a second video from my channel: 5h25m: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** ******* Did you notice the 2nd screenshot shows 4.1 GB? And the speed is 6 MB/s instead of 35 KB/s from that 8 hour video? Meaning a smaller video is bigger and speeds are consistent. All of this doesn't make any sense. It's like that 1st video can't be downloaded correctly no matter what. I don't know what to do... I already have the original files, but needed the Youtube versions, too, for other reasons. P.S. Another video with the same issue: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** 4h55m, filesize reduced from 12 to 2 GB. Very slow speeds (37 KB/s). Last edited by Perene; 22.05.2022 at 20:43. |
@Perene: Speed will be better with next update. Not always the filesize is available so JDownloader estimates the filesize and this video uses mpd(many many small parts) and it probes a few of them to get filesize and then estimates the final filesize. during download the filesize will be updated all the time. I will have to check why estimation fails
Update: Estimation will be optimized with next update
JD-Dev & Server-Admin Last edited by Jiaz; 21.04.2022 at 20:59. |
@GeorgeCostanza: I guess I finally found the cause of dupe check failing, check with next update
JD-Dev & Server-Admin Last edited by Jiaz; 22.04.2022 at 19:12. |
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