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Old 23.01.2010, 23:35
Posts: n/a
Default TP Link td8840t

Witam, mam problem co do reconnecta z routerem łączę się przez inny router aby mieć sieć bezprzewodowa w domu. Adres ip routera który rozsyla sygnal po domu to a ten drugi do ktorego podpieta jest neostrada czyli TP Link ma Znalazłem na stronie jDownloadera ten skrypt:
        GET / HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        GET / HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%
        Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%

        GET /status.html HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%
        Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%

        GET /status/status_deviceinfo.htm HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%
        Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%

        GET /navigation-status.html HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%
        Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%

        GET /maintenance/tools_admin.htm HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%
        Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%

        GET /navigation-maintenance.html HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%
        Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%

        GET /maintenance/tools_system.htm HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%
        Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%

        POST /Forms/tools_system_1 HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%
        Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%


        GET /maintenance/tools_system.htm HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%
        Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%

        GET /status/status_deviceinfo.htm HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%
        Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%

        GET /navigation-status.html HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%
        Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%

Lecz nie działa mi on, wpisuje dane do połączenia adres ip routera i nie pobiera mi nowego ip. Czy ktoś jest mi w stanie pomóc?
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Old 14.01.2011, 10:36
Posts: n/a

Solution is very simply:
1)On the page "INTERFACE SETUP\Internet" -set option "Connect Manual" instead "Allways On" + save
2)go to page called "STATUS" section WAN -where you can see new button with description "Disconnect" or "Connect"
voilà !
3) Now you can record by jdownloader appropriate script
from Poland Marek
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