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Old 04.02.2012, 00:56
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Default Linkgrabber & Fileserve, Turbobit

First time posting so here goes... I've used fileserve with jdownloader for a few months before fileserve shutdown. Prior to the shutdown I had no problems with linksgrabber but now that fileserve appears to be up again, i'm having problems with linksgrabber. When using linksgrabber it would check the file and come back with either the file is not found or unavailable but if I paste the link directly to my browser or use fileserve's downloader, the links work fine and gets downloaded albeit at much slower speeds.

Turbobit acts like its working but when you check on the file after it's supposedly completed downloading there's nothing there. I have no clue what's up with that. I've only used Turbobit a couple of times and just got plain fed up. (Oh yeah i'm only using the free user option - no premium here.)

Rapidshare downloads fine although the speed fluctuates greatly. One minute its going gang busters and the next its down to only 15kbs.

Naturally a lot of the fileserve files have been deleted but the ones that are left seem fine.

Any idea why linksgrabber would be having problems with fileserve?

I can parse a fileserve link that is complete with the actual file name into Orbit but it won't work in jDownloader.

Any help would be appreciated. (In a rush to get some files down before they disappear.)


Last edited by Jiaz; 04.02.2012 at 09:38.
Old 04.02.2012, 02:39
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we use fileserves api for link checking, or failover linkchecking service. If those fail based on database errors then data returned to JD is incorrect. We need a reliable linkchecker source to be able to return reliable data. And it seems since there mass deleting they have an out of sync online/offline linkcheck database.

Turbobit fights jdownloader plugin changes, soon as we make a change they change there website to break jdownloader free support. If you managed to download the file should be on disk. The only reason it wouldn't is if your using unix based os (unix, linux, macosx) there is known rename bug which results in files been deleted instead of renamed. Other than that virus scanners can remove files from disk. There are no other known issues with missing files after downloading.
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Old 04.02.2012, 09:37
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wait for fileserve to fix their linkcheck api. also their own manager does show files as offline
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Old 04.02.2012, 11:49
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Thanks for the update. It's nice to know that i'm not screwing things up. I guess the keyword here is patience. We'll just have to wait until the dust settles. Until then I guess i'll just continue copying and pasting to my browser.
Old 04.02.2012, 12:55
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I think that if hosts are fighting against jD, jD must become smarter. The long awaited upgrade of jD will indeed be smarter. We'll see whether it will be smart enough.
Old 04.02.2012, 15:49
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Fileserve did nothing against us (this time).
They only likeed up their own linkchecker again and we're the ones using it.
It's up to them fixing it.

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Old 04.02.2012, 17:48
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Originally Posted by pspzockerscene View Post
Fileserve did nothing against us (this time).
They only likeed up their own linkchecker again and we're the ones using it.
It's up to them fixing it.

GreeZ pspzockerscene
Hey, I just registered for this thread in just for this thread I want to say that rapidshare no longer works; it simply says file not found whenever I give it links (even tho it says its online first and it is accessible through browser)
Old 04.02.2012, 17:53
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Rapidshare stuff goes here!

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A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
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Do you have Nero installed?
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