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Old 21.03.2013, 00:13
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Default justin.tv decrypter out of date

Trying to download some videos from twitch.tv and it seems like the justin.tv decrypter is out of date. Here is the log:

18 21/03/13 8:40:47 AM - INFO [java_downloader] -> ByteBufferController: Used: 0 B Free: 500.00 KB
18 21/03/13 8:50:47 AM - INFO [java_downloader] -> ByteBufferController: Used: 0 B Free: 500.00 KB
18 21/03/13 9:00:47 AM - INFO [java_downloader] -> ByteBufferController: Used: 0 B Free: 500.00 KB

------------------------ Thread: 38 -----------------------
38 21/03/13 9:01:28 AM - FINER [java_downloader] -> load plugin: jd.plugins.decrypter.JustinTvDecrypt

------------------------ Thread: 39 -----------------------
39 21/03/13 9:01:31 AM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> Decrypter broken: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
39 21/03/13 9:01:31 AM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: jd.plugins.decrypter.JustinTvDecrypt@115426ec
39 21/03/13 9:01:31 AM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: 19986

------------------------ Thread: 40 -----------------------
40 21/03/13 9:02:00 AM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> Decrypter broken: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
40 21/03/13 9:02:00 AM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: jd.plugins.decrypter.JustinTvDecrypt@7d4012b3
40 21/03/13 9:02:00 AM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: 19986

------------------------ Thread: 41 -----------------------
41 21/03/13 9:02:10 AM - FINER [java_downloader] -> Checking for available updates

------------------------ Thread: 42 -----------------------
42 21/03/13 9:02:14 AM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Webupdater offline or nothing to update

------------------------ Thread: 43 -----------------------
43 21/03/13 9:05:37 AM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> Decrypter broken: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
43 21/03/13 9:05:37 AM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: jd.plugins.decrypter.JustinTvDecrypt@5ca40b6e
43 21/03/13 9:05:37 AM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: 19986

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Old 21.03.2013, 00:56
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pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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[Please read]=>How/when do i get updates?
Read it carefully BEFORE complaining that something would still be not working!
[Bitte lesen]=>Wie/wann bekomme ich Updates?
Bitte vollständig lesen bevor ihr euch beschwert, dass etwas immernoch nicht funktionieren würde!

GreeZ pspzockerscene
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A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
Originally Posted by Jiaz View Post
Do you have Nero installed?
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Old 29.03.2013, 03:46
Posts: n/a

Same issue as above:

142 3/28/13 10:43:59 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> Decrypter broken: **VIDEO LINK**
142 3/28/13 10:43:59 PM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: jd.plugins.decrypter.JustinTvDecrypt@200930
142 3/28/13 10:43:59 PM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: 19986
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Old 29.03.2013, 06:24
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Wait for plugin update or use JD2 (beta).
FAQ: How to upload a Log
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Old 15.04.2013, 03:41
jatenk jatenk is offline
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Default justin.tv/twitch.tv decrypter out of date -> not working

I want to download this recording: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
If I add the link via pasteboard watcher or manual link adder, the link gets analyzed and after a few seconds it says "justin.tv decrypter out of date".
FYI: Twitch.tv came out of justin.tv as a streaming site especially for games, but they recently seperated their organizations. Before the organizations seperated I know all the recordings were saved on justin.tv servers, but it makes sense that this isn't the case anymore. Since that just happened recently it may be possible the plugin still tries to fetch the recording from justin.tv - which wouldn't exist anymore if this is the case. Also, twitch has a new site design, so one of these might be the cause of the issue (I know the plugin worked before twitch changed its design and the organziations still were one).
OS is Mac OS X 10.8.3, JDownloader version is 0.9.581, justin.tv plugin version is 20016 and Java version is 1.7.0_17. I have Little Snitch with the newest Nightly Build installed (officially bought, not pirated) without any restrictions at all at the moment.

This is the corresponding part of the log:
------------------------  Thread: 567  -----------------------
567 15.04.13 03:23:16 - FINER [java_downloader] -> load plugin: jd.plugins.decrypter.JustinTvDecrypt

------------------------  Thread: 568  -----------------------
568 15.04.13 03:23:21 - WARNING [java_downloader] -> Decrypter broken: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**
568 15.04.13 03:23:21 - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: jd.plugins.decrypter.JustinTvDecrypt@525f69a
568 15.04.13 03:23:21 - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: 19986

------------------------  Thread: 569  -----------------------
569 15.04.13 03:23:46 - WARNING [java_downloader] -> Decrypter broken: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**
569 15.04.13 03:23:46 - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: jd.plugins.decrypter.JustinTvDecrypt@2403ea5f
569 15.04.13 03:23:46 - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: 19986

------------------------  Thread: 570  -----------------------
570 15.04.13 03:24:12 - WARNING [java_downloader] -> No supported links found -> search for links in source code of all urls
570 15.04.13 03:24:13 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Found Links
**External links are only visible to Support Staff**

------------------------  Thread: 571  -----------------------
571 15.04.13 03:25:28 - WARNING [java_downloader] -> Decrypter broken: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**
571 15.04.13 03:25:28 - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: jd.plugins.decrypter.JustinTvDecrypt@1487a2f7
571 15.04.13 03:25:28 - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: 19986
Besides: On my other mac, I use JDownloader 2 Nightly, newest version, and the plugin works correctly there. It may just need to be implemented in the stable version too.
Greetings from germany
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Old 16.04.2013, 22:16
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pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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I can't add any of those links as they redirect to the main videos site so the plugin thinks they're offline...which they are as they do not link to single videos anymore.
I still don't know what's wrong here...

GreeZ psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager

Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download

A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
Originally Posted by Jiaz View Post
Do you have Nero installed?
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