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Old 20.02.2012, 03:11
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Default safelinking.net (decrypter out of date)

Im having a problem with safelinking.net URLs recently. My JD is up to date (0.9.581). JD is unable to process the links, but they work in the web browser.

Here are some examples:

**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**

Here is my log:


------------------------ Thread: 42 -----------------------
42 2/19/12 9:07:01 PM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> SEVERE Exception occurred
jd.http.Browser$BrowserException: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
at jd.http.Browser.loadConnection(Browser.java:1018)
at jd.http.Browser.getPage(Browser.java:349)
at jd.plugins.decrypter.SflnkgNt.decryptIt(SflnkgNt.java:60)
at jd.plugins.PluginForDecrypt.decryptLink(Unknown Source)
at jd.plugins.PluginForDecrypt$1DThread.run(Unknown Source)
at jd.plugins.PluginForDecrypt$1DThread.go(Unknown Source)
at jd.nutils.jobber.Jobber$Worker.run(Jobber.java:289)
42 2/19/12 9:07:01 PM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: jd.plugins.decrypter.SflnkgNt@ea95e0
42 2/19/12 9:07:01 PM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: 15745
------------------------ Thread: 43 -----------------------
43 2/19/12 9:07:01 PM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> SEVERE Exception occurred
jd.http.Browser$BrowserException: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
at jd.http.Browser.loadConnection(Browser.java:1018)
at jd.http.Browser.getPage(Browser.java:349)
at jd.plugins.decrypter.SflnkgNt.decryptIt(SflnkgNt.java:60)
at jd.plugins.PluginForDecrypt.decryptLink(Unknown Source)
at jd.plugins.PluginForDecrypt$1DThread.run(Unknown Source)
at jd.plugins.PluginForDecrypt$1DThread.go(Unknown Source)
at jd.nutils.jobber.Jobber$Worker.run(Jobber.java:289)
43 2/19/12 9:07:01 PM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: jd.plugins.decrypter.SflnkgNt@546909
43 2/19/12 9:07:01 PM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: 15745
------------------------ Thread: 44 -----------------------
44 2/19/12 9:07:05 PM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> SEVERE Exception occurred
jd.http.Browser$BrowserException: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
at jd.http.Browser.loadConnection(Browser.java:1018)
at jd.http.Browser.getPage(Browser.java:349)
at jd.plugins.decrypter.SflnkgNt.decryptIt(SflnkgNt.java:60)
at jd.plugins.PluginForDecrypt.decryptLink(Unknown Source)
at jd.plugins.PluginForDecrypt$1DThread.run(Unknown Source)
at jd.plugins.PluginForDecrypt$1DThread.go(Unknown Source)
at jd.nutils.jobber.Jobber$Worker.run(Jobber.java:289)
44 2/19/12 9:07:05 PM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: jd.plugins.decrypter.SflnkgNt@3e07bd
44 2/19/12 9:07:05 PM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: 15745
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Old 20.02.2012, 08:41
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Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :]
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Old 20.02.2012, 14:04
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pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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Fixed, will work again after the next MAJOR update!

GreeZ pspzockerscene
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