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Old 16.06.2024, 07:00
TGU TGU is offline
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Default UNKNOWN/OFFLINE Package & Link Availability, and their Filenames

I'm Looking into some error handling and just want to confirm and have it for other people to generally reference.

Links with OFFLINE or UNKNOWN status are (by default) put into a "Offline Files" package. If the link is offline and it fits into an existing package, it will go there.

Links with OFFLINE status "always" have their host set to the URL's hostname with their filenames as below.

Links with UNKNOWN status are a little bit messy, they have their host as "linkcrawlerretry".

The filename can be "RetryReason!Identifier" format, whatever the plugin can extract (the actual filename or like the last path of the URL), or "unknownFileName" if empty. (! is replaced with ¡ as of the latest update)

The "RetryReason" is one of the enums within jd.plugins.DecrypterRetryException.RetryReason however some plugins can have their own RetryReason text and they can change depending on the client language set. ("Content offline", "Wrong password", ...)

The "Identifier" is extracted from the URL if available typically a filename or ID, else it's set to the URL's plugin hostname

The link will sometimes have a comment set with their RetryReason depending on the reason if there is no comment already set.
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Old 16.06.2024, 21:37
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Jiaz Jiaz is offline
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-Permanent Offline links (handled by Offline plugin) will always go to "Permanent Offline" package
-Offline links will be put into Offline package in case they are not part of different package (set by rules, plugin) or have better fitting package in list (filename matching)
-Unknown links will be put into Offline package in case they are not part of different package (set by rules, plugin) or have better fitting package in list (filename matching)

Linkcrawlerretry is a special host plugin that happens when there are issue certain issues during linkcrawling/processing the link, see Settings->Advanced Settings->LinkCrawler.addretrycrawlertasks2
those links allow user to easily fix the issue(eg blocked IP, account required, plugin settings must be changed) and reprocess the link again. there is no fixed/reliable filename for this, as this error can happen at any stage so filename may be available or not, or the error title is not available and others.
You should only work on the RetryReason reason, the text is free and not meant for programmatically handling/usage as they may change.

If you need any special API/better support for those links, please let me know. Of course also just ask if you got further questions on this.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
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