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Old 03.06.2023, 11:59
tt_1111 tt_1111 is offline
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Default [Can't reproduce] Premiumize.me not working

Since yesterday premiumize.me isn't working with JDownloader.

Latest version, re-installed to be sure.

Account okay.

Manual download in Premiumize.me web interface works like a charm. Only JDL isn't even trying to generate premium links.

What's going on?

Log-ID: 03.06.23 10.43.32 <--> 03.06.23 10.59.05 jdlog://9475311370661/
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Old 03.06.2023, 12:47
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I have the same problem since today. JDownloader says no account although my account is active. Via the Premiumize page it works normally.

06/03/2013 10.13.46 <--> 06/03/2013 11.44.57 jdlog://2575311370661/
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Old 03.06.2023, 14:09
Genusstaucher Genusstaucher is offline
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Default Same, same

JDownloader does't work with premiumize.me any more... Since yesterday. The failure ist 'Übersprungen - kein Account'.
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Old 03.06.2023, 14:25
cosmic_child cosmic_child is offline
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Next Update: check other dd´s in premiumize .. they are running prefectly , looks like a dd-download problem in premiumize...!)

It´s running now - problem fixed with the update !
Thx a lot for the quick repairing!!

not only a problem with premiumize - another hoster running not too (highway..)
Status: "Skipped - Account is missing"
In Settings: AccountManager - the status is fine (Account is ok: Premium)
plz check it
thx cosmic

Last edited by cosmic_child; 04.06.2023 at 12:37.
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Old 04.06.2023, 13:46
Genusstaucher Genusstaucher is offline
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Many Thanx for the very quick repairing! After the update premiumize.me & jdownloader works very fine

Great! After the quickest software hotfix ever all works fine! Thank you so much!

Last edited by raztoki; 05.06.2023 at 00:23.
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Old 06.06.2023, 00:52
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Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the trouble
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Old 27.09.2023, 18:52
rips666 rips666 is offline
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It seems like this problem is back - exactly as described.

When trying to download a rapidgator link through the premiumize.me plug, it skips it claiming that the "account is missing". But the premiumize account is perfectly OK and listed as fine.

Also, the multihoster feature (here for rapidgator) does work. When I export the link in JD2 as a .dlc and then upload this to premiumize.me in the browser, it loads the file without error. And even more - trying to download the same link then in JD2 again (after the manual step in the browser before) does work!

So what fails is obviously the trigger towards premiumize.me to load it in the first place. An observation: In the past I saw many short "waiting" messages in JD2 until the premiumize.me service was fetching the file. Then the download started whenever that was finished. Now the "waiting" message is only displayed once and then JD2 tries to immediately download the result - which fails.

It all worked until yesterday, when it suddenly stopped in the middle of a download list.

Here are the logs:

27.09.23 17.41.00 <--> 27.09.23 17.42.15 jdlog://3208311370661/
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Old 05.10.2023, 15:33
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according to your log, multiple download attempts failed with premiumize API error:
{"status":"error","message":"Error downloading this file."}
-> You can easily check your own logs by looking into your logs folder, search text files containing "premiumize" and then in them just search for "status":"error","message" .

Again, this is not a JDownloader bug.
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Old 06.10.2023, 11:08
rips666 rips666 is offline
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Ah... OK, so it's the Premiumize API that is broken - I'm going to tell them.

This only seems to affect Rapidgator-through-Premiumize, any other host does work.

1) Trying to load a Rapidgator link in JD2 throws an error, claiming that there is "no Premiumize account".

2) Exporting the link into a .dlc and then uploading that to Premiumize loads the files (within Premiumize in your "cloud" storage) without hazzle.

3) Then trying to download the Rapidgator (!) link again in JD2 suddenly works fine through the Premiumize bridge.

So this is really a bit confusing from the user's perspective... I will tell their support. In the meantime, if anyone else gets this problem, try this workaround as above.
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Old 06.10.2023, 11:15
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Originally Posted by rips666 View Post
Ah... OK, so it's the Premiumize API that is broken - I'm going to tell them.
The premiumize API is not broken at all.
It didn't work in the moment JDownloader tried so eventually JD gave up.

Originally Posted by rips666 View Post
1) Trying to load a Rapidgator link in JD2 throws an error, claiming that there is "no Premiumize account".
Did you add an account usage rule to prevent JD from falling back to downloading without account when accouznt download fails?
and please also read this one:

To me it looks like premiumize is taking longer to download the file serverside.
In this case, their API should really return a different response to make JD wait too so maybe there is a bug on their side. I'm not an active user of their service so I'm afraid that's all I can say for now.
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Last edited by pspzockerscene; 06.10.2023 at 13:23. Reason: Fixed typo
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Old 06.10.2023, 13:04
rips666 rips666 is offline
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I have a rule to only use Premiumize for Rapidgator and no other access (neither a Rapidgator account, nor a free account). If Premiumize fails, JD2 shall stop with that link - this is intended, because it will mostly run unattended and any captcha wouldn't be solved anyway.

To me it looks like premiumize is taking longer to download the file serverside.
In this case, their APÖI should really return a different response to make JD wait too so maybe there is a bug on their side.
This is exactly what happened in JD2 until very recently!

For Rapidgator (and only that) JD didn't start to download, but instead showed a flickering "waiting for ... to complete" message. It had a kind of timer suggesting a very long wait - something like 12000 seconds - but it renewed every 5 seconds or so.

After some time (about 2-3 minutes depending on the filesize) it suddenly started downloading - so the "timer" was only a dummy, JD2 checked it every few seconds until it was available.

*Now* this flickering queue doesn't exist anymore. The "waiting" message is only displayed once and then it immediately claims the "account missing" a few seconds later.

By chance, I have been able to "see" this change of habit about 1-2 weeks ago, when it started.

JD2 was working on a list of about 12 Rapidgator links. The first 5 worked as usual, one by one, and then suddenly the 6th (and everything after) didn't invoke the "waiting cycle" anymore. The change (in the API or wherever) happened exactly in that moment.

Should I explain all this to the Premiumize Support?

*** Edit:

Just checked it again - it no longer shows the "queue" message once, that was last week. It now only says "starting" and then after some 5 seconds directly "account missing".

Last edited by rips666; 06.10.2023 at 13:12.
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Old 06.10.2023, 13:25
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Originally Posted by rips666 View Post
I have a rule to only use Premiumize for Rapidgator and no other access (neither a Rapidgator account, nor a free account).
Please post a screenshot of that [opened] rule.

Originally Posted by rips666 View Post
For Rapidgator (and only that) JD didn't start to download, but instead showed a flickering "waiting for ... to complete" message. It had a kind of timer suggesting a very long wait - something like 12000 seconds - but it renewed every 5 seconds or so.

After some time (about 2-3 minutes depending on the filesize) it suddenly started downloading - so the "timer" was only a dummy, JD2 checked it every few seconds until it was available.
This is how it is supposed to work.

Originally Posted by rips666 View Post
Should I explain all this to the Premiumize Support?
Tell them the "API queue handling" looks to be broken and link them to this thread.
If they got more questions, they already know how to contact me.
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Old 06.10.2023, 15:41
rips666 rips666 is offline
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Here is the screenshot of the Rapidgator rules...
Attached Thumbnails
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Old 06.10.2023, 15:42
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That looks good.
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Old 08.10.2023, 17:46
rips666 rips666 is offline
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OK... so now it's getting sightly weird. First of all I got a reply from the Premiumize Support:

We have thoroughly investigated the matter and tested both JDownloader2 and our API. Based on our findings, everything appears to be functioning correctly. However, we did encounter some issues in the last week of September, which resulted in errors for some downloads. Please note that these issues were not related to JDownloader2.

To assist you further, could you please confirm if the problem is still occurring for you? If it is, we kindly request that you provide us with an example link so that we can check our logs and investigate the issue more thoroughly.
I tried and the result is... tricky

Last week I have tried several links, one by one, each day, none of them worked. In the end I kept a list of 12 links that I tried once a day. The first link failed and then JD2 set the "account skipped" error on all links.

I tried this again today and it failed again. But then I quit/restarted JD2 and then tried the *second* link in the list. Surprise... it worked! Then the third link, and it worked! Then the *first* link... and it failed again, setting all other links to "skipped".

So now this is what happened: Last week no Rapidgator link worked through the Premiumize plug, including this first link. It somehow seems that JD2 kind of "remembered" this, and whenever I tried the whole list recently, it failed on the first entry.

However, the remaining 11 links probably would have worked in the meantime.

So is this doomed "first" link broken? No: I uploaded the URL to Premiumize, it worked and downloaded there without problems, and *then* it even worked in JD2 using the original Rapidgator-Link.

Hm... is it possible that JD2 somehow "caches" the way how it accesses a specific URL and then always uses that?

Premiumize confirmed there was some trouble in September - which probably resulted in this failed access. It looks to me as if JD2 would have "remembered" this failed way for this single first link and then re-used it every time, while any other link already worked again.
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Old 09.10.2023, 09:37
rips666 rips666 is offline
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I'm afraid my description was probably confusing... this is what happened - for about two weeks I had the same list of links, it got resumed once a day and then started to test. This is what happened:

link1 (failed and then skipped the rest)
link2 (skipped)
link3 (skipped)
link4 (skipped)
link5 (skipped)
link6 (skipped)
link7 (skipped)
link8 (skipped)
link9 (skipped)
It was still the same yesterday after getting the info from Premiumize that it should be working again... Until I got the idea to rearrange the order, then this happened:

link2 (worked)
link3 (worked)
link1 (failed and then skipped the rest)
link4 (skipped)
link5 (skipped)
link6 (skipped)
link7 (skipped)
link8 (skipped)
link9 (skipped)
I rearranged again and it confirmed the "link1 is still cursed" theory:

link4 (worked)
link5 (worked)
link6 (worked)
link7 (worked)
link8 (worked)
link9 (worked)
link1 (failed)
Then I uploaded link1 with the browser, Premiumized loaded it within a minute. Instead of downloading it from there in the browser, I resumed in JD2 once again, and this time:

link1 (worked)
So JD2 kind of "remembered" from last week that link1 couldn't be loaded and continued to fail, while all other links (that I didn't "try" last week) now suddenly worked.

All links that already failed once in the recent past continued to fail, all "virgin" links that were never tried in September actually worked again.
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Old 09.10.2023, 13:05
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Originally Posted by rips666 View Post
Hm... is it possible that JD2 somehow "caches" the way how it accesses a specific URL and then always uses that?
Some JD plugins (also the PM plugin) do save generated direct-URLs in order to be able to:
- Resume stopped downloads faster
- Try to prevent wasting account-traffic as some filehosts will charge you again and again each time you generate a fresh direct-URL

If the attempt to download a "cached" direct-URL fails, an attempt to generate a fresh direct-URL will be made.

Originally Posted by rips666 View Post
link1 (failed and then skipped the rest)
Log please.

Certain errors will temporarily deactivate whole filehosts via multihoster.
If you try link1 and the PM API returns "RG doesn't work at this moment", all RG links will be temporarily not tried via PM for X time.
This is not a bug but the intended behavior and to check what happened on your side, logs are needed.

Originally Posted by rips666 View Post
So JD2 kind of "remembered" from last week that link1 couldn't be loaded and continued to fail, while all other links (that I didn't "try" last week) now suddenly worked.
Most likely what I described above happened and the cause of failure will be clearly visible in your logs.

Please post your log-ID here
If your bugreport is about a specific website which JD supports via plugin, please also provide example URLs which can be used to reproduce the issue you are having.

Bitte poste deine Log-ID hier.
Falls dein gemeldetes Problem ein Problem mit einer Webseite ist, die per Plugin unterstützt wird, stelle bitte zusätzlich Testlinks zur Verfügung, mit denen sich dein Problem nachstellen lässt.

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Old 09.10.2023, 16:04
rips666 rips666 is offline
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Thanks... I obviously can't reproduce and log this error now, because I would need a link that was first tried 2 weeks ago - like this "link1" in my example.

I know it sounds confusing, that's why I did my second post with the example lists... If you're curious, please read it again, it explains exactly what happened.

Note: I am *not* referring to the fact that JD2 disables the host once it failed. I am well aware of this. That's why I *resumed* the whole lot for every new try, again and again.

For your information and curiosity, I sum it up again as precise and verified as possible:

1) There was a bug at Premiumize (confirmed by them) in late September. JD2 was unrelated.

2) All Rapidgator links at that time (let's call it "Bugtime") failed as described above in September.

3) All links *once* started during Bugtime in September kind of "remembered" that in JD2 and continued to fail till yesterday. You could resume/check/quit/restart as often as you liked, *once* it failed in September, it never worked afterwards.

Any other (Rapidgator) ones all did, *not* those...

I can't do this for a log any more now - simply because I have no old link (dragged in September) left. But if you want to take a look, please check my logs from the 27th (27.09.23 17.41.00 <--> 27.09.23 17.42.15 jdlog://3208311370661/)

This was exactly this "link1" from my example above.

4) Rapidgator links dragged in September during Bugtime, but *never* started back then, now *did* work in October!

5) As well as any new links dragged today.

I have been very careful to observe and investigate these things and details and tried to describe it as accurate as possible. And I can definitely confirm my observation: It made a difference if a Rapifgator link was once *started* during Bugtime in September. Those links then got a "curse" or spell on them and didn't work afterwards, no matter how often I resumed, re-checked and restarted them.

To me it looks like that JD2 makes a difference if a link was once broken and then resumed, to a virgin link that was never ever started before. Those old links (here "link1") get treated/accessed somehow differently, for whatever obscure side-effect or local environment here on my client side.

So to cut a long story short: The problem is obviously FIXED right now and doesn't repeat with newly added links.

So my report was for the pure sake of information and curiosity. If it ever happens again, I'll make a log and post here again - so thank you right now for your assistance, and best wishes.
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Old 09.10.2023, 16:10
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I did read- and understand your previous post.

To make it absolutely clear:
Originally Posted by rips666 View Post
3) All links *once* started during Bugtime in September kind of "remembered" that in JD2 and continued to fail till yesterday. You could resume/check/quit/restart as often as you liked, *once* it failed in September, it never worked afterwards.
JD does not remembger- and re-show previous error-states.
Whatever happened on your side sounds like a bug. Now the question simply is:
Will we be able to find it in your logs?

Originally Posted by rips666 View Post
I can't do this for a log any more now - simply because I have no old link (dragged in September) left. But if you want to take a look, please check my logs from the 27th (27.09.23 17.41.00 <--> 27.09.23 17.42.15 jdlog://3208311370661/)
In that Log I can see a file with name that ends with "S09E01.rar" failing due to:
{"status":"error","message":"Error downloading this file."}
I still don't see any JD issue here.
As explained, you can even search for the PM API reuqests in your own JD logs and you can easily say, which attempt failed for which reason and which response came from the PM API.

I do believe you but unfortunately your logs do not contain any new information.
If it ever happens again please report it again and provide logs.
Bugs can always happen on both side and for this one I simply can't tell who was at fault.
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Old 09.10.2023, 16:32
rips666 rips666 is offline
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In that Log I can see a file with name that ends with "S09E01.rar" failing
Yes, that file did the voodoo...

I don't know if Premiumize was already fixed or still bugged on September 27th... but in the end it was this one single file/link that mysteriously "remembered" that it was supposed to fail...

If it was fixed then this log message was exactly what happened all of the time - and it definitely wasn't a JD2 bug, just something that got co-triggered by JD2.

If we're lucky then it will just never happen again... thanks again for your patience and help.
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Old 09.10.2023, 16:51
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Thanks for your detailed feedback.
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Old 10.10.2023, 12:26
rips666 rips666 is offline
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A final information by Premiumize, in regard of the discussion here:

A link that once failed is still in our system, but with the failed status. If they are re submitted, they should re-download anyway, but I will verify if that is actually the case.
This is a very subtle error that could easily go unnoticed during testing.
Basically I will verify that a re-submit of links that had an error previously works and re-starts them.
Makes sense and could solve the riddle - if I understand it right then it would exactly explain the noticed behaviour, but not because JD2 "remembered" the failure but actually Premiumize itself.
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Old 10.10.2023, 12:31
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Yap sounds plausible.
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