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Old 31.03.2020, 17:33
pspzockerscene's Avatar
pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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Default Random plugin errors/temporarily unavailable: Cloudflare issues

Cloudflare FAQ (Deutsche Version HIER)

Update 2023: This information also applies to similar "anti DDoS providers" such as: ShieldSquare, DDoS-Guard

How can I see whether a website is using Cloudflare or not?
  • Open the same website in a private window and check if you can see a "Checking your browser" window
  • Check if the website has Cloudflare cookies set:
Screenshot of Cloudflare "Checking your browser" page - if you see this, a website is clearly using Cloudflare:

What can I do as a user?
  • Notify the website owner and to read our advice below in this FAQ
    Website owners / admins of affected website can solve this issue server-side which means our plugin for the affected website would work fine again immediately!
  • If you are using a proxy/VPN, disable it and try again
  • There are some (open source) projects which are basically solving Cloudflare challenges within a proxy. You might want to have a look at them.
    Exemplaric project 1: github.com/VeNoMouS/cloudscraper
    Exemplaric project 2: github.com/FlareSolverr/FlareSolverr

What can I do as a website admin / owner if I want my website to be JDownloader compatible again immediately?
  • Completely disable Cloudflare or configure it in a better way see:
  • Provide an API/2nd domain which is not affected by Cloudflare

Have these issues been caused by recently released JDownloader updates?
These issues were caused by the above mentioned change of Cloudflare.

Which services/plugins are affected by this?
There will never be a full list as we hope to have this resolved until too many are affected but you will find an (incomplete and not up-to-date) list just below this post.

Why do affected plugins still sometimes work fine and sometimes fail?
1. Website owners can always enable/disable Cloudflare.
2. It depends on how their Cloudflare is configured and also, if a website is e.g. under attack, Cloudflare will be more "aggressive" - also see "What can I do as a user" in the upper part of this post.
Some websites which are in general more "JDownloader-friendly" will additionally try to allow JDownloader users' traffic to pass Cloudflare

I'm only having Cloudflare issues during login in JD for a specific website, is there anything I can do?
For some websites, you can use the cookie login method as a workaround.
These are marked in bold orange in the list below.
Using the mentioned workaround may help to add accounts but the crawl/download-process may still fail.

If you think you are having issues with specified plugins because of this change, you can post them below in this thread.
Once we integrated the Cloudflare changes, everything may go back to normal.
You may get this issue solved quicker by contacting the respective site-owners and letting them configure/disable their Cloudflare than waiting for a bugfix of our team!

Best regards,
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager

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A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
Originally Posted by Jiaz View Post
Do you have Nero installed?

Last edited by pspzockerscene; 27.08.2024 at 17:30. Reason: Fixed screenshot
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