Site requires login and vk has changed api to *not yet supported* oauth, that's why it fails
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
A similar problem with "user profiles". Can you fix it quickly (VERY EASY)
Example problematic link: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** You should only find a similar link in the source **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** OR **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** 19.06.18 21.17.39 <--> 19.06.18 21.20.53 jdlog://4258954433151/ |
and... change to:
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Source VK: <aside aria-label="Photo"> <div id="page_avatar" class="page_avatar"><a id="profile_photo_link" href="/photo235113183_456240251" onclick="return showPhoto('235113183_456240251', 'album235113183_0/rev', {"temp": |
@djmakinera: as long as plugin doesn't support new oauth, nothing will help
from log, User authorization failed: no access_token passed
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
In this case, "oauth" is not required because "idXXXX"(PROFILE USER) works fine (decrypts correctly), in the page source there is an id for user's albums.
My request is to change the current nickaname to idXXXX. Eg. vk.com/nickname to vk.com/idXXXX or /albumsXXXX As I remember, he did pspzockerscene, so maybe you can do it. Example: vk.com view-source:**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Source page: Find example: oid: 5592362} id1 = albums1 etc. **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** CHANGE TO **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** (work decrypt) ============================ The second issue Code:
User authorization failed: no access_token passed.","request_params":[{"key":"oauth","value":"1"}, Quote:
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
So wait for pspzocker to work on the plugin then
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
This script changes nickname to id
![]() Code:
javascript: var arr=bodyNode.innerHTML.match(/uiPhotoZoom.over\([^\(\)\d]+(\d+)/g); var ids=[]; for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ ids.push(arr[i].match(/uiPhotoZoom.over\([^\(\)\d]+(\d+)/)[1]); }; bodyNode.innerHTML='**External links are only visible to Support Staff**+ids.join('<br>**External links are only visible to Support Staff**); void(0); |
I'm not working on the plugin, so wait for pspzocker to have time again
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Or this script replace the names (nickname) with IDXXXX (work decrypt), but it needs to be fixed because it does not work (no longer), probably.
vk_pages.parse_screen_names=function(list){ var PER_REQ=100; var offset=0; var links=[]; var oid=null; var type='owner_id'; var lid=0; var abort=false; if (oid) list.push(oid); function next(){ offset=0; if (lid>=list.length) { var to_file=isChecked('links_to_file'); vkSetVal('vk_collect_links_to_file',to_file?'1':'0'); ge('vk_links_container').innerHTML='<h2>count: '+links.length+'</h2><textarea style="width:590px; height:300px;">'+links.join('\n')+'</textarea>'; if (to_file) vkSaveText(links.join('\n'),("ids_list_"+list.length).substr(0,250)+".txt"); return; } oid=list[lid]+''; oid=oid.split(/\?|#/)[0].split('/').pop().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+/g,''); if (!oid || oid==''){ lid++; next(); } else { scan(); lid++; } } function scan(){ if (abort) return; dApi.call('utils.resolveScreenName',{screen_name:oid},function(r){ if (abort) return; var data=r.response; if (r.error){ ge('vk_scan_log').innerHTML+='Scan error. <b>'+oid+'</b> ('+r.error.error_msg+'). Skip...<br>'; next(); return; } var lnk='**External links are only visible to Support Staff**; switch (data.type){ case 'user': lnk+='albums'+data.object_id+'?profile=1'; break; case 'group': lnk+='wall-'+data.object_id+'?own=1'; break; case 'page': lnk+='wall-'+data.object_id+'?own=1'; break; case 'event': lnk+='wall-'+data.object_id+'?own=1'; break; case 'application': lnk+='app'+data.object_id; break; default: lnk=data.type?'**External links are only visible to Support Staff**+data.type+data.object_id:'Not found: '+oid; } links.push(lnk); ge('vk_links_container_progr').innerHTML=(list.length>1?vkProgressBar(lid,list.length,600):''); next(); }) } var html='<div id="vk_links_container"><div id="vk_links_container_progr"></div>'+ '<br><div class="checkbox'+(vkGetVal('vk_collect_links_to_file')=='1'?' on':'')+' fl_l" id="links_to_file" onclick="checkbox(this);"><div></div>Save links list to file after scan</div><br><div id="vk_scan_log"></div></div>'; var box=vkAlertBox(IDL('Links'),html,function(){abort=true;}); box.setOptions({width:"640px"}); next(); } vk_pages.scan_links_list_box=function(){ var html='<textarea id="vk_links_list" style="width:560px; height:300px;"></textarea>'; var aBox = new MessageBox({title: IDL('Enter_links')}); aBox.removeButtons(); aBox.addButton(getLang('box_cancel'),aBox.hide, 'no') aBox.addButton('OK',function(){ var links=ge('vk_links_list').value; links=trim(links).split(/\s*[\r\n,]+\s*/); aBox.hide(); if (links.length==0){ alert('List is empty...'); } else { vk_pages.parse_screen_names(links); } },'yes'); aBox.content(html); aBox.setOptions({width:"600px", onHide:function(){aBox.content('');}}); aBox.show(); } vk_pages.scan_links_list_box(); |
Well I'll wait, but unfortunately, it lasts a long time (the 2 year)
Question about advanced settings of the VK plugin.
Please tell me which exact setting should I enable to detect and decrypt only the vk link to the profile? Example link: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Screenshot: https://postimg.cc/image/6pnarv15d/ |
Wait for return of pspzocker. It's his plugin, he can tell you
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
I tested all advanced options, but without success, it only detects photos, etc., but not links. It seems to me that dev should add a new option to detect secondary links in posts. I am waiting impatiently for pspzockerscene.
Max. simulaneous not work (if error) SLOW DOWNLOAD
This bug occurs many years. After all errors have been achieved (can not resume downloading even though the picture is available) only the restart helps. Download System 2.0??? But this limits the maximum number of photo downloads, and as you know, only the maximum number increases simultaneous the maximum speed (SMALL FILES *.jpg). He gets all day and it's slow going. I am asking for repairs or automatically DISABLE MANY repeating errors. |
![]() |
when i go to biqle.com and copy the url from the vk embedded video with downloadhelper, it gets collected by jdownloader and it is downloaded, but without proper filename....
but it works this way.... but sending all files from one page to JD does not work :-/ some embedded links go to daxab.com some to crazycloud.ru maybe i should add a vk account with login data? Last edited by sick2k5; 19.07.2018 at 09:42. |
How about posting a log? Screenshot shows many *temp unavailable* and just by screenshot I would say that serverside blocks too many concurrent downloads.
This has nothing to do with download system
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Nothing blocks, I always downloaded many simultaneous downloads, I just can not resume downloading and I am trying to download Starting Download (over and over again). This is an old error that I have already reported.
Sometimes Resume = not work (Starting Resume Starting Resume Repeat ACTION) BUG Restart link = work 20+ simultanesous VK download = always support (not block) |
Please fix bug resume *jpg file:
20.07.18 11.02.10 <--> 20.07.18 11.02.30 jdlog://0140164433151/ |
Log does not contain a single error.
Please provide a log that shows the *not resume* issue. Please note that not all images can be resumed! Some servers do transparent caching/others have transparent cloudflare image compression, resuming those links have high chances of broken download/image So please provide a log that contains the issue, then I can tell more
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Even if you can not resume, how will the maximum downloads pool run out, download only one file at a time, which causes a terrible slowdown in downloads.
How to limit repetition of the same errors and still increase simultaneous downloads. This is important for downloading download. |
Only manual restart allows to download 100% of the file, but I will not be spending non-stop on guarding the downloads, which should be restarted, this is a super-strenuous activity and terribly idiotic.
How to automatic restart if STOP resume??? |
![]() Quote:
I need to connect a new drive and again download it for new errors. You have to wait. |
How to completely ignore such links. Recognizing that the photo is deleted, instead of repeating that is temporarily unavailable???
Source: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** direct link: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** (Page Not Found) |
It is a pity that you can not help, I know that pspzockercene (2 years) and raztoki nothing :( :(. Although you are present in the forum.
Last edited by raztoki; 28.07.2018 at 02:23. Reason: removed ot |
feel free to spend 3 years to learning programming and then you can fix issues for yourself and others in your limited spare time. Sorry to say I don't have time to fix VK issues at this point. raztoki
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
Just turn off the stupid "Temporarily unavailable": Even give this service in advanced settings." You do a lot.
My super friend said: Dead server or broken file However, some image files can not be resumed, I do not know why. Only restart helps (ie downloading from the beginning) Is it difficult to solve???? |
Not knowing/understanding what *Temporarily unavailable* is and why it happens but want to disable it...Sounds like a great idea. So you want it to replace with *plugin defect* of *file offline*......
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
![]() Quote:
It will not work link anymore because Dead server or broken file! |
Please provide a log for this case and I will check the plugin
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
01.08.18 16.35.31 <--> 01.08.18 16.36.17 jdlog://5055164433151/
Error Type 1: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Error Type 2: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
Check the previous log and this new log, why can not resume downloading even though it should be possible!!!
Starting... Download (multiple repetition of the same action) Code:
Resume failed --> Retrying from zero **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
also please fix this bug:
----------------Response------------------------ HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable (Resume failed) |
![]() Quote:
Domain pp.userapi.com - direct link to servers with photos. Other domains - cache-servers I will try to change in advanced settings (final download link) |
Jiaz - Advanced Setting Plugin VK
Please update the server (enable change) Currently, pp.vk.me change to pp.userapi.com It should work resumption of photo downloading |
Please fix it, because the old server is no longer working (out of date).
The current server is pp.userapi.com Screenshot: https://postimg.cc/image/esyj4izkt/ Code:
java.lang.Exception: createOfflinelink **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
i have a problem too. i want to download: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** here is the log: 29.10.18 18.18.05 <--> 29.10.18 18.18.00 jdlog://2902564433151/ |
![]() Code:
VKontakteRuHoster has static field: match with null content! The link is only available from the search level, so I am asking for such link support. 07.11.18 18.03.52 <--> 07.11.18 18.06.37 jdlog://1195564433151/ **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
Download does not work, an error indicating that the account is missing
07.11.18 18.03.52 <--> 07.11.18 18.19.51 jdlog://7195564433151/ **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
Even after several months I STILL cannot log onto vk.com (vkontakte.ru) with jdownloader... this has been VERY frustrating!
Here is a log of my recent attempts... I hope it helps. 22.12.18 05.56.54 <--> 26.12.18 22.13.32 jdlog://5440476935451/ |
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