I've added this to our existing vk ticket: Support for .gif images in the near future is unlikely going to be added ... -psp-
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Issue parsing.
Do not parse all albums if more than 50. There should be 52 albums. Source: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Missing album: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
It found all 46 000 entries (52 packages/albums) here. Wartest du auf einen angekündigten Bugfix oder ein neues Feature? Updates werden nicht immer sofort bereitgestellt! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! --- Are you waiting for recently announced changes to get released? Updates to not necessarily get released immediately! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! -psp-
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Problem, parsing wall stuck at "Found 5030"
Crawling stuck... It doesn't even register anything new in the log since that moment in... vk.com_jd.plugins.decrypter.VKontakteRu **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Enabled "all types Grab" (setting) |
A lot of data losting during decryption, many links are not found during analysis, please see for example if the log contains this type of link:
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** I do not have, like many others ... (the more older the post analyzes), the more these links will not be found ... Important: Only please start test decrypting from source: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
I'm unable to reproduce your issue and it never gets stuck for me.
It is possible that there is a large amount of posts in a row without any downloadable content. Right now I got 5058 vk URLs and 1 youtube package. Please post your log-ID here | bitte poste deine Log-ID hier. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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This is not a big wall. 10k only It is really small and should parse quickly.
The log should be significantly larger than 180 MB, if it stops in the log nothing new is recorded even for an hour or more or unknown long time I don't parse all photo links in the log, and it's easy to check (find url editor) Work maybe some firsts offset, and other stuck... Probably (!!) this is caused if the wall contains any video links, then you can never fully analyze the site. All the time then parsing is endless over and over and nothing is registered in the log further! But I only want to complete register log. The log takes 110MB. I had to stop because I never stop working even when I work all day. Copmplete stuckIt doesn't register anything new in the log! 27.06.20 20.43.11 <--> 27.06.20 20.55.58 jdlog://7748025302851/ |
Parsing is complete. Links are missing e.g. to posts, photos (not video!) E.g. from this offset or all recent offsets (approximately)
See screenshot. Click on some photo (walll website vk.com) copy -idXXX_XXX and search in the DECRYPTER log. **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
Sorry but without detailed URLs to the missing content, I'm unable to help you.
Also you seem to be the only user with this issue. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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![]() Quote:
You can watch it in the browser without any problem. In JD it looks like “offline” and instead of the videofile you see this line: “video-130074765_456239794”. 29.06.20 21.12.02 <--> 29.06.20 21.17.43 jdlog://1698025302851/ I hope you see it soon enough. I'll try to send a PN to you. |
I'm unable to reproduce your issue. I get one item, 1080+ and about 4,9GiB in size. Please open a new JD session (= restart JD), do NOT add anything else but problematic vk.com URLs and then upload a new log. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Hi pspzockerscene,
The video from yesterday works now for me as well: 1080p and about 4,9 GB in size. Quote:
In JD it looks like “offline” but you can watch it in the browser. In the log-file are only 4-5 minutes, only this link (exactly like the log of yesterday) 01.07.20 21.46.20 <--> 01.07.20 21.50.28 jdlog://1649025302851/ I hope that you can see the link soon... ![]() |
![]() Quote:
Please wait for the next CORE-Update to get released to try it out: Wartest du auf einen angekündigten Bugfix oder ein neues Feature? Updates werden nicht immer sofort bereitgestellt! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! --- Are you waiting for recently announced changes to get released? Updates to not necessarily get released immediately! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download Last edited by raztoki; 03.07.2020 at 13:34. |
Thank you for the answer, pspzockerscene.
This video from today evening, which doesn’t work in JD, is definitely online, because at the same time you can download it with youtube-dl. **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** 02.07.20 22.34.40 <--> 02.07.20 23.06.26 jdlog://5869025302851/ C:\Users\b>youtube-dl --list-formats **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** [vk] -130074765_456239801: Downloading JSON metadata [vk] -130074765_456239801: Downloading m3u8 information [info] Available formats for -130074765_456239801: format code extension resolution note hls-1474 mp4 640x360 1474k hls-1966 mp4 853x480 1966k hls-2949 mp4 1280x720 2949k hls-4423 mp4 1920x1080 4423k (best) I hope that this workaround solves this issue. ![]() |
Hi again,
I don't need any new logs/example URLs regarding this issue. Please wait for the next CORE-update and check it it resolves your issues. In the meantime you can download such videos with the help of browser addons like "Video DownloadHelper" & JDownloader or, as you've already discovered, youtube-dl. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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I can't download content from the wall. If I start the analysis from the beginning. I will open the log and want to find the content, but there is none. Not found. I know that once I could see every "offset" number in the log - now I don't know this detailed information in the log. I entered in the test editor and extracted all "jd2" offset - I didn't analyze some offset offset=(\d+) [spoiler] Correct per one offset=20+ Bug: offset=11143 offset=11143 This is a decryption error, it analyzes the wrong offset (see in the log Log.maxlogfilesize, 200 + MB log size setting is required) to record all data There is no such thing as: Code:
All posts11,143 Enter a word or phrase here ... The wall is empty. Correct max: ?offset=11140 I analyze/crawling the wall for about 10 minutes. |
New informations.
I found an error. The log cuts off at offset = offset = 2480 So after ~2500 to 11140, offset is no longer properly analyzed (missing content) The offset list is here: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** example wall **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
Working fine here.
You can also let JD only crawl a range e.g.: vk.com/wall-123456789?currentoffset=2500&maxoffset=3000 -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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In my log, the scope indicated by me is clearly missing.
If possible, send me the full (high compressed) log. You can only delete "sensitive user data" if there are any, thank you in advance. I will need it so that I can compare my log with yours, which is actually missing. And indicate if you are really ok. Tell me what size your log contains and tell me what are your current advanced plugin settings. Settings screenshot, please. |
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** This is not a valid links an invalid range. [jd.plugins.decrypter.VKontakteRu(decryptWall_Website)] -> Decrypting offset 260 act=get_wall&al=1&fixed=&offset=260&owner_id=-120780206&type=own&wall_start_from=260 Min Value 0 Max. Value 11280 \?offset=0*([0-9]|[1-8][0-9]|9[0-9]|[1-8][0-9]{2}|9[0-8][0-9]|99[0-9]|[1-8][0-9]{3}|9[0-8][0-9]{2}|99[0-8][0-9]|999[0-9]|10[0-9]{3}|11[01][0-9]{2}|112[0-7][0-9]|11280) The log cannot be uploaded, is too large, and an error occurs. [null][null] title: Exception ocurred |
23.07.20 13.59.47 <--> 23.07.20 19.12.02 jdlog://0634125302851/
Cannot set range, always starts from the beginning "offset=0".
It does not process all offsets properly. Initially, everything is processed quickly, and then after ABOUT 5000 (+ / - ) links, everything suddenly stuck to be analyzed ... Something as if analyzing without new results and processing is finished. Exits wall analysis too quickly. Even if I had used the manual javascript parsing (all time scrool page to down) and link extraction, there would be many-many more. Despite the analysis, the log does not grow ... It is impossible, because the log should contain new source code and there is one big gap!
--ID:94TS:1595505610618-7/23/20 2:00:10 PM - [jd.plugins.decrypter.VKontakteRu(decryptWall_Website)] -> PATTERN_WALL_LINK has a max offset of 11285 and a current offset of 0
--ID:94TS:1595505610618-7/23/20 2:00:10 PM - [jd.plugins.decrypter.VKontakteRu(decryptWall_Website)] -> Decrypting offset 0 --ID:94TS:1595505611586-7/23/20 2:00:11 PM - [jd.plugins.decrypter.VKontakteRu(decryptWall_Website)] -> Decrypting offset 10 Referer: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** It would be advisable to look closely at the source of the log, what it contains, maybe some INFORMATION/MESSAGE from the VK site, which JD2 does not recognize and stops analyzing correctly. |
You simply did it wrong - you'd have to use "?maxoffset=" first and then "¤toffset=" next. Again you posted a lot of blabla but no helpful information. I've updated the plugin so it can handle the offset values no matter where they are. Wartest du auf einen angekündigten Bugfix oder ein neues Feature? Updates werden nicht immer sofort bereitgestellt! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! --- Are you waiting for recently announced changes to get released? Updates to not necessarily get released immediately! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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For example, when parsing a wall Group, it doesn't find these types of files.
Example. 0 matches are found in 0 lines. Cannot find -106920419_425483494 anywhere in document. **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** My setting (Vk plugin) Enabled: album Enabled: photo My Debug Log (Size 185 MB) 01.08.20 13.15.26 <--> 01.08.20 14.04.58 jdlog://9256125302851/ |
1. Again:
It is MAXOFFSET AND CURRENTOFFSET not just "offset" ... 2. Your given example URLs are single items - our plugin will not start grabbing content at a specific location/offset if the URLs are going to single objects .. I did not check your log as the content of your post itself makes no sense so I have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking for in your log ... -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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There is a hidden meaning in everything, you just need to understand it better.
It's very easy to find some single links in old posts on the VK page (the group I provided previously). Then check the log for these links. However, I can assure you that they will not be there. The problem is that the decrypter "doesn't decrypt a lot of links" in older posts. I understand that the log shows that the entire wall has been analyzed, but not all links (photos, post content) leading to each post. LinkGrabber show Number Links: (~ 5000 links) 5XXX This is too little, there are many, many more links on this group. In the Dialog"Filter/find" (set: FILENAME) field on the linkgrabber list, I enter the link ID. Always shows not found. So I check in the log (I open the text editor and FIND / SEARCH) if such and such link exists: also not found. |
(Scrolling pages = parse javascript) a group page from the first to the last page is practically impossible, because the browser uses a huge amount of RAM and causes the page or browser to crash.
Don't know how to extract individual links and add to JD2? If the decryption is not working properly in JD2. I also use Link Grabber Extractor"Extract the links on this page" (Extension Chrome), it works great as long as I can scroll the page fully, because then all the code is kept in RAM) |
You're again, wasting my time by providing information that I already know along with information that is not related to your request AND you're the only user with this issue.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Hi. In some groups jdownloader can't find/detect video even if video is online and play fine in browser
Jdownloader says video is offline 10.08.20 20.35.35 <--> 10.08.20 20.54.49 jdlog://3768125302851/ |
Added support for videos with only one available quality that are streamed via DASH/HLS streaming.
Wartest du auf einen angekündigten Bugfix oder ein neues Feature? Updates werden nicht immer sofort bereitgestellt! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! --- Are you waiting for recently announced changes to get released? Updates to not necessarily get released immediately! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Now jdownloader find all videos, but can't download. host problems
14.08.20 17.59.39 <--> 14.08.20 18.00.05 jdlog://8159125302851/ |
For several days I have problem with download videos from vk.com. Earlier everything was fine, but suddenly one day it stops work properly. So I try use fresh JDowloader (MULTIOS JAR) and I switch on 'best available resolution'. And it’s the same. When I add links do downloads I get for some files 'Host problem?' and time counter over and over counting 10 minutes.
![]() Quote:
15.08.20 00.31.09 <--> 15.08.20 00.34.43 jdlog://8559125302851/ |
And my log:
14.08.20 21.23.16 <--> 14.08.20 21.23.58 jdlog://2659125302851/ |
Hello, I have a problem, I can't download with JDownloader any video from VK.com. There is a notice "Host problem? (vkontakte.ru)". Why is that?
Two or three days ago, there was not any problem, I could download every video. What happened? In Settings/Status there is Account is OK: Free Account. In column Download Traffic left: Unlimited. Is it problem with JDownloader or with VK? How can I fix it? |
Fixed regression accidently introduced via the last update.
Wartest du auf einen angekündigten Bugfix oder ein neues Feature? Updates werden nicht immer sofort bereitgestellt! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! --- Are you waiting for recently announced changes to get released? Updates to not necessarily get released immediately! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Works properly now, thx!
Thanks for your feedback
![]() -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Hola, sabeis como descargar desde vk pero solo que al detectar los videos de los enlaces, muestre solo los de mayor resolución, porque ahora siempre muestra el paquete con tres o cuatro videos, que son el mismo pero con diferentes resoluciones. gracias.
Hello, is possible download from vk but the jd choose only one package with one video with the hight resolution, now in the same package show three o four videos, is the same video but with differents ressolutions.
![]() |
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