Same error. "Content offline. Sign in to confirm your age". Never asked before. Of course, in some videos.
Sample video with no problem: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Sample video with problem: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** That´s a problem. Last edited by elrafaargentino; 28.12.2024 at 03:45. |
Can you make more options in youtube downloading? I can't download lower quality or other then AV1 type version of video.
Thank you for your help: 1.) Variant column, directly in linkgrabber table 2.) Rightclick context menu -> there you can change variant/add additional ones 3.) Settings->Plugins->youtube.com By default plugin is limited to 4k, but you can change to 8k, Settings->Advanced Settings->Youtube.maxvideoresolution Last edited by qanic; 30.12.2024 at 20:04. |
Hi! Merry Xmas and a happy (soon to be) new year!
This is probably a bad time with all the Youtube issues happening at the moment, but... I'd never actually noticed before that, when downloading a Youtube video, it actually stores the video's URL in the file as a metadata-property! ![]() After downloading a video, you might forget where you got it from, so that sure is useful! ![]() However, when downloading a playlist, it doesn't JUST add the standalone URL of the video, i.e., "youtube.com/watch?v=1234568abcd", but instead, the full URL containing playlist-ID and playlist-position and all that. So instead of "youtube.com/watch?v=1234568abcd" it's "youtube.com/watch?v=1234568abcd&list=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ12345678&index=13" Quote:
Turns out, this actually creates a problem when trying use file duplicate removal tools (dupeGuru in my case) to clean up / hardlink files, since downloading the same video in different playlists will result in minor differences in the file due to the metadata-property being different for each of them, even for video-files are identical otherwise --- as in, "open in Notepad++ and run a compare"-identical. (yes of course videos downloaded months apart aren't gonna be the same file, since Youtube keeps changing compression and all, but that is no reason to let videos downloaded mere minutes apart have the same problem) Is there already a way to change this in the settings so the meta-data stays consistent betweeen channel/playlist/single video downloads? Pretty sure it wasn't always like that, as evidenced by some pre-2023 playlist files I've got that don't have this issue. I like the idea of having the video URL in the downloaded file, but without the "playlist / index" baggage. ;-) A lot of playlists I download have overlap with each other as well as with downloaded YT-channels, and sorting that out manually is impossible. Instead I use dupeGuru to hardlink duplicate files to save storage space - which fails because of this. ( "Don't add duplicates to download list" creates its own set of problems of the variety "Where did the video go, it's not in the channel's folder, which playlist-folder did it end up in?", not to mention it'd mean never being able to clean up the download list. ) |
@qanic: more options?
1.) Variant column, directly in linkgrabber table 2.) Rightclick context menu -> there you can change variant/add additional ones 3.) Settings->Plugins->youtube.com By default plugin is limited to 4k, but you can change to 8k, Settings->Advanced Settings->Youtube.maxvideoresolution
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Please try with account login, see https://support.jdownloader.org/de/k...n-instructions
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
@Chicken++: I will change back meta data to old video URL scheme.
Will ping you once the update for this is live. Quote:
Update: but there is another problem with older files. we also added chapter support this year, so not only the comment section has changed, but additional chapter support is also new.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin Last edited by Jiaz; 30.12.2024 at 16:29. |
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PS: Also, my apologies for originally posting this as a separate thread. I *did* try to puzzle out the rules of various sub-forums for where to post this, and it seemed so ... counter-intuitively chaotic to lump everything YouTube-related into a single thread (especially with recent Youtube issues this month), and Google Drive threads are separate here too, so... ![]() But I guess that's just how it's done! ^_^;; |
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JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
"Kurzzeitig nicht verügbar" suddenly disappeared and i's working again. Thanks.
https://board.jdownloader.org/showpo...postcount=6639 |
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Not sure anymore if there's some inconsistent request limit or if Youtube is just swinging back and forth serverside. So I've been downloading and link grabbing in bursts, for now. Videos already in your download queue with the "Currently unavailable" state actually will download successfully if you happen to boot up Jdownloader during one of those "Youtube feels like letting you download" periods. As for link-grabbing, well, all I can do for now is to not paste too many channels and playlists at once, and when I notice a rapidly increasing number of "offline" halfway through, I know it stopped working for the moment and I'll have to retry link-grabbing those channels / playlists later if I want to get everything. Also I'm using a "test video" on my own account to confirm if link-grabber finds it or not. Hope my insights help someone if they're really keen on not waiting until next update. ![]() |
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If I'd thought of that when I first started using Jdownloader years ago, then yeah that would've been a smart choice. Too bad I didn't think of it though and now I have my entire library already organized with a system I can't easily change. :( And redownloading the whole thing isn't an option, since it's A LOT of videos - plenty of which have since disappeared from YT, I'm sure - and it's in fact so many that I don't even have enough storage to download them all a second time without being able to "deconstruct" the old download folder somehow (and without an enormous amount of free time to execute such a task). ^_^;; |
Stripping the additional string from the url metadata in the file will not solve the problem?
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Last edited by WRESTLiNGHDD; 31.12.2024 at 13:22. |
Update: Error messages switched from "Kurzzeitig nicht verfügbar" to "Sign in to show you're not a bot". Added account with cookie method, it said "Account OK" and still didn't work. Restarting router helped. Restarting can only be a temporary fix, of course. Thanks in advance.
@WRESTLiNGHDD: It seems (reported before and other tools as well) that YT starting IP blocking (on unknown flagging criteria)
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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@Chicken++: You could use simply bash/batch script that reads URL from meta data and then rename files to have the videoID in URL. or try to use meta data stripping or removal/changing of the comment section
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Thanks for your help. |
habe leider seit kurzem mit meinem acct kein zugriff mehr auf videos , weder per browser playback oder jd download, es kommt jeweils die fehlermeldung "video nicht verfügbar" , habe auch schon in diversen foren von leuten gelesen die das gleiche problem haben, aber steckt denn dahinter ? wird das automatisiert bei irgendeinem verhalten ausgelöst ?
habe mir zb nach den feiertagen nun für jd download "zweit-konto" extra im chrome-browser neues profil verknüpft mit neu yt acct , nachdem es nun zwischenzeitlich wieder ging, aber nun ist es obwohl ich nur mein 2t konto nutze (für dl) wieder mein original acct gesperrt (geht aber mit 2ten nach einigem restart/einloggen von browser + jd ) |
I didn't know that Youtube could do such vile things, but here it is : I have been IP-banned by Youtube. I get the message "Sign in to confirm you’re not a bot. This helps protect our community" everytime I try to watch a video. All of my home computers have the same problem. I guess reseting the router won't do anything. My download settings for a Youtube channel are : • 3 simultaneous downloads • 1 chunk per download • and I try to be reasonable with the volume of downloaded data/24h But... my IP got flagged anyway. Do you know how long does the ban last ? I don't want to subscribe to a VPN, and I love downloading channels with JDownloader. Thank you :) |
@჻჻჻ @baracus2 YT started to (temp?) block IPs/accounts when they detect usage of tools or other unknown criteria. You should use a dedicated account and not put your main account at risk. also read github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/10085 and github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/11868 Support will be more and more complicated due to recent and upcomming changes. With upcomming changes in sight, I guess support will come to full stop very soon.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin Last edited by Jiaz; 04.01.2025 at 13:38. |
I never use a Youtube account to watch or download videos. I've tried to reset my router this morning, but I'm still banned.
How can Youtube detect JDownloader, if JD is not running ? JD is not a browser extension, and Youtube has no possibilty to scan my PC for running processes, loaded dlls or whatnots. Did they establish data quotas, or what ? Thanks |
@჻჻჻ YT is detecting JDownloader/other tools easily because they already require device/hardware tokens for non logged in users, that JDownloader cannot provide. Without a proper/easy way to get hands on those hardware/device tokens, it's only matter of time till support breaks.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
very interesting ....... i see
after my yt acct got blocked (browser + jd ) i created a 2nd acct for jd2 .... now after a couple days of mainaccount working again and i thought the "trick" worked, i got banned again (only the main acct not the new one which is in use now) .......... 1 ) -- if i keep downloading and using jd i do risk on getting my IP banned ? not just the account as it is now ? in that case i would have to pay for a service like NordVPN to get access to yt (or is there free options ) ? 2) btw in youtube help forum users are complaining about the same issue, but they all suggest is due to ad blockers, so it might be that youtube is attacking on all fronts is scanning users for all kinds of behavior tools like download tools and blocking tools ? 3 ) is there a way to get or save the settings on the main youtube account ? in my case i wanna save my "WATCH HISTORY" and maybe can connect it to a new acct ? i read you can connect but it might be only for connecting youtube accounts to google accounts and not move one yt acct to another one |
1.) not related to JDownloader as other tools are affected too. we can't answer your question about IP ban. neither if its temp or not, nor how long the ban is. YT is heavily blocking Datacenter IPs, thus only question of time before VPN will be blocked as well. depends if the IP is already known to be VPN/datacenter or not. Might work, might not work, we can't tell.
2.) can all be connected, only yt knows for sure 3.) sorry, don't know, can't help with that question
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
sounds pretty brutal + bleakf
btw if i'm at my parents house i do have a different IP ... so if i create a new acct there and use it over that ip it might work to get a new working acct is every account using jdownloader banned ? or whats the percentage risk getting banned? Last edited by baracus2; 04.01.2025 at 23:20. |
@baracus2: I'm sorry but don't know, can't tell. ppl report when there are issues, not when it's working fine.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
well i asked the support about this
they said its a common problem right now and they are working on it, in the meantime it could be connected to new security measures by yt they said, which is mostly related to extensions like adblocker or vpns (browser extensions) they said in the meantime i should try browsing in INCOGNITO mode w/ no extensions ( or all turned off) PS as of today my acct is unblocked again, let's see, maybe they really are working on it |
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ive gone from 5 simultaneously downloads = temp ban, to 1000 downloads a day = temp ban, to intermittent no account required. i think they may be doing temp bans based on downloads per hour in my region? with two accounts and configured usage rules its basically business as usual since the new year. i think this most recent bout of youtube nonsense may be in response to some technical/legal problem, like that time last year when discord forced people to view a youtube page 1.4 billion times in a single day. bet some ai company kicked the bear. |
JD2 fragt mich nicht mehr ob eine Playlist von Youtube heruntergeladen werden soll.
Last edited by vengeance_2012; 06.01.2025 at 17:40. |
@vengeance_2012: Was ist in Einstellungen->Plugins->youtube.com bei Playlist Modus eingestellt?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Beispiellink: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
@vengeance_2012: Dein Link hat keinerlei Referenz zu einer Playlist?!
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Sonst war es so, dass wenn ich einen Link kopiert habe und in diesem Fall auf anstatt "Alle" auf "Comedy Central..." klicke, dass ich gefragt wurde ob ich alle Videos laden möchte.
Die Videos gehören ja alle zu einer Playlist z.B. **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Aber jetzt muss ich wirklich auf Playlist gehen und die Playlist auswählen. Last edited by vengeance_2012; 06.01.2025 at 21:24. |
@vengeance_2012: Der Link hat keine Referenz zu einer Playlist. Entweder hat Youtube da was geändert oder irgendeine Browser-Erweiterung macht da faxen.
So sieht ein entsprechender Link aus ..../watch?v=fIKnWR5i2Uo&list=PLOEvbevvd_asz6nU6458hXTsPl6ltWQ3H (aus deinem Beispiel einfach kopiert). Ich kann hier aktuell kein Problem nachstellen
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Muss ich einne Umweg gehen, ist ja nicht schlimm. Dann habe ich ein anderes Problem: Dieses Video ist angeblich Offline und kann nicht herunter geladen werden:
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
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JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Das steht da wirklich. So weit habe ich noch nie gelesen XD. Das erklärt manches. Ich habe meinen YT Account schon mal hinzugefügt aber das hält maximal 3 Tage, dann ist der Account nicht mehr gültig.
Danke ![]() |
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JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
My account is not blocked - I can watch videos with it, but when I try to download videos with JD2, it says "Content offline!Error"
I have 2 accounts, it happens with both of them. Restarting the router did not help. Anything else I can do? |
It's working again ... suddenly without doing anything.
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