Ich habe mal hier ein Beispielvideo:
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** hierbei läd er nur die Videospur herunter, jedoch die Audiospur wird nicht geladen, da kommt immer nur ein Fehler. Auf der Youtube-Website lässt sich das Video z.B. in 1080p ohne Probleme abspielen. |
Du must JD2 benutzen, mit JD1 (0.9.581) geht das nicht.
Ich nutze den JD2, trotzdem kommt da nach ca. 90% Download "Youtube-Server Fehler"
![]() |
Kann ich bestätigen.
Log 25.07.14 20.10.32to25.07.14 20.24.21 jdlog://8997013173041/ |
Ich auch:
25.07.14 20.38.12to25.07.14 21.03.41 jdlog://6208013173041/ GreeZ psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
@raztoki, please add webm audio only(.ogg).also JD can download m4a(dash) as aac(without mp4 container/no remux/extract dash m4a to aac)
do you need to know itag values ? Audio (mp3, m4a, aac, ogg) @coalado & @pspzockerscene, for some resolutions, I can't tell/identify which file is dash demux/remuxed, which is non-dash. for example. 1080p always dash.720p dash or old non-dash mp4v2,480p always dash,360p dash or old non-dash mp4v2.also 720p non-dash video quality much better than 720p dash video.
**External links are only visible to Support Staff**Official **External links are only visible to Support Staff**x86&x64 **External links are only visible to Support Staff**JavaRa JDownloader: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**JD-ZIP JD-Installer JD-Nightly JD2-x86 JD2-x64 JD2 noadware: http://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=54725 http://jdownloader.org/jdownloader2 JD2-upd only JD Dev., Translator: http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/271 speedtest.net/result/3156325665.png speedtest.net/result/2332385983.png |
My youtube account keeps on asking me for 2-step verification every few hours. I do have that enabled with my google account because it has been hacked into before.
how to fix plugin under linux ?
i have problem with youtube plugin i dont know how to fix becose plugindont connect video part with audio part after download.
where i can find logs ?? whats i need to install ? |
Which is the problem?
Which JD version are you using? Where are the example links and the log? EDIT: Merged youtube threads. For the logs, please read my signature. JD2 download and uses ffmpeg as a tool, don't need to install something else.
» Setup JD2 / Instalador de JD2 «
Installer for Windows XP/Vista/Seven/Eight || JD2 x86 - x64 (Beta) || Installer for Mac || JD2 (Beta) || Installers for Linux || JD2 (Beta) x86 || <---> || JD2 (Beta) x64 || How to Create a Log -» Click Here «- ¿Cómo crear un registro? -» Click Aquí «- Support Chat / Chat de Soporte -» Click Here / Click Aquí «- Last edited by Lram32; 02.08.2014 at 19:55. |
i use Jdownloader 2 on linux machine with ubuntu and after download file i have two files
B28oQvaL7Mg_DASH_VIDEO_1080P_H264_DASH_AUDIO_256K_AAC.dashAudio B28oQvaL7Mg_DASH_VIDEO_1080P_H264_DASH_AUDIO_256K_AAC.dashVideo how to fix ?? Last edited by C7_4K; 02.08.2014 at 20:13. |
Not sure. Can we do a teamviewer?
If so, join at support chat and contact me, will see If I can do something to help you.
» Setup JD2 / Instalador de JD2 «
Installer for Windows XP/Vista/Seven/Eight || JD2 x86 - x64 (Beta) || Installer for Mac || JD2 (Beta) || Installers for Linux || JD2 (Beta) x86 || <---> || JD2 (Beta) x64 || How to Create a Log -» Click Here «- ¿Cómo crear un registro? -» Click Aquí «- Support Chat / Chat de Soporte -» Click Here / Click Aquí «- |
if the download link is present in download tab, and assuming both formats have been downloaded. You can click start/force start on given youtube video it should merge if failed todo so in the past.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
FFmpegSetup:Binary path - must be setup only path ??
\location\location\ffmpeg or only \location\location\ ?? ![]() |
Your Path is wrong.
You can find ffmpeg in the parent Folder of JD ~/tools/linux/ffmpeg. I think JD acepts only this path. |
Does JD2.0 sometimes transcode (i.e, re-encode) the video during the ffmpeg stage? I thought it was only going to remux when using Youtube: Extern Multimedia Tool Usage, but my media inspector shows the video to sometimes be a smaller size.
Video: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** OS X Jdownloader 2 beta build Aug 2, 2014 Cheers! Last edited by consumerx; 03.08.2014 at 07:27. Reason: cleaned up attachements |
Heite morgen wurde mir freundlicherweise über den TeamViewer geholfen den JD 2 zu installieren und den Dwonload-Reiter aus der Version 1 gleich mit einzurichten. Die Downloads liefen durch. Leider sind fast alle Songs von Youtube auf einen Fehler gelaufen(s.o.). Verstehe aber leider nicht warum. ![]() Kann jemand helfen? Danke im Voraus isevs |
Wenn ich ein Video habe, was noch privat ist und JD das somit nicht in den Linksammler nimmt, es dann aber später öffentlich ist, merkt JD das nicht.
Ich muss dann JD neustarten, damit er das Video sich dann zieht, denkt sonst weiterhin es wäre privat. |
Was wenn du die Links markierst --> Rechtsklick --> Check online status?
Musst du JD auf jeden Fall neustarten, damit diese Links funktionieren? Was, wenn du den Link einfach OHNE JD Neusatart neu einfügst, nachdem das Video NICHT mehr privat ist? GreeZ psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
YT threads merked - example links / logs please.
Testlinks und Logs bitte! GreeZ psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Das Ding ist ja, das JD die Links gar nicht erst in den Linksammler aufnimmt, wenn das Video privat ist.
Links hinzufügen schaltfläche kommt aufs gleiche hinaus. Erst wenn ich neustarte bemerkt JD das es nicht mehr privat ist. |
Hm hast du die als privat deklarierten Links gelöscht bevor du den YT Link nochmal eingefügt hast?
GreeZ psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Sag mir wie ich nicht existentes löschen soll^^
Wenn das Video privat ist, taucht es gar nicht erst auf im Linksammler. |
Kann das noch jemand bestätigen?
Ich füge die YT Threads mal zusammen... GreeZ psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
@consumerx :
Youtubes non-dash encodes are else encodes. dash uses other files. so jdownloader does nothing wrong here. |
Hi Guys,
I'm getting something similar. Any idea ? ![]() ------------------------ Thread: 80 ----------------------- 80 13.08.14 20:34:46 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Start working on Soldats Inconnus - Retour au front ! [FR](720p_H.264-AAC).mp4 80 13.08.14 20:34:47 - INFO [java_downloader] -> checkConnection failed, continuing anyways... 80 13.08.14 20:34:48 - WARNING [java_downloader] -> Error occured- latest: ERROR_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE 00100000000001000000100000000001 <Statuscode 00000000000000000000000000000001 |TODO 00000000000000000000100000000000 |ERROR_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE 00000000000001000000000000000000 |PLUGIN_IN_PROGRESS 00100000000000000000000000000000 |PLUGIN_ACTIVE http://jdownloader.net:8081/pastebin/130638 Last edited by cphilippe; 13.08.2014 at 21:37. Reason: put log in pastebin |
From time to time I come across a video that for whatever reason fails to show up in JD2 or my other YouTube downloader CYS. I would like the linkgrabber window to still show the link even if there is an issue so I know it is working.
This is one such video. **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
shows up here,
gamespot - 201408110300 - Is Quantum Computing the Future of Gaming_ - Reality Check - mXPRF0LouFk (360p_H264-128kbit_AAC).mp4
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
Some links don't show up in Linkgrabber (JD 09.581):
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** The log shows this: Code:
------------------------ Thread: 462 ----------------------- 462 21:06:48 12/08/14 - INFO [java_downloader] -> a=a.split("") 462 21:06:48 12/08/14 - INFO [java_downloader] -> FR BC5DBFEF185FE6CFD88F5B8A7CA9764A86E7CD27E.243C980D3AD4087E1A6C98C47A786CC6CDE554D04D0D0 462 21:06:48 12/08/14 - INFO [java_downloader] -> oo.PD(a,23) 462 21:06:48 12/08/14 - INFO [java_downloader] -> FR BC5DBFEF185FE6CFD88F5B8A7CA9764A86E7CD27E.243C980D3AD4087E1A6C98C47A786CC6CDE554D04D0D0 EXCEPTION 462 21:06:48 12/08/14 - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> SEVERE Exception occurred jd.plugins.PluginException at jd.plugins.decrypter.TbCm.handleRule(TbCm.java:1846) at jd.plugins.decrypter.TbCm.descrambleSignature(TbCm.java:1806) at jd.plugins.decrypter.TbCm.parseLinks(TbCm.java:1493) at jd.plugins.decrypter.TbCm.parseLinks(TbCm.java:1586) at jd.plugins.decrypter.TbCm.getLinks(TbCm.java:1751) at jd.plugins.decrypter.TbCm.decryptIt(TbCm.java:911) at jd.plugins.PluginForDecrypt.decryptLink(Unknown Source) at jd.plugins.PluginForDecrypt$1DThread.run(Unknown Source) at jd.plugins.PluginForDecrypt$1DThread.go(Unknown Source) at jd.nutils.jobber.Jobber$Worker.run(Jobber.java:289) 462 21:06:48 12/08/14 - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: jd.plugins.decrypter.TbCm@8d4758 462 21:06:48 12/08/14 - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: 25363 |
Merged youtube threads.
» Setup JD2 / Instalador de JD2 «
Installer for Windows XP/Vista/Seven/Eight || JD2 x86 - x64 (Beta) || Installer for Mac || JD2 (Beta) || Installers for Linux || JD2 (Beta) x86 || <---> || JD2 (Beta) x64 || How to Create a Log -» Click Here «- ¿Cómo crear un registro? -» Click Aquí «- Support Chat / Chat de Soporte -» Click Here / Click Aquí «- |
Well it does not show up in Complete YouTube Saver or JD2 so there is a problem.
I advise you to change your password as you pasted your user:pass in public forum. @buttchux shows up in mine as stated. I tested in JD2 SVN. Did you check JD2 logs to see why? @eross I would recommend using JD2, as the youtube plugin for 0.9 isn't maintained. raztoki
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
![]() Quote:
I looked at the logs and didn't see anything that pointed to why it failed but to be honest, don't really know what to look for. NEVERMIND, I figured it out. For some strange reason this video was NOT posted in HD and I have JD2 set to ignore the low quality crap that is not good enough for my eyes to see. Last edited by ButtChunx; 12.08.2014 at 22:44. Reason: Change attachment. |
guess that is why then, it only returned 320 with my setup (all of mp4 + best).
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
tried copying the link to link grabber, and it just does't say anything or anything to download shows.
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Link to youtube video: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Last edited by juniiflow; 13.08.2014 at 18:42. |
you will need to use JD2, as it uses crypted sig algo which no longer works in 0.9 returns emimusic - 200903120517 - Katrina & The Waves - Walking On Sunshine - iPUmE-tne5U (480p_H264-128kbit_AAC).mp4 in JD2 raztoki
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
Hi guys,
I'm trying to DL some music vids, but they are not showing, when copying link (e.g. at the bottom) they goto "decrypt" and nothing shows up in link grabber, I'm using JD2 (0.9.581) on a Mountain Lion. Any help greatly appreciated. =) **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
Use JD2.
GreeZ psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
my bad, i thought i was on jd2 (by process of updating).
thanks for reply |
I also can not download any youtube videos. I'm running jdownloader 2 with kernel #26480.
Even Linkgrabber doesn't find anything, or I only gets a jpg file instead of the video. |
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