when importing user profile/channel we use user profile/videos for memory or channel link, The website only gives you 1050 limit from youtube AJAX requests, after you hit that limit it wont send you anymore!
playlist has a seperate method for memory but calls AJAX requests also.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
Hi I just updated and now youtube links are all showing under the _jd_orgfilename package, instead of separately as before. Attached image, if someone can help pls much appreciated
![]() |
@gambino, do you have a package customiser rule that sets packagename in that fashion?
if you do you will need to make sure it doesn't set for youtube as its overwriting youtube plugin package name value.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
Yes I posted a while back and someone helped me set this up so that YouTube videos would go into their own packages, should I disable this?
I believe that <jd:originalname> is broken atm, but do you reliase that you can customise package name in the youtube plugin settings?
settings > plugin > youtube I really don't see the need for that package customiser rule myself. JD by default sets package names already based on filename when another plugin/user(addlinks dialog) hasn't set package name.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
Description text of the limit best to 1080p option:
Youtube allows resolution up to 8k. Not just 4k. And please change the text. It lets people assume that they wont gain any quality advantage if they download >1080p with 1080p device. Thats misleading and wrong :( __ Can you add an option that JD prioritizes VP9 instead of the H.264 variant when letting it choose the best available quality? Because their VP9 encodes look better than their h.264 encodes. |
re: 1080, you wont get much benefit unless you have hardware that utilise the better quality videos, hence why 1080 is pretty much standard unless you have 4k+ monitors. have to wait for coalado to respond in respects to changing how one values the different codecs
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
@gambino: im working on that, will be fixed later
@De-M-oN: Can you please provide example links with 8k?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
@gambino: fixed with next core update
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
![]() Quote:
Youtube gives you A LOT more bitrate on the higher quality levels than 1080p. 1080p runs at only 4000 kbit (or 5000 kbit at HFR) - while 1440p already runs with 10000 kbit - and that difference you see with every monitor which isnt a smartphone... Its not a resolution switch - its a quality switch. Means: Not just the resolution is higher - the bitrate, the coding as well and so the frame quality is higher as well - not just its size. Why so many people forget that video quality defines more than just resolution :( Heaviest difference is the grass ground. 1080: http://abload.de/img/scoredoomuvpistolstarxslyk.png 1440 @ 1920x1200 but the difference remains also with 2560x1440: http://abload.de/img/scoredoomuvpistolstar6ta13.png And thats just 1440 difference. 4k the difference is even higher. And come on - The different frame quality is visible with every monitor which isnt a smartphone - and I'm sure you would even there see the difference of the grass ground : x Another example with native 1440 and 4k: 1080: http://abload.de/img/1ixq3v.png 1440: http://abload.de/img/2wdpmk.png See? With that its proven that its not just because of the 1920x1200 of previous example. 4k: http://abload.de/img/3vupdb.png 4k even better frame quality. The quality differences should be pretty clear - and - oh wonder - with your 1080p device too. Quote:
Its ID 138, at least for H.264. Maybe there is other video with VP9 as well. This is usable by everyone. 5k is possible as well but is the same encode ID number (138) as 8k. Last edited by De-M-oN; 29.05.2015 at 20:23. |
Another problem has been discovered today!
sometimes the date is extracted in wrong way example: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** see the the fetched date compared to the date on YouTube!! Last edited by kov_123; 31.05.2015 at 14:59. |
We need to find a better / reliable source for date fields. we used a API which was recently depreciated by youtube/google. Atm we rely on html and this can be problematic as html changes and regex no longer works.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
why this cannot help?
in line 300 of the source file of the page (Ctrl+U) in using firefox browser you will find: 300 <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2015-05-31"> |
we already use this
date = this.br.getRegex("<meta itemprop=\"datePublished\" content=\"(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2})\">").getMatch(0);
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
for example
could you extract the date and time from the thumbnail picture properties of the video? |
its what set for me
RTarabic - 201505311200 I'm using *date_time[yyyyMMddhhmm]* in plugin settings
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
look at this also
<script>yt.setConfig({INNERTUBE_API_VERSION: "v1",GAPI_HINT_PARAMS: "m;\/_\/scs\/abc-static\/_\/js\/k=gapi.gapi.en.dPxK-DAj_pE.O\/m=__features__\/am=AAQ\/rt=j\/d=1\/rs=AItRSTN0fuoBkyFaoHWfzWWLct0BxZgQSQ",INNERTUBE_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION: "20150527",INNERTUBE_API_KEY: "AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8",APIARY_HOST: "",APIARY_HOST_FIRSTPARTY: "",'GAPI_HOST': "https:\/\/apis.google.com",'GAPI_LOCALE': "en_US",'INNERTUBE_CONTEXT_HL': "en",'INNERTUBE_CONTEXT_GL': "US"});yt.setConfig({'EVENT_ID': "A-pqVarYM8yEiAbds4GQDw",'PAGE_NAME': "watch",'LOGGED_IN': false,'SESSION_INDEX': null,'PARENT_TRACKING_PARAMS': "",'FORMATS_FILE_SIZE_JS': ["%s B","%s KB","%s MB","%s GB","%s TB"],'DELEGATED_SESSION_ID': null,'ONE_PICK_URL': "",'UNIVERSAL_HOVERCARDS': true,'VISITOR_DATA': "CgtzUlB6NldJWUJ2bw%3D%3D",'GOOGLEPLUS_HOST': "https:\/\/plus.google.com",'PAGEFRAME_JS': "\/\/s.ytimg.com\/yts\/jsbin\/www-pageframe-vflQo4IhI\/www-pageframe.js",'JS_COMMON_MODULE': "\/\/s.ytimg.com\/yts\/jsbin\/www-en_US-vflzf_B5-\/common.js",'PAGE_FRAME_DELAYLOADED_CSS': "\/\/s.ytimg.com\/yts\/cssbin\/www-pageframedelayloaded-vflE2-YpW.css",'GUIDE_DELAY_LOAD': true,'GUIDE_DELAYLOADED_CSS': "\/\/s.ytimg.com\/yts\/cssbin\/www-guide-vflHn9cSh.css",'PREFETCH_CSS_RESOURCES' : ["\/\/s.ytimg.com\/yts\/cssbin\/www-player-vflRmJ-5E.css"],'PREFETCH_JS_RESOURCES': ["\/\/s.ytimg.com\/yts\/jsbin\/html5player-en_US-vflE8_7k0\/html5player.js",'' ],'PREFETCH_LINKS': false,'PREFETCH_LINKS_MAX': 1,'PREFETCH_AUTOPLAY': false,'PREFETCH_AUTOPLAY_TIME': 5,'PREFETCH_AUTONAV': false,'PREBUFFER_MAX': 1,'PREBUFFER_LINKS': false,'PREBUFFER_AUTOPLAY': false,'PREBUFFER_AUTONAV': false,'WATCH_LATER_BUTTON': "\n\n \u003cbutton class="yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-size-small yt-uix-button-default yt-uix-button-empty yt-uix-button-has-icon no-icon-markup addto-button video-actions spf-nolink hide-until-delayloaded addto-watch-later-button-sign-in yt-uix-tooltip" type="button" onclick=";return false;" role="button" title="Watch Later" data-button-menu-id="shared-addto-watch-later-login" data-video-ids="__VIDEO_ID__"\u003e\u003cspan class="yt-uix-button-arrow yt-sprite"\u003e\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/button\u003e\n",'WATCH_QUEUE_BUTTON': " \u003cbutton class="yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-size-small yt-uix-button-default yt-uix-button-empty yt-uix-button-has-icon no-icon-markup addto-button addto-queue-button video-actions spf-nolink hide-until-delayloaded addto-tv-queue-button yt-uix-tooltip" type="button" onclick=";return false;" title="TV Queue" data-style="tv-queue" data-video-ids="__VIDEO_ID__"\u003e\u003c\/button\u003e\n",'SAFETY_MODE_PENDING': false,'LOCAL_DATE_TIME_CONFIG': {"dateFormats":["MMMM d, yyyy h:mm a","MMMM d, yyyy","MMM d, yyyy","MMM d, yyyy"],"shortMonths":["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],"firstDayOfWeek":0,"weekdays":["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],"formatLongDateOnly":"MMMM d, yyyy","formatShortDate":"MMM d, yyyy","firstWeekCutoffDay":3,"amPms":["AM","PM"],"formatWeekdayShortTime":"EE h:mm a","weekendRange":[6,5],"formatShortTime":"h:mm a","shortWeekdays":["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],"months":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November"," December"],"formatLongDate":"MMMM d, yyyy h:mm a"},'PAGE_CL': 94688060,'PAGE_BUILD_TIMESTAMP': "Thu May 28 11:51:37 2015 (1432839097)",'VARIANTS_CHECKSUM': "6afa8e4a01dff731546e0a8c6863e14c",'EXP_WEBFONT_ENABLED': true,'CLIENT_PROTOCOL': "h2",'CLIENT_TRANSPORT': "tcp",'MDX_ENABLE_CASTV2': true,'MDX_ENABLE_QUEUE': true,'FEEDBACK_BUCKET_ID': "Watch",'FEEDBACK_LOCALE_LANGUAGE': "en",'FEEDBACK_LOCALE_EXTRAS': {"accept_language":"en-US,en;q=0.5","guide_subs":"NA","logged_in":false,"is_partner":"","is_branded":"","experiments":"9115 07,911511,912345,916725,916728,916731,918119,922809,922812,922818,925732,925734,927006,929321,929953 ,930822,935208,935209,937517,937518,937819,938302,9405143,9405988,9406545,9406712,9407000,9407447,94 07484,9407777,9407827,9407888,9408057,9408059,9408134,9408142,9408340,9408395,9408420,9408710,940871 2,9408788,9408796,9408815,9409263,940936,940938,9410775,9412840,9412895,9412929,9412937,9413029,9413 171,9413328,9413333,9413378,9413464,9413485,9413497,9413503,9414633,9414722,9414758,9414863,9415049, 9415118,9415175,9415304,9415367,9415401,942814,942821,942822,944464,945049,945051,946810,946811,9468 12,948809,949911,952612,952633,964103,965002,965803"}}); yt.setConfig({ |
specially on this:
{"dateFormats":["MMMM d, yyyy h:mm a","MMMM d, yyyy","MMM d, yyyy","MMM d, yyyy"],"shortMonths" may be that means that the there is now yyyy.mm.dd as we used before? am i right?? |
the date time formats that presented to you in JD interface have to compile with JAVA, it has nothing todo with Javascript component.
plugin finds the timestamp youtube provide and format it into standard computer timestamp, then the tag system in youtube settings will reformat it into your desired output. raztoki
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
can you use linux time instead?
the change it to a understandable format?? |
the following shows the month is January, but the month in the YT is september
what do you think the problem is? Is it in JAVA? is it need to update? |
There is nothing wrong
we find the date time stamp on the website, we then convert back to standard format, then when users set there customised format in plugin settings it converted into your format. ensure the date_time reference is used in youtube plugin. For formatting follow Java Simple Date guide. _http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
look at these URLs
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** if you put them in following format you will get different kind of dates!!! there is no 00 month!! my format is: *channelname* - *date_time[yyyy.mm.d]* - *videoname* (*quality*).*ext* Last edited by kov_123; 31.05.2015 at 14:58. |
pls take a look
and your youtube plugin settings for filename?
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
as I told you before:
*channelname* - *date_time[yyyy.mm.d]* - *videoname* (*quality*).*ext* |
sorry some how I missed seeing it.
the issue is that you're using small m it needs to be double MM in caps! otherwise its minute value. Did you check simple date doc ? if not have a quick squiz raztoki
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
could you try this link
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** using the following format: *channelname* - *date_time[yyyy.MM.dd]* - *videoname* (*quality*).*ext* note: the date is showed different!!! |
one of the failovers in the plugin had the wrong formatter, so it saved incorrectly.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
but the time still is 00:00! |
time will always be 00 at this point because they only give a date reference. don't use hh mm ss references.
the api used to provide us with more accurate times for each uploaded/published/updated etc but that's been depreciated by youtube and we haven't coded in a replacement yet.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
![]() ![]() All Youtube links showing offline for me. Any one else? |
All good here.
gibt schon was neues zu den 1080p downloads?
kann sie immer noch nicht laden(angeblich fehlt ffmpeg). |
![]() Quote:
![]() |
nicht das ich wüßte. zum einen hab ichs so auf der platte, zum anderen sagt JD selbst das es schon installiert ist. sonst hät ich nicht nachgefragt
![]() |
Guck in Profieinstellungen ob der Pfad zu ffmpeg auch wirklich stimmt und eingetragen ist.
Es muss gehen.^^ Und den Haken mit der 1080p Limitierung bei angebotene beste Qualität würd ich unbedingt entfernen. Der Text dazu ist auch bissl fehlweisend. Siehe dazu paar Posts vorher in diesem Thread, wo ich dazu was schrieb. |
hm. irgendwas hat mit dem JD eigenen ffmpeg nicht gestimmt. hab mal den pfad zu "meiner" version angegeben.. auf einmal gehts.
sollte man mal checken(jd programmer). thx De-M-oN, hast mich auf den richtigen Pfad gebracht ![]() |
Good day,
I have been an avid user of JDownloader for many years now and have been able to get the info I need from just perusing your many threads. Sadly today I was not able to. I tried installing JDownloader 2 on my wife's PC and have been trying to download from youtube with it but have been met with problems. It only grabs an image file. I have not messed around with settings in a while but from what I remember, there use to be an area where I could select what file to grab. I have tried looking at youtube in advanced settings as well as plugins but could not locate this option. I am asking please if someone could offer some assistance in getting this sorted out as trying to solve it on my own for the last 2 hours have left me drained. Appreciate it in advance. |
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