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Old 08.11.2015, 11:21
djmakinera djmakinera is offline
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raztoki -

2 options:
Do nothing

1. When added "manually" I want to decrypt all "videos"
2. When "Deep Link Analyse"(Various type link) I want "Do nothing"

How to separate?
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Old 08.11.2015, 12:04
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There is no way to determine if the link is found by primary or deep decrypt. Those are your choices. My advice is to set to ASK.

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Old 09.11.2015, 11:53
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@amdbuster: why not simply do as I say? you set ffmpeg paths wrong and then it will fail.
It depends if you download dash version of video (requires ffmpeg) or non dash version.
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Old 09.11.2015, 16:50
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Default Youtube - download multiples languages

Hi everybody, i was wondering if it was possible to download more than 1 subtitle associated to a youtube video.

1. when i copy a youtube link, jdownloader generate 4 links in the Linkgraber
- video stream
- audio stream
- pictures thumbnail
- subtitle

2. When i right-click on the subtitle and choose another language from the "Add another variant" sub-menu, nothing new appears.

Does someones has ever used this function? does it works ? (if yes could you provide a screenshot?)

If this function does not work, does comedy know how to do ?

The primary objectif is to create MKV files with at least 2 subtitles in it.

By the way, i work from a macbook / downloader 2 beta.
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Old 10.11.2015, 11:12
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Please provide an example link, then we can check/fix the plugin
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Old 24.11.2015, 06:25
Statter Statter is offline
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Ok Im not sure if this one actually belongs in the hoster thread or not as I know the devs for jdownloader have maybe had a hard time now and then sometimes have with problems.

The particular problem is that most youtube playlists or individual one I wish to have locally work fine and I can dl the video and the audio file just fine. There is a group of items from I think one channels playlists that will not dl properly and convert. The start to dl just fine but the fails at the conversion.

The error message of course is "An Error Occured (youtube.com) and for the individual files it is "Try restarting this link (plugin outdated?)

I created a log file 23.11.15 19.57.45to23.11.15 20.03.19 jdlog://9542344739341/ but as I saw it said earlier that JDownloader does not log youtube errors I think. I'm not sure this will help you. I hope it does anyway.

Below are the links that wont work it seems.
When adding them you may be givin the option for the whole play list which if you want you can do and all but these individual videos listed below will download and convert fine.

I'm stumped and miffed atm.
Below are the Links and they are seperated by _________________ as their from different playlists all from the same channel though.
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Any help on getting these fixed hopefully would be appreciated as I'm trying to put something together for person who can not see or use a computer but loves music.

Edit: after looking at some things I'm wondering if it might be because the titles have such as é and ’ and ñ and á and “ etc. in their names and after converting or almost converting and getting ready to make the end files such characters are confusing the tools in JDownloader or something.
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Last edited by Statter; 24.11.2015 at 18:49.
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Old 29.11.2015, 23:05
De-M-oN De-M-oN is offline
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I've updated some minutes ago and now if I choose 2160p 60 webm, it changes filename to 2160p.mp4

Look here:

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And why JDownloader still choses the AVC streams as "best quality", while VP9 is better?
Why JDownloader dont offers an Option to prefer High Framerate Videos over 30fps videos?
Why there is still this misleading wrong text at the option for limiting best quality to 1080p?
It is plain wrong. It lets assume people that >1080p videos by youtube dont offer the user a better quality if they dont have a screen which has this resolution. This is plain wrong and misleading. please please change that.
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Old 30.11.2015, 02:07
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I guess it has todo with opinion, yours just differs. Feel free to change user settings to adjust it to your desire.

unselect the checkbox for limit to 1080.
setting is there because it was requested, if you rather not use it unselect it.

re: VP9 aka Webm
not many like it, and deemed as subpar compaired to existing MP4 containers.

settings > advanced settings >
filter: youtube rating
you can alter how the different video or audio components get ranked by changing int values.

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Old 30.11.2015, 02:31
De-M-oN De-M-oN is offline
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I guess it has todo with opinion, yours just differs. Feel free to change user settings to adjust it to your desire.

unselect the checkbox for limit to 1080.
setting is there because it was requested, if you rather not use it unselect it.
Its just the option text.

Its explaination how said lets assume people that >1080 has qualitywise no advantage for 1080p monitor users. And thats simply wrong. Completely wrong. This has nothing to do with opinion. Its a fact. A better coded file with better bitrate gives better image quality on every monitor.

Lets have a 2k video with 15 mbit by youtube and have a 1080p video with only 4 mbit by youtube.

Which one will have the better video quality on the same monitor?

Too many people think if video is bigger than monitor resolution they dont benefit from it
They somehow totally forget frame quality for some reason..
And this text on your 1080p limit option widens the problem greatly.

re: VP9 aka Webm
not many like it, and deemed as subpar compaired to existing MP4 containers.
VP9 is better coded. Much better. Thats a fact as well. I could show you a comparison which shows it totally obviously.

But if people are so wrong about it - ok. But the thing is: if I checkmark to get the best quality by jdownloader - then I expect to get it. And thats not their AVC Videos, and so VP9 should be the default for it. Because this IS the better coded file. Also: not every channel has vp9 enabled directly by youtube. because they invest a lot of cpu to encode them too.

Its good if I can change it at advanced. Thank you. But it should be a checkmark in the GUI with VP9 being the default because of better quality. If the user still wants H.264 he could change that then. Same for the FPS. It shouldnt be so hidden at advanced.

But I wonder the default order. Best quality is to me: Their best coded file with best image quality and best fps rate.

And thats not 30fps. And thats not AVC. So the option does not what it says.

Last edited by De-M-oN; 30.11.2015 at 02:44.
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Old 30.11.2015, 03:25
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I don't think it has todo with bitrates, it has todo with that most people do not want more than 1080, and have to keep deselecting checkboxes when youtube introduces new p ratings. This is why this checkbox was included, and not for any other reason.

Once again whilst it might be 'better', most people do not care for it. It's better off that you adjust advanced setting to suit your desires. In the scheme of things, changing defaults will just piss off the majority who are happy with the way it is now. Minor settings are kept within advanced due to less than 1% ever having the need to change them, that and they can commonly have have detrimental effects when configured incorrectly.
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Last edited by raztoki; 30.11.2015 at 03:27.
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Old 30.11.2015, 03:37
De-M-oN De-M-oN is offline
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The people forget the bitrates, all misleaded and/or misinformed. And your text at this option supports that.

Why you cant change the text simply to something like that:

"Youtube offers quality levels up to 8k. Checkmark this, if jdownloader should offer only up to 1080p"

But your current text where you say that many devices like monitors, TVs and so on dont support higher than 1080 - then you support the wrong informed people who totally forget bitrates and even more think higher than 1080p wouldnt they benefit from. (and this is in mind of sooo many people you cant imagine it how many people are thinking this like this. And you even support it with this text :(

I dont ask for a removal. I ask for a text change.

The "best quality" should do what it says. And currently it doesnt.

But I see you prefer to make an option doing its work wrong to satisfy misinformed people/avoid complaints over making the option doing its job.

I have a mixed feeling about it. It was worth a suggestion though. Thank you.

But maybe you can fix the bug I've shown in the video. It is very new. Worked always before.

Last edited by De-M-oN; 30.11.2015 at 03:40.
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Old 30.11.2015, 04:00
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I personally don't see the need to change the setting description, its just example of why the setting is present and was the reason users asked for the setting to be included so I believe its relevant to checkbox setting.

My youtube settings are vastly different to yours and would return different results, so if you can email your youtube settings (zip/rar your jd2install/cfg/*youtube*) to support at jdownloader dot org, I'll try and reproduce and provide feedback or a fix.

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Old 30.11.2015, 04:09
De-M-oN De-M-oN is offline
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its just example of why the setting is present
lol really?

and was the reason users asked for the setting
Which just perfectly underlines what I said:

But your current text where you say that many devices like monitors, TVs and so on dont support higher than 1080 - then you support the wrong informed people who totally forget bitrates and even more think higher than 1080p wouldnt they benefit from. (and this is in mind of sooo many people you cant imagine it how many people are thinking this like this.
And you even support this wrong informed people with your text and you see not a reason to change that?

Why not rather clearing them up? You cant clear up the whole world I know. But it would help if you wouldnt even support this by such an Option textline..
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Old 30.11.2015, 04:48
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once again its not about bit rates, its about they can't play over video over a given p rating, so therefore not required for them...

For now I ask you to drop it, because your just rehashing what you have already stated and I understand your point of view (back about four posts). Keep the checkbox unchecked if you don't want to limit to 1080, its quite simple.
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Old 09.12.2015, 14:16
Suikoden Suikoden is offline
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hmmm seems like youtube has a problem ... well some of the links works fine with top download speed some not :
this one JD2 download is 4kb : **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**

others not
here is a log: 09.12.15 10.02.02to09.12.15 06.50.28 jdlog://7452644739341/
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Old 10.12.2015, 23:32
djmakinera djmakinera is offline
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JD2 show 1080P 60 fps

Shouldbe: 50 fps

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Old 11.12.2015, 12:42
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Old 11.12.2015, 12:43
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@Suikoden: JDownloader does not influence speed at all. It is youtube limiting the speed to bandwidth needed for audio/video streams.
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Old 11.12.2015, 12:48
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Originally Posted by De-M-oN View Post
I've updated some minutes ago and now if I choose 2160p 60 webm, it changes filename to 2160p.mp4

Look here:

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And why JDownloader still choses the AVC streams as "best quality", while VP9 is better?
Why JDownloader dont offers an Option to prefer High Framerate Videos over 30fps videos?
Why there is still this misleading wrong text at the option for limiting best quality to 1080p?
It is plain wrong. It lets assume people that >1080p videos by youtube dont offer the user a better quality if they dont have a screen which has this resolution. This is plain wrong and misleading. please please change that.
some prefer hardware support over quality. AVC can be playback on nearly every device in hardware while VP9 lacks hardware support on many setups.

Why allow downloading >1080p when most setups and TVs have lower specs? ( see store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey )
So I would say it is legit to limit to 1080p by default instead of explaining everyone why the video does not play back without stutter (eg no hardware resolution) or why it takes so long (larger filesize)...

It is up to you to setup the plugin to your needs and your system specs.

About your webm issue:
Please provide another example link. The one you provided does not offer 2160p 60 webm anymore and works fine for me. Keeping webm extension.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin

Last edited by Jiaz; 11.12.2015 at 12:52.
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Old 11.12.2015, 15:12
De-M-oN De-M-oN is offline
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About your webm issue:
Please provide another example link. The one you provided does not offer 2160p 60 webm anymore and works fine for me. Keeping webm extension.
Some of you already fixed it at one of the latest updates. The issue is gone since an update.

Please provide another example link.
It was a video by me showing you the problem. This happened with every resolution.
But how said. You already fixed it with some of your updates.
PS: Ok with watching on TV without a PC and hardware devices in general I finally understood you. But I think the most watch on PC. This are special cases or not?

But it remains that its wrong with "Computers"
Most Computers dont support it? How said: Even my Q9450 could playback 2048x1152 without any problems at all.

Higher than 1080p has much better frame quality and nowadays computers wont stutter at all even at 4k60 VP9. Maybe you use the wrong video player. I could use 2048x1152 already with a Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450.

some prefer hardware support over quality. AVC can be playback on nearly every device in hardware while VP9 lacks hardware support on many setups.
build in some infoboxes or sth like that. If I choose "best quality" I expect to get the best quality by jdownloader and not the best spreaded one. Then rename it or whatever. It just makes no sense then.


JD2 show 1080P 60 fps

Shouldbe: 50 fps
JDownloader seperates only between 30 and 60fps. It doesnt check the FPS Rate of the video.

If it see's for example a stream with ID #303 (which would be 1080p60 VP9) it calls it for every 303 60fps. Even if the video has 50 or 48,44 fps or whatever. The ID stays 303 and thats the only thing JD checks.

Maybe it should be renamed to "HFR" or build in a framerate check to list the actual correct framerate of the video (which can be for HFR anything between 41 and 60)
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Old 11.12.2015, 17:24
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So what is your suggestion? To disable the checkbox by default? Ask the customer on first youtube link? graphical indication that higher resolution is available but not selected?

About 4k60fps VP9. It seems some players recently added hardware support. I'm very sure that my computer was unable to playback 4k60fpsVP9 last year when it got announced. I guess chrome(and others) added better support for it meanwhile.
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Old 11.12.2015, 17:30
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WebM/MP4 not solved yet,
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Old 11.12.2015, 17:54
De-M-oN De-M-oN is offline
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Default off and at first youtube link ask the user.
And change the text at that option that it excludes computers, or change it in a way that you mean performance reasons, because it sounds this way like if you need a monitor >1080p to benefit from the videos greater than 1080p and thats not correct due to bitrates. The higher ones have better framequality as well and that you see with every monitor. Even a 20" one.
But honestly:
I honestly think that the user must himself check his performance of his pc and I see the word computers completely unnecessary - so that I suggest you only leave the tv and hardware devices there in the text. Not also computers. Then it is much more clear what you target with this option too.

And same with vp9 vs h.264. Make it clear what looks better and offer it in options or ask the user what he prefers instead of forcing h.264 as "best quality".
Same with HFR vs normal framerate. This preference ordering should be accessible at the plugin settings and not hidden in "expert" settings, which not experienced users would avoid.
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Old 12.12.2015, 21:04
theboss50 theboss50 is offline
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Default JD not select the best quality on youtube


I see that, when a youtube video has qualitys better than 1080p (example 2160p), JD doesn't select the best quality. It select only 1080p.

Why it happend??

Thanks in advance!

Example link:
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12.12.15 19.52.50to12.12.15 19.55.32 jdlog://5020744739341/
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Old 13.12.2015, 01:12
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uncheck the option to lock best at 1080p in youtube settings?
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Old 13.12.2015, 11:04
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Old 13.12.2015, 12:09
theboss50 theboss50 is offline
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Thanks ratzoki!!!

Now it works!!
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Old 14.12.2015, 11:52
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Thanks for the feedback
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Old 14.12.2015, 19:33
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What audio quality and format ffmpeg is muxing with final video? Is there any way to know/change that?
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Old 14.12.2015, 20:20
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The one you select in variant column. By default the best audio source will be used
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Old 19.12.2015, 10:02
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Default Youtube always restart

Restarts and has to start from 0% again all the time. Has been happening to me for like 2 months now.

Download speed is well. Usually never pass 15% that it happens.

19.12.15 02.56.11to19.12.15 04.52.37 jdlog://2714844739341/

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Last edited by WolfJD; 19.12.2015 at 10:08.
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Old 19.12.2015, 10:30
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I see many java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
It is very likely that those come from your ESET Firewall or you have a very unstable internet connection. Please make sure JDownloader and Java are on exclude list.
You can also do an easy check by removing ESET and rebooting computer and try again. And in case you are asking, no, disabling ESET is not enough.
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Old 19.12.2015, 11:01
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That was the problem (ESET). Really thanks. By exclude list you mean exclude the program's folder right (both JD and Java)?
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Old 19.12.2015, 11:02
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yes, the JDownloader.exe and java.exe/javaw.exe file from the bundled java version (jre folder).
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Old 19.12.2015, 22:55
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One more thing, I have added the JD2 folder and the whole Program Files folder where Java is, and the system32 location of files jawa.exe and javaw.exe and it keeps restarting, any suggestions?
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Old 20.12.2015, 01:32
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Sorry, removing ESET didn't fix the issue. Even uninstalled Java and reinstalled the most recent version. Keeps happening. Here is a more recent log. My connection is fine actually, what else could it be?

19.12.15 20.26.51to19.12.15 20.27.11 jdlog://8595844739341/
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Old 20.12.2015, 08:57
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Do you have any other firewall/AV stuff on your system?
Please set max connections to 1 in JDownloader.
What is your internet connection speed?
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Old 20.12.2015, 14:19
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Here is an example of where the reference **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** from Youtube swinging why the image only. Another example playlist **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Often began to appear recently such links. Where are invited to download the video instead of just pictures, please correct

Last edited by Koyoyero; 20.12.2015 at 15:05.
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Old 20.12.2015, 21:25
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I had Max chunks per download at 20, set to 1 and thats the difference between the issue happening or not. That solves the problem I guess, not sure if it should happen or not though or if I should do something additional, in what cases could I need more than 1 chunck per download? Really thanks.

Last edited by WolfJD; 20.12.2015 at 21:30.
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Old 21.12.2015, 01:35
De-M-oN De-M-oN is offline
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I did the ranking as following:


Youtube Settings are these:


Shouldnt it offer me now 60fps and VP9 as best quality?

It still offers me H.264 with 30fps.
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