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bitte screenshot vom filter zeigen, gerne an support@jdownloader.org
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Wie könnt ich das Problem lösen? Wenn ich auf Verbindung klicke tut sich nicht´s. Es bleibt immer in rot nicht verbunden stehen. |
Zugangsdaten stimmen? Welcher Fehler kommt denn wenn du Verbinden klickst? Welche Firewall/AV nutzt du?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Danke mal für deine Hilfe:)
Zugangsdaten hab ich vom Chorme Erweiterung herauskopiert und genau hier ist der Hund gelegen. Jetzt hab ich über die Tastatur die Zugangsdaten selbst eingegeben. Und alles ist okay. verbindung steht:) |
Hi, there is some things in JD mobile app that i would like to feed back..
- The menu to set direct connection on settings has white font color, and it's very difficult to read - When i have slow connection (almost all day) i get a lot of notifications to solve captcha at same time for just 1 link. And the captcha lasts forever to load, then i got messages like "4 captchas for JD", "captcha already solved or timed out" and the captcha never loads, and finally got the download ommited. - An option to load the captcha automatically and notify only when loaded would be nice. In very slow connections, you have to wait a lot of time with the phone in hand. - It's necessary a button to reconnect the client from mobile. As you can always set up reconnection when all hosts are in waiting time, sometimes is needed to reconnect because the low speed in the network. A button for restart JD would be nice too. That's all for the moment. I'll try to use the web interface too, i just read that using http instead of https allows the web interface to load in chrome. I had problems with that in my work behind a proxy, because the "very smart" sysadmin locked the access to google analytics. I'll write back. By the way, nice job with this app... It's a necessary tool in phone. Thanks!! :D |
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Aber ich kann damit leben:biggrin: Danke für die schnelle Hilfe:thumbup: |
@JesseP. danke fürs feedback
@hobson: genau das meinte ich. Ansichten filter ist ein reiner GUI filter und die GUI von JD hat nichts mit der GUI vom Webinterface/XY App zu tun. Hier musst du auf warten Daher am besten über die LinkgrabberFilter arbeiten
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
i have 3 questions/requests about the Web Interface: 1. It would be really nice to have the 'Unskip'-feature in the Web Interface. Are there any plans to implement it? 2. The same goes for being able to set priorities for downloads. Any plans for that? 3. Something i noticed again today, is that my JD at home is getting very slow after i have been using the Web Interface during the day, its so bad that i am restarting it. The hovering effect for a line in the download list take ~1 second to happen and everything else takes about the same amount of time. I have noticed it a few times before but I thought it was a coincidence, but since it was like this again today, i thought i better let you know. Greetings, JR |
Ich hätte noch ein FR fürs Webinterface, die Funktion "In neues Paket verschieben" wäre ganz praktisch.
Wenn man viele Einzelpakete übers Link einfügen bekommt, wäre das nützlich die auch im Webinterface zu einem Paket zusammenzufügen. |
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1 and 2, will come. Its still under heavy development.
3.) we are looking into that, trying to reproduce. Can you provide a screenshot from about dialog in JDownloader when it gets slow?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Greetings, JR |
@JR_ did your computer go into standby?
When it is slow again, please provide a logfile. Menu -> Help -> Create log and give logID
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Today i was using the Web Interface for only a little over an hour and now it is not as slow as the last days where i have been using the Web Interface for 6-7 hours. It's still a little slower than usually, so i provide you with a log nonetheless. And today the Web Interface had some problems with giving me the captchas to solve. I got the browser notifications, that a new captcha is waiting and below the download list it showed me the red symbol that a captcha is pending, but it never showed me the captcha to solve. i have mostly share-online and uploaded links and for those i didnt get the captchas, but for the few uploadrocket.net links it showed me the captchas and i could solve them. here is the log, i hope it helps, maybe even for both problems ![]() 05.05.15 19.09.18to06.05.15 18.58.51 jdlog://7075409980341/ A little side note to the log creation process, maybe you could make the Textbox, in which you show the log id, read-only, because i accidentally have overwritten the id the first time? Greetings, JR Last edited by JR_; 06.05.2015 at 20:13. |
@JR: Webinterface Captcha will be fixed soon, we added new type of captcha and need to add support for it. should be done within next couple of minutes
Do you think it would be possible to do a teamviewer session once JD gets slow? Cannot see anything that would cause slowness
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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At what time would it be a good time for a teamviewer session? |
About the BrowserLoop/Captcha stuff it is better to wait for coalado because he wrote that stuff. He is currently in holidays and will be back next friday. Either contact him then again or write an email to support@jdownloader.org
About the slowness thing, you can reach me Mo-Fr 9-17/17.30 (GMT+2 Germany)
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Unfortunately i am at work during that time frame ... maybe you could try to reproduce it? All i am doing is using the Web Interface for a couple of hours and the longer i use it the slower my JD reacts afterwards.
I will try to reproduce. Do you just download and manage or also add new links/manage them? Just to know what stuff to do
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
I only solve captchas and reset skipped downloads, and sometimes set the priority for some links, but i didn't add new links over the Web Interface.
Okay, will see If I can reproduce it
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
hi i dont know if it is possible but i want the option when the link decrypter finishes and e.g. it has 5 packanges to marge all this packages to one
thnx |
got answered in here, https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=63983
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
no i want this feature on my jdownloaderr i know it works on local jd2
this feature is still on todo list for webinterface, the android app can do it (DragDrop)
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Have you been able to reproduce it? If not, are you available for a Teamviewer session tomorrow? I would have the day off, so i would keep my JD running on slow over night so you can see it tomorrow.
Greetings, JR |
Not yet, but I found some issues within JDownloader that could lead to this. Let me first fix them and then check if it still happens for you, okay?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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please add a shortcut in the browser for the download function so that we don't have to right click everytime for adding links
flashgot addon has that feature (alt+click directly adds the link in JD) |
Hey guys i've got the following problem:
Every time I add my UL.to premium account to the JD running on my OpenMediaVault NAS (on my.jdownloader.org) the site accepts the login data. The download traffic is 'unlimited' but the expiration date shows only '-'. When I start a download hosted on UL.to, my.jdownloader uses only the free mode. The same account works great without any problems on all my other devices. I've deleted the account and re-typed the login data several times, the login data are definitely correct. Where is the problem? |
Please provide a logfile. Zip the logs folder from your device and send to support@jdownloader.org, then we can check/help.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
@Jiaz, Still nothing for the Android app and YouTube ?
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Settings-Advanced settings, search for android and enable it
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Thank you it's working, why is this not enabled by default ?
Short answer: google playstore rules
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
hi when i mark a link with mouse and send to my jdownloader the link dicrypter gives different name on package from local right click copy
why?? |
What Extension? Chrome or Firefox?
Can you give screenshots to different names?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
first 2 with plugin next 2 direct copy
Last edited by ananias47; 26.05.2015 at 22:49. |
believe that has been identified and fixed, though maybe the update isn't live in chrome extension yet
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
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