@Jiaz : to create the log, I wanted to restart JDownloader and by force of use I updated it, and now the included script seems to just work. Thank you very much.
@little: I will do some changes to that part. When it happens again, just create log and post logID. Thanks for the feedback!
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
How could one remove all of the disabled downloads (not only the ones being marked as dups but all of them) with a single click or so?
Aktuelles Windows |
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Downloads tab: ![]() Linkgrabber tab: ![]() |
@mgpai: Totally forgot about this action
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Many thanks!
Aktuelles Windows |
Hello friends--
I'm having trouble with the default "Create an Info-File in the Download-Folder with detailed information" script. I want to be able to click on "Start all downloads" with any number of different videos in my LinkGrabber list (none of which will be in the same package) and have an info file generated for each of the videos. However, what ends up happening is just one info file is generated. Stranger still, and more often than not, it just won't generate an info file at all. Any advice? Script is unmodified, Trigger is set to "Package finished", and "Synchronous execution of script" is unchecked. |
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var iContent = 0; //setting bit 1 if pwd is available, setting bit 2 if comments available //if not set, no info file The above behavior can be changed by modifying the following code in the script: Code:
if (bWriteFile == true && iContent >= 0) { //comment out or set "iContent >= 0" if info-file should be written always |
@OneCuriousUser: Trigger Package finished will only fire when the complete package is finished and not the download. What script exactly are you using? Link?
Maybe @mgpai can change script for *Download finished* Trigger
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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@mgpai: can you contact me via support@jdownloader.org about this
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Hi, im using a proxy script at the moment and i nocticed one flaw it has. If a proxy has some problem then the status keeps hanging at "starting" and it never timeouts. Is there a way to check if it hangs in that status for too long and then restart? If the download hangs in that status it also cant be stopped manually.
Hi phorris,
this is probably due to a bug explained HERE. Your options: - Wait for bugfix to get released or: - Try a similar workaround to what I've mentioned HERE (Use Google Translate or similar) -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download Last edited by pspzockerscene; 02.12.2020 at 18:47. Reason: Formatting++ |
Ok, danke
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/* View recent JD update log(s) Trigger: Interval */ var myInterval = 600000; // check for new update logs every x milliseonds if (interval == myInterval) { var editor = "c:/windows/notepad.exe", // <- set full path to any text editor cutoff = new Date().getTime() - myInterval, logs = getPath(JD_HOME + "/logs/updatehistory/").getChildren(); logs.forEach(function(log) { if (log.modifiedDate > cutoff & log.name.indexOf("self") == -1) { callAsync(null, editor, log); } }); } else { interval = myInterval; } |
Hello. I have a problem and didn't find the answer (search function in the forum is not very good).
I have two computers running Jdownloader2. They share the same folder for foderwatch. I would like that my second computer check that folder ONLY if the first computer is down. So I check if the first is up with a ping : works well. But I didn't found how to activate/deactivate folderwatch extension. This is what I get with : Code:
alert(callAPI("extensions","list",{ "configInterface" : true, "description" : true, "enabled" : true, "iconKey" : true, "installed" : true, "name" : true})) Code:
{ "installed" : true, "name" : "Scan de dossiers", "description" : "Ajoutez des liens à JDownloader en placant des fichiers .crawljob dans un dossier spécifique sur votre disque dur.", "iconKey" : "folder_add", "id" : "org.jdownloader.extensions.folderwatchV2.FolderWatchExtension", "configInterface" : "org.jdownloader.extensions.folderwatchV2.FolderWatchConfig", "enabled" : true }, Code:
alert(callAPI("config","get",{ "interfaceName" : "org.jdownloader.extensions.folderwatchV2.FolderWatchConfig", "storage" : "cfg/org.jdownloader.extensions.folderwatchV2.FolderWatchExtension", "key" : "Folders"})) Code:
callAPI("extensions","setEnabled",{"classname":"org.jdownloader.extensions.folderwatchV2.FolderWatchConfig","b":false}) Code:
callAPI("extensions","setEnabled",{"classname":"org.jdownloader.extensions.folderwatchV2.FolderWatchExtension","b":false}) Waiting for an answer, I close JD when the first computer is up but it's not the solution I want : Code:
callAPI("system", "exitJD") |
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function setFolderwatchEnabled(boolean) { callAPI("extensions", "setEnabled", "org.jdownloader.extensions.folderwatchV2.FolderWatchExtension", boolean); } |
Thanks !!!
The MyJDownloader's API is not clear (made me think there was a "b" parameter)... https://my.jdownloader.org/developers/#tag_183 Good day to you ! |
@mgpai: Thanks for fast help
![]() @bobolecoco: method parameters are nameless, just the order is important. names are only important when a parameter is an object/map (eg in extensions/list the parameter is an object ExtensionQuery)
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Hi Mgpai,
i want to achieve a automatic sorting function with the eventscripter. I read the whole thread and found some usefull scripts to achieve that goal, but i run into several problems. My Enviroment: My dwnload-vm is connected to a samba-share and is downloading into a folder there. In Jdownloader i configured in the download-path \\NAS\Download. Auto-Extraction and Del. Extrackted-Archives is on. Works fine. My Goal: I want the eventscripter to copy the finished, and unpacked Folder to user specific locations. Depends on my conditions. My Trys: First i tried the packetmanager, but it did not worked out so well for me. I need to specify more and detailed rules, for better Folder-Content recognation. So i went to the eventscripter. But here i ran into several problems. First im not sure which trigger to use. If i Use "Download stopped" the process also would start, when i press the Stop-Button. When i use archive finished, the process could run twice, when double extracted. Other problem i had, was that moveto("\\\\NAS\Download\\NewFolder") didnt worked. Nothing happended. First i thought it is a problem with user-rights. But Jdownloader can write an create in that Folder, when it downloads and unpacks. From here on i thought about other ways to do. Maybe a Bash-Skript could to the Job on the NAS-Side, but it has to know, which folder is completetely finished und which are in Progress. So maybe creating a flag in foldername or extra file.txt in each downloaded folder after complete unrar could also help. But i couldnt find a working solution for this because of the "Download stopped"-problem. I hope you have a good idea and can help me to find a solution. Greetings Default63 |
'Download stopped' trigger can be used, but with additional check. LIke check if the link and its packge is also finished. But since the archive extraction will run post download, it is not suitable in your case.
You can use 'package finished' tirgger, for packages which do not contain archves and 'archive extraction finished' trigger, for packages whic contain arcihves. It may not necessary to create any text file for 'package finised' since it is triggered only, unless of course you add new links to it or reset the existing ones. Archive extractiion is also triggered only once, unless you extract it manually again. I guess that would be unlikely since the files would have been moved to a different location on the previous trigger, and the link in JD will not ablle to extract it, since the new file path is not associated with links in the link list. Can use bash script, but also might be possible to use eventscripter methods to move them. Let me know how you wish to proceed. |
Hi Mgpai,
thanks for your reply! If it is possible the evensripter-solution would be great. Greetings Default63 |
Should be possible. Find me in JD Chat.
kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.freenode.net/#jdownloader |
Hello, would it be easy for someone to provide me a call for a Resume script. Thats all. Just every 10 min or so to call to Resume downloads. I download alot from my media server that for some reason just stops my downloads randomly. I dont have to do anything but press resume ( or Start Downloads button ) and it continues where it left off.
Thanks for any help. |
It would be better to fix the underlying issue. If you provide example links and log the developers might be able to check it.
The download controller is stopped only when all attempts to start/resume pending downloads have failed. In which case, they will be skipped with a relevant message displayed in the 'status' column. Do you see any such message in that column? |
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Ive been playing around with some scripts way back in this post that pauses and resumes a download after the speed reached a certian point. I edited it to make it 1kbps and it definatly has helped. But it still occasionaly does it, like maybe once a day which is annoying in my situation. Here is the script i use. I did not make this script i just edited the speed. Code:
if (isDownloadControllerRunning() && !isDownloadControllerStopping()) { var running = getRunningDownloadLinks(); //loop through all running Downloads for (var i = 0; i < running.length; i++) { //check if the download has been running at least 30 seconds if (running[i].getDownloadDuration() > 30000) { //check if the current speed is below 1kb/s if (running[i].getSpeed() < 1 * 1024) { //resume the download //running[i].resume(); //stop the download and resume it running[i].abort(); } } } } Last edited by dereks10; 27.12.2020 at 02:33. |
Very Clean. Thank you it works very well. I just lowered speed a bit on it. Exactly what i was looking for. The one i was using was hit or miss.
status / error messages are usually present until you restart the client. or Just not displayed maybe due to another attempt at downloading without error if you double click (this triggers the tooltip display, tool tips cant be disabled in advanced settings either) the status column (not package, only download links) you can see which download candidates used and which ones had errors. tooltips
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] Last edited by raztoki; 27.12.2020 at 10:28. |
The M4A to mp3 converter script keeps crashing on line 17 after a while of download. Was there a fix to it?
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When the thing crash, it came up with "SyntaxError: Unterminated Object Literal (#17)". When I reboot Jdownloader, it works again, and it's not just limited to just one file but seemingly at random, but when there is a long list of files to process. The minimum so far was 10 files. Also, I'm barely entry level in terms of programming and such, so I don't know what it means when you tell me to run that command string. I also don't know how to upgrade or replace the ffmpeg, as I googled and can't find an .exe file to do so.
Last edited by Kaelthas; 29.12.2020 at 10:52. |
can you provide screenshot of the shown error? Does it happen for the same file or does the file work after restart?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
It just come up with a dialog box with that message. It's happening seemingly at random at no particular one file. The process works again after a restart and having to re-download the thing to trigger the process.
Here is the attached screenshots.
@mgpai: could you modify the script with debug, to write out the result of ffprobe to disk so we know what it returns and finally fail?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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// Convert aac/m4a/ogg files to mp3. // Trigger required: "A Download Stopped". // Requires ffmpeg/ffprobe. Uses JD ffmpeg/ffprobe settings if available. // Overwrites destination file (mp3) if it already exists. if (link.isFinished()) { var fileName = link.name.replace(/(.+)(\..+$)/, "$1"); var fileType = link.name.replace(/(.+)(\..+$)/, "$2"); var sourceFile = link.getDownloadPath(); var audioFile = /\.(aac|m4a|ogg)$/.test(sourceFile); if (audioFile) { var downloadFolder = package.getDownloadFolder(); var destFile = downloadFolder + "/" + fileName + ".mp3"; var ffmpeg = callAPI("config", "get", "org.jdownloader.controlling.ffmpeg.FFmpegSetup", null, "binarypath"); var ffprobe = callAPI("config", "get", "org.jdownloader.controlling.ffmpeg.FFmpegSetup", null, "binarypathprobe"); var json = callSync(ffprobe, "-v", "quiet", "-print_format", "json", "-show_streams", "-show_format", sourceFile); writeFile(JD_HOME + "/ffrpobe output.txt", json + "\r\n\r\n", true); // will be created in JDownloader install folder try { var data = JSON.parse(json); var streamsBitrate = data.streams[0].bit_rate ? data.streams[0].bit_rate : 0; var formatBitrate = data.format.bit_rate ? data.format.bit_rate : 0; var bitrate = Math.max(streamsBitrate, formatBitrate) / 1000; var deleteSourceFile = false; // Set this to true to delete source file after conversion. if (bitrate > 0) { callSync(ffmpeg, "-y", "-i", sourceFile, "-b:a", bitrate + "k", destFile); if (deleteSourceFile && getPath(destFile).exists()) deleteFile(sourceFile, false); } } catch (e) { alert("Could not convert " + sourceFile); } } } |
In your youtube download to html page script, why do you call .prop() on string literals and not jquery selectors? "YT_VARIANT".prop()
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// Get link property String.prototype.prop = function() { return link.getProperty(this); }; It is not a a JQuery method. It is prototype added by me to the Javascript String object and named as such by sheer coincidence. ![]() |
How do I tell the Event Scripter to add/download a certain link to a different custom local filnename (instead of the original online filename)?
addLinks doesn't seem to have a "filename" or "saveAs" argument. Also the myObject coming out of myObject = callAPI("linkgrabberv2", "addLinks", {"links": myURL}); doesn't seem to have .setName() What methods and properties does it have, how do I use it? The API documentation says that it's a boolean, but I see an number called "id" inside. Maybe I should somehow use renameLink, but how do I get the linkId from myObject? If I try to use myObject or myObject.id as the linkID, I get a null pointer exception. Last edited by SMS; 08.01.2021 at 19:46. |
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