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For example the *don't show again* flags for the windows and their locations/sizes aren't available either via advanced settings. Quote:
in menu editor, you save the structure. It's an all or nothing storage. That means the menu structure/actions are saved in complete way. It's not a *you just modified entry x or moved entry y* setting but the complete menu is saved. I don't see any need for making them available via advanced settings as they are self contained configuration json files, only containing the menus.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Thanks for your answer, you helped me few years ago to create this script (for psy-music.ru), it still works.
So I tried the same script for another website (with good website adress and username and password), but it doesn't work easily like the other. I don't understand why because it's the same kind of things.. |
@flowlapache: I will answer here https://board.jdownloader.org/showth...t=71137&page=3
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Could you please help modify this script to save status of all links currently in Jdownloader (not just downloaded links but also links that are currently downloading, links are waiting to download and error links). My intention is to run this script once per day to get status of all links. I am currently running Jdownloader on a small Raspberry Pi that doesn't have a screen, it would be very convenient to get status of all links in a text file every day. Thank you! Last edited by TomNguyen; 02.07.2022 at 05:10. |
@TomNguyen: why not use take a look via MyJDownloader webinterface? OR just setup a VNC server on pi and run JDownloader with GUI. the pi has enough power to run JDownloader with GUI in VNC
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Thanks Jiaz. I appreciate your suggestions. I still playing around with the PI, very interesting.
@TomNguyen: what model do you have? depending on model, GUI and VNC is no problem at all or (old models) it would be better to avoid VNC/GUI.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
I am using an old PI that I had a few years ago to run Home assistant to control some smart plugs and lights. Thanks to many event-scripts written by mgpai, I managed to automate JDownloader to run every night to download the sources that I needed. Thinking of upgrading to Pi 400 with a nice keyboard and better cooling system.
Last edited by TomNguyen; 04.07.2022 at 11:15. |
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![]() Also right now the Pi4 is *little more* expensive due to chip shortage and whole global delivery situation.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Will wait for Pi 5 with potentially 16GB ram. Thank Jiaz for the recommendations and many thank mgpai for your great codes. Last edited by TomNguyen; 10.07.2022 at 14:48. |
@TomNguyen: I'm also excited about next PI5? hardware specs
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
![]() Trigger: Package finished Script: openURL("G:\foldername"); ..clicking "Test Run" just does nothing. /edit: in case it's not clear, I want that specific folder to be opened in Windows Explorer upon completion of a download. /edit#2: okay, never mind, I got the basic functionality I wanted using what's posted here: https://board.jdownloader.org/showpo...postcount=2056 Last edited by wahnsinn; 12.07.2022 at 18:31. |
@wahnsinn: you want to open the directory? in case of file you have to append
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Yes, directory - not file. But it's solved see above. I should have searched the thread for "explorer" right away :D Thanks anyway. ![]() |
@wahnsinn: Thanks for the feedback
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
hi , i have many text files contains download link (direct link to the images i want to download, links separate by linebreak )
examples ,i have the following files that contains link e:/links/1.txt e:/links/2.txt e:/links/3.txt here is file content example **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** i want to put all images that i download from link in 1.txt into folder e:/download/1 the same above with 2.txt into e:/download/2 can you please help me to write a script to do that? Thanks in advance |
@navmesh: two easy solutions
1.) instead of placing those files just in .txt files,use crawljob container files instead, see https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...ch-basic-usage there you can customize package name/directory... You will have to install folderwatch extension first, see https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...all-extensions 2.) use packagizer to parse the number from your txt file and use it as download subfolder, see https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...paketverwalter for example Quote:
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
@mgpai or whoever can help:
Another script request In my download list I often have different packages, which have the same name like this: ![]() I want to 'combine' all duplicate folder names in one folder by the same name like this, ![]() by using the 'Move to new Package' command: ![]() If I leave 'Package Name' and 'Save to' alone and just click on 'Ok', in this example, all three packages with the name 2022-08-06 will be combined in one single package with the name 2022-08-06. I would like to use a script, which - when executed - automatically will combine all duplicate name-packages as in the example above. I.e.:
Thanks in advance for any efforts taken! |
@mgpai and @StefanM: maybe not only check package name but also check for download directory and only merge package if same destination?
@StefanM: I think this should be doable but let's wait for script master mgpai ![]()
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
downloads tab
some select packages i want keep each package name and change save to drive or folder context menu "move" is one by one Last edited by dandyclubs; 22.08.2022 at 13:50. |
@dandyclubs: Context-Menu works on whole selection. Select Link(s)/Package(s) and rightclick -> property -> set download directory
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
@Jiaz: Thanks
I'm frequently running into rate-limits, I ask a script that adds links with a delay of X seconds.
Details here https://board.jdownloader.org/showpo...9&postcount=35 |
I have looked around but didnot find a solution to my issue. Let me explain, I need to change the hoster for a certain url, lets say xyz.com to pqr.com upon link grabbed. I tried linkgrabber but that is only to filter out. I also tried packagizer but didnt see option to change hoster. Took the linkcrawler rules way, thanks to the below link https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...kcrawler-rules Sample rule below. ![]() ![]() { "enabled": true, "cookies": [ [ "key", "value" ] ], "updateCookies": true, "logging": false, "maxDecryptDepth": 1, "id": 1000001540111, "name": "xyz.com to pqr.com rule", "pattern": "**External links are only visible to Support Staff**, "rule": "REWRITE", "packageNamePattern": null, "passwordPattern": null, "formPattern": null, "deepPattern": null, "rewriteReplaceWith": "**External links are only visible to Support Staff** } Last edited by reddy.shyam; 16.09.2022 at 11:20. Reason: Solution found |
@reddy.shyam: have you checked https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...xample-rewrite
Ah, didn't notice your "It works!" ![]() ![]()
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
I would love a script to receive a notification when download speed has dropped to 0MB/s, so I can change countries in my VPN. Thanks!!
@Mave: notification via what method? popup or email or on mobile?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
@Jiaz popup is good enough! Thanks already!
@Mave: Popup is most complicated because not yet supported by JDownloader so you would need to use an additional 3rd party tool on computer that can show notifications on command. Maybe a Info/Warn Dialog would be okay as well. but unfortunately you will have to wait for our script master mgpai for further help/hints.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Sorry, I have missed the original post completely, so the very late reply. This is what happened, after starting the script: https://imgur.com/a/NpDng61 As you see, the sorting is not very reliable. (it should sort from 0KB to 1000MB and not mix the unities) I have no idea on how to fix this. Also, as another plea, would you mind to makte the sorting work in both ways? say, on 1st click, the scripts sorts desc and on 2nd click, the script sorts asc is this possible? Thank you very much. EDIT: An unattractive Error pops up, when activating the script without any text in the status column: https://imgur.com/a/MVd2fp6 Last edited by Jiaz; 06.10.2022 at 11:05. Reason: Edit: Error |
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thanks for your afford in the community!!! I love your work.:clap::clap: The quoted script (event script+linkcrawler rule+Linkgrabber filter) worked fine till 2021/12/23. Since it was soooo long ago, that I implemented it, I already asked in the YouTube support section and Jiaz pointed me to implement a Linkcrawler rule. After a good bit of searching, I found your old post - which I had implemented. Since 2021/12/24 the script stopped working, and I'm "mit meinem Latein am Ende" out of ideas. Example link: links.push("**External links are only visible to Support Staff**); things I tried: 1) different Urls (XML seems fine in a browser) 2) reimplemented your script+crawler+filter 3) altered the deepPattern but couldn't get my altered version saved I hope u can help me and others with the same problem. Best regards, oni Last edited by oni-; 25.09.2022 at 03:04. |
@jaydeeownluder: The script does basic string sorting and not on the actual number, that's why sorting doesn't work as intended. The error happens because the script doesn't check if status is set/available or undefined. For proper sorting you would need to parse the number from string and then sort on it. I will try to fix the error any try my luck on sorting
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
@oni-: Thanks for the script. I will take a look at it. can you send me your altered deep pattern to support@jdownloader.org?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
I'll write it here, because it's trivial and couldn't be saved.
The Change I tried was "/watch\\?" >> "/watch\?", but that broke the JSON format. Code:
"deepPattern" : "<link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"(**External links are only visible to Support Staff**/>", Code:
"deepPattern" : "<link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"(**External links are only visible to Support Staff**/>", Code:
"deepPattern" : "<link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"( -yt-url- /watch\\?v=.+)\"/>", Last edited by oni-; 25.09.2022 at 13:47. |
@oni-: double escape is correct because the \ is escape and you have to escape the escape in json
![]() Code:
\\? see updated article, https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...kcrawler-rules under "Preparation"
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Sorry I didn't find any information. If the downloads files with the same name but different content How to make the package names in the download list do not match Thanks |
How do you know its different content? how shall the script/computer know ?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Thank you for your attention, I already solved this issue, but now I have another problem:
file hostings letsupload.cc and openload.cc are defined as bayfiles.com. The crawler sees the file names and determines that they are available, but when downloading, it gives an error file does not exist. Please let me know if anyone has the same problem and where to find a solution. here are some links for examples: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Thanks |
This is the wrong thread for your report but I'll answer here anyways: Fixed. Looks like first letsupload.cc and openload.cc "separated" from bayfiles.com and now they're "separate" again. While the bayfiles.com API seems to return the valid status for all items regardless to domain, the download is bound to the "correct" domain. You will need to delete- and re-add those URLs to be able to download them. Bitte auf das nächste CORE-Update warten! Please wait for the next CORE-Update! Wartest du auf einen angekündigten Bugfix oder ein neues Feature? Updates werden nicht immer sofort bereitgestellt! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! --- Are you waiting for recently announced changes to get released? Updates to not necessarily get released immediately! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! -psp-
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