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Interval ist in Millisekunden, 300.000 sind also 5 Minuten. Wenn das Script 2 Minuten lang die Downloadgeschwindigkeit testet - und dann eventuell den reconnect triggert - dann sollte das Interval noch etwas darüber liegen.JDownloader - und auch das script - wissen nicht wie lang der reconnect dauert. Das variiert ja auch. Also besser etwas Wartezeit einplanen. Technisch gesehen ist der Minimalwert
2 Minuten + Reconnect-Zeit + Zeit-bis-Downloads-laufen. Wenn das Interval zu kurz ist, wird noch ein reconnect ausgeführt bevor deine Downloads wieder anlaufen können.
irc.libera.chat #jDownloader web.libera.chat/#jDownloader |
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ooooh okay, verstehe. Vielen lieben Dank für die Erklärung! Du bist der Beste <3 |
Wäre es möglich per event-script jdownloader2 neuzustarten wenn ein host als status "Error 503" ausspuckt?
Warum direkt jDownloader neustarten? Den link zurücksetzen sollte doch genügen.
irc.libera.chat #jDownloader web.libera.chat/#jDownloader |
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oooh, klasse idee! ja du hast absolut recht! link zurücksetzen bei error 503 nach reconnect per script? |
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// Handle download errors // Trigger Required: Interval var links = getAllDownloadLinks(); for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var link = links[i]; // Status needs to be EXACTLY what's shown in your Status column! // Case sensitive! if (link.getStatus() == "Server Error 503") { // Reset the download (WARNING: Will discard already downloaded data) link.reset(); // Start downloads in case all downloads finished // startDownloads(); } }
irc.libera.chat #jDownloader web.libera.chat/#jDownloader Last edited by FBD; 26.11.2023 at 23:50. Reason: Script updated |
Leider bisher kein glück damit.
Reagiert nicht auf status server error 503 |
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var links = getAllDownloadLinks(); var report = []; for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var link = links[i]; report.push(link.getName() + " - " + link.getFinalLinkStatus() + " - " + link.getStatus()); } setAdvancedAlert(true); alert(report.join("\n")); BTW: Kannst auch in den Support-Chat kommen, da gehts schneller als hier per Forum Posts. Edit: Hab das Script oben mal abgeändert damit es sich einfach auf die Status Spalte bezieht. Im Script muss aber EXAKT der gleiche String stehen wie dann im jDownloader angezeigt wird: ("Server Error 503"). Also auch mit Gross/Kleinschreibung und Leerzeichen etc.
irc.libera.chat #jDownloader web.libera.chat/#jDownloader Last edited by FBD; 26.11.2023 at 23:55. |
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var myPackage = package; if (myPackage.isFinished() == true) { var downloadFolder = myPackage.getDownloadFolder(); var destFolder = downloadFolder.split("/output/Temp").join("/output/Completed") if (destFolder != downloadFolder) { getPath(downloadFolder).moveTo(destFolder); } } 1) Package Download completes & event scripter is now triggered 2) Wait for jd2 to Extract and Delete archive if package downloaded is a archive 3) Move to the desired folder Last edited by hackmonker; 27.11.2023 at 08:09. Reason: just fixing the spacing in code |
Your problem is that your script is triggered on "Package finished" which is called *before* archive extraction. You have to change the script to use the "Archive extraction finished" trigger and also adjust your script to use the appropriate "getExtractToFolder()" function to move the extracted files. There are scripts for that in this thread already.
irc.libera.chat #jDownloader web.libera.chat/#jDownloader |
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What if say i have 2 scripts. One which triggers at package finished, checks if its a archive, if it is does nothing, else moves the non archive package to desired folder Another script which triggers at finished extracting, and simply moves the extracted archive to desired folder. Which method will you recommend ? |
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irc.libera.chat #jDownloader web.libera.chat/#jDownloader |
I use JDownloader to regularly download a Github repo's latest nightly release. The link uses the same link/filename, so I merely re-copy/paste the link into JD and override it being a duplicate. Would anyone know how to automate JD to:
Perhaps #2 would be too difficult for JD to accomplish, which is fine. My primary need is auto-scheduling JD to redownload the same URL daily. I've searched this thread for already-existing scripts but since the search terms are used in so many other script requests, I can't find scripts with similar functionality that I could start off with and edit. If anyone knows of links to any, I'd appreciate that, too! TIA |
To be honest if you're just always downloading that one direct link I'd recommend simply writing a custom script that does this instead of using JDownloader. It will take more time to make JDownloader do this than it takes to write a separate script which can only do this one job.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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https://board.jdownloader.org/showpo...&postcount=122 But as pspzockerscene said that's surely not the ideal way to do it. You are aware that GitHub is basically a system that automates what you want to do by design? Just check out the GitHub nightly repo. And if you want it to update just let git do the update, triggered by you or automatically by a script. Git will then only download the updates and not the full repo every time. That's basically what git was written for.
irc.libera.chat #jDownloader web.libera.chat/#jDownloader |
You can't see the link he posted so you couldn't know but: No he can't just use the git command in this case because he is trying to download a [compiled] release of a repo - the URL looks similar to this one: Code:
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Ah i see, yeah makes sense. Well he can try with the script from mgpai then, should mostly do what he wants.
irc.libera.chat #jDownloader web.libera.chat/#jDownloader |
Yap though to be honest if I'd want to do the same I'd do it without JDownloader.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Hey everyone, I need a script that would iterate across selected links in the download list and check if the package name has the same text as a list of text given in the script. If yes then add in a comment.
I screwed up and deleted a whole ton of files but I still have the links I downloaded them from. I just need to figure out which ones and restart them. Thanks! |
Hey everyone, I ask your help for something that i have no idea how to do.
I have been reading a bit on this thread to find a solution for my goal but i couldn't find enough information about it. I would like to download a single file from a container link (so i would need to filter and add to linkgrabber only that one, maybe by filename?) every day. Every day the container is updated but the filename remains the same. So i would like to automatically download every day just that single file. Thanks in advance ![]() |
Hello everyone !
I hope you have a nice evening :) I need your help... Someone can make a simple script for me ? In the linkgrabber tab, i have a package containing 55000+ videos files, each with a structure filename like "PREFIX_SUFFIXp.mp4" where, by chance, the suffixe is the resolution of the videos. For exemple : 35478_720p.mp4 35478_1080p.mp4 68_460p.mp4 423_240p.mp4 423_360p.mp4 423_1080p.mp4 etc... The problem is that most files have the same prefix and I would like to keep only the duplicates that have the highest resolution in their name suffixes so i don't need to download all video variants... In my exemple, I would like to keep "35478_1080p.mp4", "68_460p.mp4", "423_1080p.mp4". I hope i'm clear ^^ Thank you in advance. Merry Christmas all ! P.S. I'm asking that because there is no plugin available for the website that I want to crawl. Last edited by JazzooRock; 24.12.2023 at 14:45. |
Is it possible to get event scripter to perform a clean-up (remove finished downloads from JD, but don't delete the actual files files) either after XX minutes/hours after the respective download has finished, or, if that's too complicated, at say 2am every night?
I know there's the built in option to auto-delete downloads once they're finished, but I'd like a little more granular control over it, so that they're only auto deleted (for example) 4 hours after they finished. Thanks! EDIT: Figured it out (see below) however, I'm unsure if this would bog the system down if there were multiple finished downloads etc, each with their own 'timers'? Code:
var delay = 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var myPackage = package; if (myPackage.isFinished() == true) { sleep(delay); myPackage.remove(); } Last edited by nonogo; 30.12.2023 at 01:12. Reason: Found Possible Solution |
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See Code:
var myLong = myFilePackage.getFinishedDate();
irc.libera.chat #jDownloader web.libera.chat/#jDownloader |
Happy new year ^^
Is there a generous soul who would like to help me with the script that I mentioned in my previous message? Please... Thank you :-) |
When i download songs from SoundCloud, there are a set of numbers at the end ex. "songtitle_123456789" I use these songs for djing and makes it hard to read the titles on my controller screen with all those numbers in there. I have been searching this forum for an hour and trying to do packagizer rules on my own but to no avail. Could anyone help please?
In the case of coundcloud it is very easy as the plugin itself has a dedicated feature to set custom filenames. See Settings -> Plugins -> soundcloud.com
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
How to periodically force all downloads? |
What is your reason to do this?
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
I download a lot of files through an updatable proxy list. Periodically, when trying to connect, some files stop downloading for various reasons, missed captcha input, connection error, etc. To resume downloading I have to manually select all files and choose "Force download start" to restart their download.
Little up !
(Hello and sorry to bother... :s ) Quote:
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irc.libera.chat #jDownloader web.libera.chat/#jDownloader |
My bad. Thanks for the correction @pspzockerscene Last edited by DeusExBestia; 24.01.2024 at 16:09. Reason: Ignore me! |
That problem is not related to the EventScripter functionality. Please read: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=95054 Next time please use the forum search before posting.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Hello, I am having a problem running scripts with `getExtractedFilePaths` and `getExtractedFiles` where they return null. Here is a sample script from mgpai that I tried to use as a proof of concept, but it does not work in any script.
// Trigger: Extraction Finished var extractionFolder = archive.getExtractToFolder(); archive.getExtractedFilePaths().forEach(function(path, index) { if (path.getParent() == extractionFolder) return; var fileName = path.getName(); var exists = getPath(extractionFolder + "/" + fileName).exists(); exists ? path.renameTo(extractionFolder + "/[" + index + "] " + fileName) : path.moveTo(extractionFolder); if (!path.getParent().getChildren().length) path.getParent().delete(); }); |
Ich suche eine Möglichkeit, den Zustand eines Schalter (z.B. "Auto Reconnect enabled") abzufragen.
Auch Werte aus den "Profieinstellungen" wären interssant. Grund: Ich möchte bei lansamen Downloads einen Reconnect auslösen, aber natürlich nur, wenn automatische Reconnects eingeschaltet sind. Irgendeine Idee? |
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alert(callAPI("config", "get", "jd.controlling.reconnect.ReconnectConfig", null, "autoreconnectenabled"));
irc.libera.chat #jDownloader web.libera.chat/#jDownloader |
Klasse. Vielen Dank für die schnelle und funktionierende Lösung!
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