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Old 11.03.2009, 18:18
Posts: n/a
Default Jdownloader en Ubuntu

Hola, estoy teniendo un problema con el jdownloader, cada vez que reinicio la maquina y ejecuto el programe, este me pide que elija el lenguaje, la carpeta para las descargas por defecto y las demas configuraciones. La verdad que es bastante molesto!!
Alguien sabe como puedo solucionar el tema???

muchas gracias
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Old 11.03.2009, 18:24
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by mcongom View Post
Hola, estoy teniendo un problema con el jdownloader, cada vez que reinicio la maquina y ejecuto el programe, este me pide que elija el lenguaje, la carpeta para las descargas por defecto y las demas configuraciones. La verdad que es bastante molesto!!
Alguien sabe como puedo solucionar el tema???

muchas gracias

amigo mira a ver si este tuto que hice una ves te funciona:thumbup:

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Old 12.03.2009, 00:28
Posts: n/a

Tienes que darle al "restore.jar" con el boton derecho y ejecutarlo con "Sun Java 6 Runtime".
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Old 12.03.2009, 13:10
Posts: n/a

Hola me sumo al tema.
Tengo exactamente el mismo problema con el ubuntu 8.10:outch:
Hice lo que explican y siempre que inicio el jdownloader e pide nuevamente el idioma y la carpeta de guardado. Que en si no seria mucha molestia, el tema es que pierdo toda la lista de descargas y las configuraciones de reconexion.
Ya baje versiones limpias de la web de jdownloader para ver si no se habia malogrado el programa pero tengo el mismo inconveniente con estas.

Al lanzarlo por consola recibo esta salida.

12/03/2009 09:03:46 - INFO [jd.config.DatabaseConnector(<init>)] -> Loading database
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - INFO [jd.config.DatabaseConnector(checkDatabaseHeader)] -> Checking database
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> java.lang.NullPointerException
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.config.DatabaseConnector.checkDatabaseHeader(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.config.DatabaseConnector.<init>(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.utils.JDUtilities.getDatabaseConnector(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.config.SubConfiguration.<init>(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.utils.JDUtilities.getSubConfig(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.utils.JDLocale.getLocaleString(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.utils.JDLocale.L(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.controlling.interaction.Interaction.initTriggers(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.Main.main(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.config.DatabaseConnector(<init>)] -> Database broken! Creating fresh Database
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> java.sql.SQLException: User not found: SA
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcConnection.<init>(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver.getConnection(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:582)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:185)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.config.DatabaseConnector.<init>(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.utils.JDUtilities.getDatabaseConnector(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.config.SubConfiguration.<init>(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.utils.JDUtilities.getSubConfig(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.utils.JDLocale.getLocaleString(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.utils.JDLocale.L(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.controlling.interaction.Interaction.initTriggers(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.Main.main(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> java.lang.NullPointerException
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.config.DatabaseConnector.getData(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.config.SubConfiguration.<init>(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.utils.JDUtilities.getSubConfig(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.utils.JDLocale.getLocaleString(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.utils.JDLocale.L(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.controlling.interaction.Interaction.initTriggers(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.Main.main(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> java.lang.NullPointerException
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.config.DatabaseConnector.saveConfiguration(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.config.SubConfiguration.save(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.utils.JDUtilities.getSubConfig(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.utils.JDLocale.getLocaleString(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.utils.JDLocale.L(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.controlling.interaction.Interaction.initTriggers(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - GRAVE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> 	at jd.Main.main(Unknown Source)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - INFO [jd.utils.JDUtilities(getJDClassLoader)] -> Create Classloader: for: /home/jr/Escritorio/JDownloader (copia)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - FINA [jd.JDClassLoader(<init>)] -> rootDir:/home/jr/Escritorio/JDownloader (copia)
/home/jr/Escritorio/JDownloader (copia)
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - MÁS FINA [jd.JDClassLoader(<init>)] -> Jar file loaded: /home/jr/Escritorio/JDownloader (copia)/plugins/JDHJMerge.jar
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - MÁS FINA [jd.JDClassLoader(<init>)] -> Jar file loaded: /home/jr/Escritorio/JDownloader (copia)/plugins/JDUnrar.jar
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - MÁS FINA [jd.JDClassLoader(<init>)] -> Jar file loaded: /home/jr/Escritorio/JDownloader (copia)/restore.jar
12/03/2009 09:03:46 - MÁS FINA [jd.JDClassLoader(<init>)] -> Jar file loaded: /home/jr/Escritorio/JDownloader (copia)/JDownloader.jar
12/03/2009 09:03:47 - INFO [jd.utils.JDSounds(setSoundTheme)] -> SoundTheme default loaded
12/03/2009 09:03:47 - LA MÁS FINA [jd.nutils.Executer(run)] -> Execute: java -Xmx512m -jar JDownloader.jar  in /home/jr/Escritorio/JDownloader (copia)
12/03/2009 09:03:47 - INFO [jd.utils.JDUtilities(restartJD)] ->
Desde ya muchas gracias por cualquier respuesta que me puedan dar.

Last edited by elgerjerry; 12.03.2009 at 13:12.
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Old 12.03.2009, 16:27
Posts: n/a

Que fichero ejecutas? Lo has instalado desde un deb o el fuente descargado tal cual?
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Old 12.03.2009, 19:54
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by simbionte View Post
Que fichero ejecutas? Lo has instalado desde un deb o el fuente descargado tal cual?
uso la version que baje de la pagina oficial de jdownloader
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Old 12.03.2009, 20:45
Posts: n/a

Y lo ejecutas como te hemos dicho?
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Old 13.03.2009, 03:30
Posts: n/a

yo tambien uso el jar del sitio...
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Old 17.03.2009, 19:22
Posts: n/a

Lo pude solucionar haciendo lo siguiente:
sudo java -jar restore.jar
sudo chown -R xxx:yyy *

donde xxx es el nombre de tu usuario, y yyy es el nombre del grupo al q perteneces. espero les ayude en algo!!
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