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Old 17.10.2009, 02:55
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Exclamation Changing the themes Font on Mac OS X, Leopard 10.5.8

First I'd like to say thank you to the JD devlopers and contributors for such a great free progam.

I've searched with no results to my question, hopefully someone can help me out.

I'm on a MacPro (Leopard 10.5.8) and I'm a designer not a programmer.

My question is about the GUI themes. The Apple Aqua theme is the only one I use because the font is easiest to read. I love the new Black Eye theme but I wish I could have the Aqua theme font within the GUI. Is this possible to do without screwing up JD? I'm familiar with editing packages and I've looked into the contents of the app itself to find where the font location for Apple Aqua is installed?

It would be a great improvement for us Mac users to have the "Apple Aqua" font (GUI) in all the themes.

Any help is appreciated!

Last edited by Jiaz; 17.10.2009 at 16:32.
Old 17.10.2009, 16:32
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Jiaz Jiaz is offline
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dont know if its possible to use the aqua font in non aqua theme. you have to find out how the font name is. then create a customized language file with
!font = fontname in it and use this customized language in jd.

language files are in your app , jd/languages
copy an existing one to new one, rename it to eg en-custom.lng
and add the line with
!font = fontname

i cannot help more cause i dont have a mac
contact gocsp in forum, hes our mac developer
JD-Dev & Server-Admin

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