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Old 05.02.2012, 14:09
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Default JD anticaptcha and threshold value

hello everybody, i dont really understand the meaning of the threshold value for the anticaptcha. this is what they say in the guide:

Jdownloader's anti captcha module calculates a value that says how „sure“ JAC. This value is the so called „vality value“
0 --> probably wrong detected
100 --> absolutly correct

If JAC is unsure about the result (low vality value), it shows a captcha dialog to enable the user to edit it.
and then the given example:

By default, the treshhold is set to 80. This means, that JD shows a captcha dialog if the „Vality value“ is below 80.
and this tip:

For some captchas the default treshhold 80 is too low. This means, that you often get a captcha dialog even though the result is correct. To avoid this you should increase the treshhold (to about 95)
i dont get it, let's suppose that there are 3 captchas, they give the following results in JD:


meaning that JD knows that the chance of guessing the 1st correctly is 78%, for the 2nd is 97%, and for the 3rd 84%. If the threshold is set to 80, JD should ask for the user input in one case, the first one, since it's the only one below 80%. If i decide to rise the threshold up to 95, JD should prompt me with a dialog in 2 cases, the first and last, right? So if increase the threshold i get MORE dialogs and not less, at least if i understood it right..

could someone explain me if im wrong?


Last edited by Jiaz; 06.02.2012 at 11:33.
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Old 06.02.2012, 11:26
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coalado coalado is offline
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The guide is wrong.

0 --> good
100 --> bad
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Old 06.02.2012, 12:35
Posts: n/a

ok, so Jdownloader shows the captcha dialog if the value is higher than the threshold, meaning that there is an high chance of not guessing right.

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