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Old 24.10.2009, 10:28
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Default max connection & max downloads ?

can somone explain the difference between the two ? thanks!

Last edited by Jiaz; 24.10.2009 at 17:40.
Old 24.10.2009, 10:47
Posts: n/a

Maximum connections = maximum of separate chunks that can be downloaded from the host for one file.

Maximum downloads = maximum of simultaneous downloads of files.

There is another setting you don't mention : Maximum of simultaneous downloads per host. (see Download Control in Settings)
Old 24.10.2009, 12:21
Posts: n/a

thanks remi. I guess the 3rd one is for premium accounts ?
I was trying to look those definitions up in some guide, but did not find anything . Is there a guide that covers all of those settings, and the rest ?

btw: I've tried the new 0.927 version with this download - http_://www.zerosec.ws/stargate-universe-s01e05-light-hdtv-xvid-fqm/#comment-17 (many mirrors and parallel DLing of parts)
It went fine, but there were two issues (that I'm not sure are specifically related to this release:

1. "bad" parts (RARs) that had CRC errors, were located only by the unrar plug-in. is there any option to auto-reset & re-download such parts ?

2. I think I mentioned it in the past - the calculation of the package ETA - is not good. It was like 5 hours+ and in real time - only 2+ hours. Maybe the math regarding multiple parts' package ETA can be tuned better ?

Last edited by rafi; 24.10.2009 at 12:32.
Old 24.10.2009, 13:34
Posts: n/a

The third option is for those hosts that allow multiple free downloads simultaneously. Mediafire is one them.

The fact that the documentation is very sparse is known and I'm trying to work on that as well. Progress is slow, because of lots of usability and design issues and the instability of the GUI. It's more difficult if the target is moving all the time...

1) For the CRC error reset issue, please read http://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=9182

2) For mirror management see Feature #48 : Extended downloadcontrol for multihost downloads. I guess when this feature is implemented, ETA will be calculated properly as well.

Last edited by remi; 24.10.2009 at 13:39. Reason: added "The third option..."
Old 24.10.2009, 17:40
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for 1.) if this happens again, please open a new bugreport with
logfile,example links and info about chunks/hoster/free/premium

for 2.) yes, this is part of the mirror controller, will work better once it's finished
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
Old 24.10.2009, 19:25
Posts: n/a

bug report - opned - here - http://board.jdownloader.org/showthr...4114#post44114

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