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Old 20.08.2017, 04:00
sumyungguy sumyungguy is offline
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Default Multihoster multiup.org etc. video links get a subfolder if openload.co present

Hi, this is basically a follow-up to the previous issue here:
where support was added so single files in multi-hoster mirror packages could be made to not have a download subfolder. This works well - thanks! - except for one thing:

Some multi-hosters such as multiup.org offer openload.co as one of their targets. With video files, for example mkv files, openload.co recompresses them to .mp4 files. So you get for example:

host1 - videofilename.mkv
host2 - videofilename.mkv
host3 - videofilename.mkv
openload.co - videofilename.mkv.mp4

This causes creation of a download subfolder, because not all the names in the package are the same, due to the recompression by openload.

Maybe you can change things so that inside a multihoster link, videofilename.mkv.mp4 from openload.co is counted as the same as videofilename.mkv from other hosters? Or more simply, that packages from known multihosters are treated that way, since by definition they're all the same file?

Another idea is that I wish there was a way to ignore or blacklist certain filehosts from multihost links - not just hide them like with the right panel. I never want to download anything from openload.co, or certain other filehosts.

Or if you have any other ideas how this could be made to work... Thanks!
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Old 20.08.2017, 06:24
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raztoki raztoki is offline
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These are called multiuploader/multiuploading sites (we use multihoster term for something else in JDownloader). Effectively they run off decrypter plugins. Within the multiup.org decrypter plugin we do not specify a static package name, this means they will be grouped by the core based on the filenames.

Even if you remove the prefix, you can see the postfix (fileextension) will be different and can allow you to download a duplicate. This is because openload transcodes files into different formats so it can stream it on there player (and maybe also downsize the quality/filesize to save bandwidth).

So the only effective way to prevent dupe, would be in my opinion if you rather not use openload as its tampered with file (transcoded), create a linkgrabber filter rule source multiuploader website domain, then downloadurl openload. that should block it entirely.

raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer

Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :]

Last edited by raztoki; 20.08.2017 at 06:26.
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Old 21.08.2017, 02:12
sumyungguy sumyungguy is offline
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Posts: 82

Oh, that's great, I didn't know much about linkgrabber filters before. That solves my problem, thanks a lot for explaining it to me!
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