Ok, Thank you for clarifying!
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Why convert at all and loose yet again quality? nearly any device out there should be able to playback mp4 files? Quote:
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
To give you a quick example: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
In JD's Linkgrabber, it shows up as: AUDIO: Filename (152kbit_Opus).opus and VIDEO: Filename (2160p_24fps_VP9 LQ-160kbit_Opus).webm I assume these are the highest quality respectively. My question is: Is the audio quality the same in both files? |
lol ... we posted at exactly the same time.
Thank you for the answer. Opus and Webm doesn't play in my car, but MP3 and FLAC works. So, I'm just looking for which file would be the higher respective quality, so I can convert it to MP3 or FLAC (I know it wouldn't be true lossless FLAC, but at least I wouldn't loose more quality from the conversion).
@zOrlAc: okay, old car player, agree
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JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
OK, thank you!
My question was really more about the difference in audio quality between the audio vs. video file downloaded through JD. But I think you sort of answered that too. If I understand correctly, the audio in the video file is essentially the same as the audio file, correct? |
@zOrlAc: yt offers audio video in separate streams and just get muxed (merged into one file) at the end. so short answer: yes, it's the same file
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Thank you very much for clarifying!
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Dieses Video kriege ich nicht runtergeladen, auch nicht nach Anmeldung bei YouTube:
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Schaffe es nicht, dass JD die Links überhaupt aufnimmt. ![]() Gibt es eine Möglichkeit das Video runterzuladen?
Aktuelles Windows |
YT Threads zusammengeführt.
@Dockel Du schreibst zwar, dass das Video auch nach Anmeldung nicht runtergeladen werden könnte, aber genau das ist die Lösung: 1. Einen YT Account, mit Berechtigung, altersbeschränkte Videos zu schauen, in den JD Accountmanager einfügen. 2. Video erneut hinzufügen - nun sollte es ladbar sein. Falls das auch mit aktivem YT Account in JD nicht klappt, benötige ich einen debug-log: Please post your log-ID here If your report is about a specific website which JD supports via plugin, please also provide example URLs which can be used to reproduce the issue you are having. If your report is related to a login specific problem with a plugin supported website, enable debug mode before creating logs, see previously linked instructions. Bitte poste deine Log-ID hier. Falls dein Problem ein Problem mit einer Webseite ist, die per Plugin unterstützt wird, stelle bitte zusätzlich Testlinks zur Verfügung, mit denen sich dein Problem nachstellen lässt. Geht es um einen nicht funktionierenden Account-Login, aktiviere vor dem Erstellen deines Logs den debug Modus (siehe zuvor verlinkte Anleitung). -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Aktuelles Windows |
@Dockel: Siehe https://support.jdownloader.org/de/k...n-instructions
Oder eben bei "Click here for instructions"
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Ja, vielen Dank, das hatte ich schon gesehen, aber das sah mir gar nicht nach dem Zufügen eines YouTube-Kontos in den JD Accountmanager aus (dachte, man gibt einfach etwa einen Kontonamen und Passwort ein). Vor allem auch wegen des sehr groß wirkenden Umfangs / Aufwands, der erforderlich scheint.
Aktuelles Windows |
@Dockel: Ist die allgemeine Anleitung für alle Cookie Logins, wie es auch bei Google/Youtube der Fall ist, da hier der Account Login so komplex/gesichert ist, das der Mehraufwand nicht lohnt, wenn ein simples Cookie Import es auch zuverlässig tut
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Okay, verstehe, dankesehr!
Aktuelles Windows |
The bugfix Jiaz has mentioned has been released. @hawk Your suggestion has been implemented. You can use the new property "@ID" or "ATID" now, see YT plugin settings.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Ist es möglich beim Youtube-Download mit JDownloader auch das Datum des Youtube-Uploads in den Dateinamen des Downloads automatisch zu übernehmen, damit man das nicht manuell nachtragen muss, wenn der Download mit Jdownload erfolgt ist? Danke im voraus für eine Antwort. |
YT Threads zusammengeführt.
@Taupan Ja, siehe Einstellungen -.> Plugins -> YT -> Hier ein entsprechendes Dateinamensmuster setzen.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Youtube cookies = not working for Flag Cookies, saying invalid.
Can we use private mode from Edge to create these? |
Works fine here.
Did you also test it via "EditThisCookie" addon? Which browser did you use for testing? Sure, should work.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Whenever I download subtitles from YT, it's always the auto-generated subtitles that YT creates. Jdownloader labels the subtitle as "Subtitle: English [Speech2Text]". Is there any way for Jdownloader to get the subtitles that are user uploaded instead of the auto-generated ones?
I feel like utter trash for posting specific video(s) help but.. I've been trying to download two videos (from two different channels/creators) and for some reason the highest (or only?) FPS variants I can find are 24 FPS. Which is odd, because 99.9999% of any/all other videos I pull from YT have 60 FPS variants. I'll post the links below. Help, and thanks in advance!
watch?v=R7UikzYdgTc watch?v=ihvG3RgbYzE |
@enjikari: and what makes you think those videos offer 60fps when even in browser 60fps is not offered? one has 24fps, the other 25fps. you can simply playback the video and rightclick "show stats for nerds".
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Well. Don't I feel like a dummy. I didn't even check the SFD section. My apologies, and thank you for the insight. Feel free to delete my post(s), or leave them for possible future lessons. Thanks again.
@enjikari: all good, you're not the first one to ask and for sure won't be the last one
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Merged YT threads.
@goaliedude3919 Please provide example links.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
@goaliedude3919: by default JDownloader should prefer real subtitles as you can setup in Settings->Advanced Settings->"youtube subtitle" without "
Please provide example links
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Channel crawler stopped getting the newest videos from channels. It starts from the second newest video. When the crawler max items limit is set to 1, it doesn't get anything, and when it is set to 3, it gets the 2nd and 3rd newest videos. I haven't changed the other plugin settings. Copying the links of the newest videos directly works fine. |
@hawk: will be fixed with next update. thanks for the report
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Thank you. Just for the record, I've installed an update (#48254) but the issue seems to persist.
@hawk: changes are not live yet, sorry for waiting. later today
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
It seems to have been an ISP problem (I think). Eventually the cable went out for a while. When the internet came back, links are now adding fine. However when I go to download, random ones pop up as not found when JD2 attempts to download them. I think the ISP is still a bit buggy. ==================================== I recently have been running into a problem that is driving me a bit crazy. When I select a YouTube link to add to JD2, some come up as "video not available". I can SEE the video fine, and not all seem to do this. Until recently this has not been a problem. The problem is maddening since it seems to follow no order. Please help. I have a standard account, the appropriate age, the account is valid in JD2 and says "Account is ok: Account is OK" and the cookies are current. There are no AV problems. Sample links are HERE: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** The log file is HERE: 07.05.24 21.41.16 <--> 07.05.24 21.58.33 jdlog://9272411370661/ An image of my JD2 is HERE: Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks! ...W... Last edited by Wheezer; 08.05.2024 at 06:11. Reason: fix item |
Thanks for the feedback. Could you please provide a new log and try to reproduce this issue in fresh JDownloader(restart) session to keep log small
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
is there any known issue downloading all-channel-videos with account enabled? My experience: Without account I can download all-channel-videos (except the ones that require account, like age restricted) but as soon as I enable account it returns "Plugin Defect". With Account enabled it does download playlists and age restricted videos, but not all-channel-videos (plugin defect). Disabling account makes download all-channel-videos work without any issues again. Notes: Using latest JD2 with default plugins and basically default settings except some naming and video quality tweaks. Youtube account doesn't own premium but is 10+ years old and confirmed with card. Happened/tested on 3 different youtube channels: matt rife, david dobrik, david dobrik too. Tried: - restarting JD multiple times at different points of enabling account - mail, username, ID for username - FlagCookies and Cookie-Editor on - "not used" Edge and "main browser" Chrome in incognito mode, both with "don't ask again on this device" Everytime it says account OK, even after failed all-channel-videos download and JD restarts, but goes "expired" after an hour or so. Cheers EDIT: removed emoji UPDATE and workaround: Cookies expire earlier than stated before. I extracted video links via console and JD downloaded all 500+ videos except 2, one was temporary unavailable, and the second was, age restricted. Decently simple workaround if you only have small number of channels to download. Steps: I imported cookies, add links and started downloading them, and after some time (maybe 15 minutes) cookie expired and that one age restricted video was left behind while other age restricted videos were indeed downloaded. The console codes: to scroll to end on videos tab: "var scroll = setInterval(function(){ window.scrollBy(0, 1000)}, 1000);" to extract links: "window.clearInterval(scroll); console.clear(); urls = $$('a'); urls.forEach(function(v,i,a){if (v.id=="video-title-link"){console.log('\t'+v.title+'\t'+v.href+'\t')}});" Last edited by zmo; 12.05.2024 at 19:54. Reason: typos and updates |
@zmo: It's important to not continue to use the session in browser! as this will cause cookie/session updates and invalidation of the cookies in JDownloader. see https://support.jdownloader.org/de/k...n-instructions
Please provide a log, see https://support.jdownloader.org/de/k...d-session-logs . Please enable debug mode, restart JDownloader, reproduce the "plugin defect" error and then create log and post logID here or send to support@jdownloader.org Also please provide example links or @ids of the channels
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Clarification: I am not using the same session in JD and my main browser, I tried to be clear but prolly confused you a bit. Edge is not my daily driver, so I used it to login and copy cookie, after I got confirmed login in JD I just closed the Edge. Same tried with my main browser but in incognito mode. Both with "don't ask again on this device". logID: jdlog://8182411370661/ Steps in the log: 1 opened youtube site in Edge (which I don't use otherwise) 2 copied cookie (because my cookies in JD expires after like 15 minutes or so) 3 got "account is OK" in JD 4 restarted JD for cleaner log 5 Opened JD and Chrome to get link of a channel - **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** 5b clicked "channel" on pop up 6 got "plugin defect" and created log Thank you for your time and help Last edited by zmo; 12.05.2024 at 22:45. Reason: added step 5b for clarity |
@zmo: Thanks for the report. issue is caused because a field that is processed is localized and thus failing when looking for english word but finding "Videoposnetki"
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Yeah, "Videoposnetki" is Slovenian word for "Videos". Cheers |
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