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Old 29.10.2009, 03:23
Posts: n/a
Default Sehr langsamer JD - Chunkproblem ??

Hey Leute,
seit ein paar Tagen läuft mein JD jetzt immer nur noch super langsam. Immer ist vllt. etwas übertrieben aber bei allen gängigen Hostern wie Netload, Megaupload, Zippyshare. Überall lädt mein JD immer ein paar Sekunden auf Vollspeed bzw. so wie gewohnt mit 730 kb/s und dann auf einmal (bei allen Hostern gleich) immer eine Zeit lang nur noch 6 kb/s. Er lädt teilweise aber die längere Zeit mit nur 6 kb/s. Woran liegt das. Ich hatte das Problem schon früher aber das wurde dann mit einem Update ausgemerzt. Jetzt seit den letzten 2,3 Updates ist das Problem wieder da (ist schon sehr lange her, da gab es erst die 0.6xxx Version).

Ich hoffe mir kann jemand oder ihr helfen ? Danke im voraus

Hier mal ein Log während das Problem auftrat


------------------------ Thread: 22----------------------
22 29.10.09 02:06:39 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Interaction start: Trigger: Alle Downloads beendet
22 29.10.09 02:06:39 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Interaction start: Trigger: Downloads & Interactionen abgeschlossen
22 29.10.09 02:06:39 - INFO [java_downloader] -> DownloadWatchDog: stop

------------------------ Thread: 38----------------------
38 29.10.09 02:07:18 - INFO [java_downloader] -> sjsafe link
38 29.10.09 02:07:19 - INFO [java_downloader] -> There is no JAC method for the service SJ.org

------------------------ Thread: 39----------------------
39 29.10.09 02:07:19 - INFO [java_downloader] -> sjsafe link
39 29.10.09 02:07:21 - INFO [java_downloader] -> There is no JAC method for the service SJ.org

------------------------ Thread: 38----------------------
38 29.10.09 02:07:26 - INFO [java_downloader] -> There is no JAC method for the service SJ.org

------------------------ Thread: 39----------------------
39 29.10.09 02:07:32 - INFO [java_downloader] -> There is no JAC method for the service SJ.org

------------------------ Thread: 40----------------------
4029.10.09 02:08:30 - INFO [java_downloader] -> sjsafe link
4029.10.09 02:08:31 - INFO [java_downloader] -> There is no JAC method for the service SJ.org

------------------------ Thread: 41----------------------
41 29.10.09 02:08:31 - INFO [java_downloader] -> sjsafe link
41 29.10.09 02:08:33 - INFO [java_downloader] -> There is no JAC method for the service SJ.org

------------------------ Thread: 42----------------------
42 29.10.09 02:08:33 - INFO [java_downloader] -> sjsafe link
42 29.10.09 02:08:34 - INFO [java_downloader] -> There is no JAC method for the service SJ.org

------------------------ Thread: 43----------------------
43 29.10.09 02:08:39 - INFO [java_downloader] -> sjsafe link
43 29.10.09 02:08:48 - INFO [java_downloader] -> There is no JAC method for the service SJ.org

------------------------ Thread: 44----------------------
44 29.10.09 02:10:26 - INFO [java_downloader] -> DownloadWatchDog: start

------------------------ Thread: 45----------------------
45 29.10.09 02:10:26 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Interaction start: Trigger: Vor einem Download
45 29.10.09 02:10:26 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Start new Download: netload.in

------------------------ Thread: 46----------------------
46 29.10.09 02:10:26 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Start working on tvs-dex-109-dl-bd..part1.rar
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Found JAC method for the service netload.in in directory ntldn
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Found JAC method for the service netload.in in directory ntldn
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> JAC GET: C:\Program Files\JDownloader 0.9\jd\captcha\methods\ntldn\script.jas
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Get file: C:\Program Files\JDownloader 0.9\jd\captcha\methods\ntldn\letters.mth
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Special detection :jd.captcha.specials.NtLdN
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Work on Letter:null [null][0/0]
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Do quickscan
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Extended SCAN
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Work on Letter:null [null][0/0]
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Do quickscan
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Extended SCAN
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Work on Letter:null [null][0/0]
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Do quickscan
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Extended SCAN
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Work on Letter:null [null][0/0]
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Do quickscan
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Extended SCAN
46 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Download Limit erreicht

------------------------ Thread: 45----------------------
45 29.10.09 02:10:28 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Interaction start: Trigger: Vor dem Reconnect
45 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Try to reconnect...
45 29.10.09 02:10:28 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Starting HTTP Live Header #1
45 29.10.09 02:10:28 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Variables: {basicauth=Ok1hdXR6aTE2, routerip=, user=, pass=Mautzi16}
45 29.10.09 02:10:28 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Headerproperties: {}
45 29.10.09 02:10:28 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Replace variable:
45 29.10.09 02:10:28 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Replace variable: Mautzi16(pass)
45 29.10.09 02:10:29 - FINEST [java_downloader] ->
-->**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
POST /cgi-bin/webcm HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: de, en-gb;q=0.9, en;q=0.8
Content-Length: 31
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Accept-Encoding: gzip
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042523 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.10
Connection: close
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-type: text/html
Expires: -1
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache

45 29.10.09 02:10:29 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Variables: {basicauth=Ok1hdXR6aTE2, routerip=, user=, pass=Mautzi16}
45 29.10.09 02:10:29 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Headerproperties: {}
45 29.10.09 02:10:29 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Replace variable:
45 29.10.09 02:10:29 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Replace variable: null(Set-Cookie)
45 29.10.09 02:10:29 - FINEST [java_downloader] ->
-->**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
POST /cgi-bin/webcm HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: de, en-gb;q=0.9, en;q=0.8
Cookie: null
Content-Length: 37
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Referer: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
Accept-Encoding: gzip
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042523 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.10
Connection: close
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-type: text/html
Expires: -1
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache

45 29.10.09 02:10:29 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Wait 3 seconds
45 29.10.09 02:10:32 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Variables: {basicauth=Ok1hdXR6aTE2, routerip=, user=, pass=Mautzi16}
45 29.10.09 02:10:32 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Headerproperties: {}
45 29.10.09 02:10:32 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Replace variable:
45 29.10.09 02:10:32 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Replace variable: null(Set-Cookie)
45 29.10.09 02:10:32 - FINEST [java_downloader] ->
-->**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
POST /cgi-bin/webcm HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: de, en-gb;q=0.9, en;q=0.8
Cookie: null
Content-Length: 34
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Referer: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
Accept-Encoding: gzip
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042523 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.10
Connection: close
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-type: text/html
Expires: -1
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache

45 29.10.09 02:10:33 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Initial Waittime: 5 seconds
45 29.10.09 02:10:38 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Wait 30 sec for new ip
45 29.10.09 02:10:38 - FINER [java_downloader] -> IP before: after:
45 29.10.09 02:10:38 - FINER [java_downloader] -> IP before: after:
45 29.10.09 02:10:38 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Reconnect successfully!
45 29.10.09 02:10:38 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Interaction start: Trigger: Nach dem Reconnect
45 29.10.09 02:10:39 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Interaction start: Trigger: Vor einem Download
45 29.10.09 02:10:39 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Start new Download: netload.in

------------------------ Thread: 47----------------------
47 29.10.09 02:10:39 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Start working on tvs-dex-109-dl-bd..part1.rar
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Found JAC method for the service netload.in in directory ntldn
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Found JAC method for the service netload.in in directory ntldn
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> JAC GET: C:\Program Files\JDownloader 0.9\jd\captcha\methods\ntldn\script.jas
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Get file: C:\Program Files\JDownloader 0.9\jd\captcha\methods\ntldn\letters.mth
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Special detection :jd.captcha.specials.NtLdN
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Work on Letter:null [null][0/0]
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Do quickscan
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Extended SCAN
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Work on Letter:null [null][0/0]
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Do quickscan
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Extended SCAN
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Work on Letter:null [null][0/0]
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Do quickscan
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Extended SCAN
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Work on Letter:null [null][0/0]
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Do quickscan
47 29.10.09 02:10:40 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Extended SCAN
47 29.10.09 02:11:01 - WARNING [java_downloader] -> Resumepoint not valid
47 29.10.09 02:11:01 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Connect...
47 29.10.09 02:11:01 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Start Download
47 29.10.09 02:11:01 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Setup virgin download
47 29.10.09 02:11:01 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Start Download in 1 chunks. Chunksize: 104857600
47 29.10.09 02:11:01 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Setup chunk 0: Thread[DOwnloadchunk 0 - -1,1,main]
47 29.10.09 02:11:01 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Wait for chunks

------------------------ Thread: 48----------------------
48 29.10.09 02:11:01 - FINER [java_downloader] -> Start Chunk 0 : 0 - -1

------------------------ Thread: 17----------------------
17 29.10.09 02:16:18 - INFO [java_downloader] -> ByteBufferController: Used: 500.00 KB Free: 0 B

Last edited by pspzockerscene; 30.05.2010 at 12:31. Reason: Spoiler für den Log hinzugefügt
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Old 30.05.2010, 01:53
Posts: n/a

not working
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Old 30.05.2010, 12:31
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A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
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