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Old 01.12.2009, 23:28
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Smile Set Number of Chunks for each File individually


What I've noticed lately is that for some reasons some files of a package are being downloaded way slower than the rest is. Now in this equation I have already considered total available bandwith and I can assure you its got nothing to do with that.
So what I am asking is to implement a way to override the globally set number of chunks/connections for an individual file.

For example I am premium netload user and I was downloading a package/archive consisting out of two files in total.
One of them files I was able to download with a speed beyond 1.5 Mb/s whereas I only achieved a total of 150kb/s with the second file.
Considering my 100Mbit/s connection there is still plenty bandwith left.
So what I did is using an external program (DownThemAll!) and opened twice the amount of chunks I got running in JD and the download speed for that file in particular was higher (roundabout 2x times).

I hope this explains it sufficiently.

Looking forward to some feedback!


Uuuuh before I forget also would be nice to throw in an option to let JD automatically re-download a file where CRC-Check failed. Would be great!


Last edited by Jiaz; 02.12.2009 at 01:05.
Old 02.12.2009, 01:04
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its not possible to set chunks per file only globally.
netload has server issues that lead to such big differences between downloads.

the upcoming downloadsystem will have a much better and finer chunk management that the current one has
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Old 02.12.2009, 01:05
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crc redownload is part of

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Old 02.12.2009, 02:19
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Well I didnt quite meant setting the amount of chunks per file globally rather than being able to override the global setting for chunks for specific files individually.

Also cant find the option for automatic re-download of CRC-Mismatched files.
Old 02.12.2009, 02:26
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did you read my text? at the moment you only can set it globally!
and crc reload is not done yet
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Old 02.12.2009, 12:35
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Originally Posted by BentByBogus View Post
Also cant find the option for automatic re-download of CRC-Mismatched files.
You must be careful with this. The file could be corrupted on the host server. If you would download it again, it would just waste your bandwidth. That's why Jiaz thinks it would be better to solve it in the context of file mirroring.
Old 02.12.2009, 12:54
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Well to be honest I couldnt make much out of Jiaz text.
Also I am not too worried about my bandwith but thats just me.
Usually ( 9 out of 10 times ) the CRC issue occured as a result of the download and a re-download fixes that.
But I guess you guys got it covered.
Nevertheless JD is a real neat and useful piece of software. Keep the good works up!
Old 02.12.2009, 13:04
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I think the issue of automatically retrying erroneous downloads is a tricky one. At the moment it's up to the customer to decide whether the link should be reset when a CRC error occurs.

I think that people with bandwidth or traffic limits would not be happy if jD tries to download the same file a zillion times. It could become an option to be configured by the customer.

Last edited by remi; 02.12.2009 at 13:06. Reason: added sentence
Old 02.12.2009, 22:46
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Default Set Number of Chunks for each File individually

I would like to set the file location for logs other than in
C:Documents and SettingsW5MDBApplication DataSimon Brown, HB9DRVHRD Logbook
where it resides now. Perhaps there is already a way to do this? Thanks for any advice.

Old 03.12.2009, 02:30
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Originally Posted by tainnyAbrasia View Post
I would like to set the file location for logs other than in
C:Documents and SettingsW5MDBApplication DataSimon Brown, HB9DRVHRD Logbook
where it resides now. Perhaps there is already a way to do this? Thanks for any advice.

this does not come from jd, it comes from something else
jd does not save log on disk
sounds like firewall/antivirus or something else
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