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Old 29.06.2009, 17:52
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Default Resuming broken downloads

Recent user of JD, have v0.5.859, just joined this forum. Last few months my ISP has a very unreliable broadband, most skype phonecalls broken, and I assume is the cause of most JD downloads to break. I heard a feature of download managers in general was to 'resume broken download, so if for example you have succeeded in downloading 90% of a file, on next retry, instead of starting from the beginning each time, it intelligently appends the resumed stream to the existing file so that on completion, you have 1 good complete file. I thought this was a major feature of DL managers as it improves efficiency a lot on poor lines. Currently I am losing over a week to dl even 1 60MB file because it never reaches 100%. Is JD not able to use this method, and if not, will it be incorporated in future version ? Thankyou

Last edited by Jiaz; 29.06.2009 at 18:46.
Old 29.06.2009, 18:46
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pls download the latest version from homepage and extract over current one, your version has an autoupdate bug :(

jd can resume downloads, if the hoster allows this
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
Old 29.06.2009, 18:53
Posts: n/a
Default Resuming broken downloads

Thanks for that info. The dl site I usually use is Rapidshare - so is it they who are dumbing down your App ? Maybe there is another related bug, which I just sent another post on. I also would like to know if there is an easy way to 'Export' the list of downloaded files (shown in your DL window) into a backup text or html file just in case the JD gets corrupted. Thanks

Last edited by leon; 29.06.2009 at 18:56.
Old 29.06.2009, 19:09
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Rapidshare can only resume as premiumuser
and no you cannot export linklist to plaintext file
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
Old 03.07.2009, 23:41
Posts: n/a
Default Archiving list of downloaded files

re. my question 'if there is an easy way to 'Export' the list of downloaded files (shown in your DL window) into a backup text or html file', as JD seems to remember the list of downloaded and pending files, it MUST be stored somewhere ! I looked in the JD directory for files whose dates got regularly updated but did not find anything looking like a list of dl files. You suggested I install latest JD over old to fix bug. I have dl the latest version, but am worried it will 'wipe clean' the dl window in JD. Can you tell me WHERE you store the list of files shown in the dl window ? Thanks

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