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Old 01.06.2009, 05:45
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Default Open Directory Linux support for other file managers then Nautilus (Such as Thunar)

Open Directory only works in Linux if Nautilus is installed.... *Perhaps it works as well with Dolphin/Konqueror I have not tested it. I run xfce and installing nautilus while feasible is rather annoying. If this is a simple addition I would love to see support for other file managers most namely... Thunar, pcmanfm, and/or Rox.

great great program. many thanks in advance.

Last edited by Jiaz; 05.09.2009 at 22:09.
Old 01.06.2009, 12:26
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i will think about adding costuom filebrowser
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Old 01.09.2009, 20:18
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bump... I would really love to see this feature implemented.

I know for thunar is it as simple as "thunar /directory/path/here"

I might take a stab at implementing it when I get home... Rather clueless when it comes to java but I might be able to manage a hackish patch for this simple feature request.
Old 03.09.2009, 04:53
Posts: n/a

here is what I came up with... again I am very unexperienced with editing source files... but I believe this is correct:
--- GetExplorer.java	2009-09-02 15:49:47.676048503 -0500
+++ GetExplorerdiff.java	2009-09-02 20:51:29.101032018 -0500
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
         } else if (OSDetector.isMac()) {
             return new Object[] { "Open", "/usr/bin/open", new String[] { "%%path%%" } };
         } else {
-            Object[][] programms = new Object[][] { { "dolphin", new String[] { "%%path%%" } }, { "konqueror", new String[] { "%%path%%" } }, { "nautilus", new String[] { "--browser", "--no-desktop", "%%path%%" } } };
+            Object[][] programms = new Object[][] { { "dolphin", new String[] { "%%path%%" } }, { "konqueror", new String[] { "%%path%%" } }, { "thunar", new String[] { "%%path%%" } }, { "rox", new String[] { "%%path%%" } }, { "pcmanfm", new String[] { "%%path%%" } }, { "nautilus", new String[] { "--browser", "--no-desktop", "%%path%%" } } };
             try {
                 String[] charset = System.getenv("PATH").split(":");
                 for (String element : charset) {
I am not sure how to compile it to test if it is correct... goin to do some research on how to compile java programs within the ArchLinux PKGBUILD system... if I find out that this worked for me I will post confirming my patch.

Last edited by ugkbunb; 03.09.2009 at 04:55.
Old 05.09.2009, 20:55
Posts: n/a

bump... can a developers look at my patch and perhaps include it in the next jdownloader update?
Old 05.09.2009, 22:08
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i added your patch, i think i will add a dropdown soon to choose
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