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Old 29.10.2011, 15:09
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Exclamation Method for reconnects requiring a MAC address change; Example for SMC 2804WBR


to obtain a fresh IP from my provider I need to change my MAC. I wanted to do this using only LiveHeader. This was somewhat troublesome, since there is no easy way to get a random number and I didn't find a good solution on the forum. However I figured out a way to do this that I would like to share.

The idea is to load a page containing a pseudo-random value from the router (In this case I use the seconds of the current time). Then parse it to set a random variable and use that to set the mac to a random value. This is steps 2, 3 and 4 of my script.

I hope this information is of some use to people with a similar setup. I think it would be a good addition to LiveHeader to have a variable that gets replaced with a random number. I could submit a patch if a dev tells me how to do it.

        [[[DEFINE routername="SMC*2804WBR"/]]]
            POST /login.htm HTTP/1.1
            Host: %%%routerip%%%
            Cookie: %%%Set-Cookie%%%

            GET /status_main.htm HTTP/1.1
            Host: %%%routerip%%%
            Cookie: %%%Set-Cookie%%%
            n: [0-9]+:[0-9]+:([0-9][0-9])
            POST /wan_dhcp.htm HTTP/1.1
            Host: %%%routerip%%%
            Cookie: %%%Set-Cookie%%%
            Referer: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**

            POST /system_reset.htm HTTP/1.1
            Host: %%%routerip%%%
            Cookie: %%%Set-Cookie%%%

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Old 29.10.2011, 15:24
Posts: n/a

Nice trick.

drbit's described another trick in "Random values at MAC spoofing on LiveHeader".
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Old 30.10.2011, 10:43
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Think3r Think3r is offline
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Thank you very much for the script!
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Old 26.10.2012, 18:21
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coalado coalado is offline
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Old Thread....
I Have a nice trick for jd2:

use %%%random:<length>:<possiblechars>%%%


Randomnumber length 20:


Random hex 8 byte:

Random MAC:

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Old 05.07.2013, 00:52
Posts: n/a

Can someone explain what this command is doing:

n: [0-9]+:[0-9]+:([0-9][0-9])

It creates a 2 digit number i believe and the author claims it takes the randomness from a websites seconds. But i dont see how it finds the seconds on that side.

I cant use this like it is now because my router (LinkSys E3200) has the rule, that the second digit of every mac-number has to be one of these values: 02468ACE
If i force another value i cant access the router anymore to change it and i dont get internet access.

So i would have to change the var somehow. Maybe take it * 2 so its an even number for sure and somehow making sure its 2 digits only

I dont like the double change approach shown in other thread because it takes double the time.

And im not sure if i should change to JD2 since its new and many complaints seem to be there still.

So i think this solution here would be best if i could adapt it.
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Old 24.05.2014, 23:49
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Default script for TB-link:TD-W8951ND

i really need script for this modem TB-link:TD-W8951ND
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Old 27.05.2015, 12:31
Posts: n/a

similar solution via external batch-file: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=29493

if you have a modem, that only changes his IP on a different MAC,
you need to do this:

1) logon your router
2) change MAC
3) reboot router

4.1) logon modem
4.2) reboot provider modem
(or buy a LAN controlled powerswitch to turn on and off)

depending on your modem/router and firmware, you need to figure out the **External links are only visible to Support Staff**
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