Hello everyone!
I'm currently trying to download a song from YT the song downloads as M4A, then using the power of the Event Script it gets converted to Mp3 using the second script on this thread https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=70525 And because I'm downloading the JPG together with the M4A, I try to use another script to set the cover art on the resulting Mp3 using the script at the very end of this thread https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=87059 Mixing both scripts, I get this. Code:
/* Convert audio files to mp3 format Trigger : A download stopped */ if (link.finished) { var input = link.downloadPath; var output = input.replace(/(aac|m4a|ogg|opus)$/, "mp3"); if (input != output) { try { var ffmpeg = callAPI("config", "get", "org.jdownloader.controlling.ffmpeg.FFmpegSetup", null, "binarypath"); var bitrate = callSync(ffmpeg, "-i", input).match(/bitrate: (\d+) kb/)[1]; callAsync(function(error) { !error && getPath(input).delete(); }, ffmpeg, "-y", "-i", input, "-b:a", bitrate + "k", output); } catch (e) {}; } } /* Add cover art Trigger : Package finished */ var links = package.downloadLinks.filter(function(link) { return link.host == "youtube.com" && getPath(link.downloadPath).extension == "mp3"; }) if (links.length) { var ffmpeg = callAPI("config", "get", "org.jdownloader.controlling.ffmpeg.FFmpegSetup", null, "binarypath"); links.forEach(function(link) { var cover = getPath(link.downloadPath.replace(/_\d{9}/, "_original_").replace(/mp3$/, "jpg")); if (cover.exists()) { var input = link.downloadPath; var output = input + ".mp3"; callAsync(function(exitCode) { if (exitCode == 0) { getPath(input).delete(); getPath(output).renameTo(input); } }, ffmpeg, "-hide_banner", "-i", input, "-i", cover, "-map", "0:0", "-map", "1:0", "-c", "copy", output); } }) } Now the problem is I seem to be able to download the song on M4A and then convert it to MP3, however, I can't get the jpg to be set as the art for the MP3. Any ideas how to solve this? thanks in advance! ![]() Last edited by Rhamlock; 10.12.2022 at 05:10. |
@Rhamlock: have you tested the command line outside of JDownloader first, to make sure it's correct and working?
you should rewrite/change it so script waits for audio+cover to be finished and then do the conversion at once
JD-Dev & Server-Admin Last edited by Jiaz; 12.12.2022 at 15:52. |
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Should I convert the M4A to mp3 first, and then add the art to the MP3? I tried adding the jpg as art cover directly to the M4A, and it didn't work Code:
/* Add cover art Trigger : Package finished */ var links = package.downloadLinks.filter(function(link) { return link.host == "youtube.com" && getPath(link.downloadPath).extension == "m4a"; }) if (links.length) { var ffmpeg = callAPI("config", "get", "org.jdownloader.controlling.ffmpeg.FFmpegSetup", null, "binarypath"); links.forEach(function(link) { var cover = getPath(link.downloadPath.replace(/_\d{9}/, "_original_").replace(/m4a$/, "jpg")); if (cover.exists()) { var input = link.downloadPath; var output = input + ".m4a"; callAsync(function(exitCode) { if (exitCode == 0) { getPath(input).delete(); getPath(output).renameTo(input); } }, ffmpeg, "-hide_banner", "-i", input, "-i", cover, "-map", "0:0", "-map", "1:0", "-c", "copy", output); } }) } checking reddit I found that m4a doesn't support art cover, that's why this doesn't work |
@Rhamlock: The idea was to move the m4a->mp3 conversion before the embedding of cover art. so package finished trigger, then every m4a file, then for each file with cover, first convert to mp3 and then add the cover. try to just add the mp3 stuff before the var cover... stuff
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
what am i messing up with the notation here?
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I divided the script into two different events The result is the same, I can convert to mp3 no problem. But I can't add the jpg as cover art on the mp3. ![]() Here a couple pictures **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** I found this thread where there is a different script for the mp3 cover https://board.jdownloader.org/showth...=mp3+cover+art but it seems it only works with soundcloud files. Code:
// Add album art (if available) to mp3 audiofiles from soundcloud.com // Trigger : "Package Finished" // Uses "original thumbnail" from soundcloud for album art // Can also be used to add title, url and other metadata to the audio file var links = package.getDownloadLinks(); for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var link = links[i]; var host = link.getHost(); var fileType = getPath(link.getDownloadPath()).getExtension(); if (host == "soundcloud.com" && fileType == "mp3") { var downloadFolder = link.getPackage().getDownloadFolder(); var plainFileName = link.getProperty("plainfilename"); var linkID = link.getProperty("linkid"); var channel = link.getProperty("channel"); var coverFileName = plainFileName + "_original_" + linkID + " - " + channel + ".jpg"; var coverFile = getPath(downloadFolder + "/" + coverFileName); if (coverFile.exists()) { var tagger = "ffmpeg"; var audioFile = link.getDownloadPath(); callSync(tagger, "-i", audioFile, "-i", coverFile, "-c copy -map 0 -map 1", plainFileName, ".mp3"); //coverFile.delete(); // Delete cover file } } } Last edited by Rhamlock; 14.12.2022 at 04:38. |
@markifi: callasync calls an external application/binary/script but you can't place bash commands in there! I would recommend to place that all in a ready bash script and use the callsync method to execute it. for example
#!/bin/bash if [ ! $(pgrep xdotool) ]; then xdotool getactivewindow sleep 10 windowactivate; else echo "it's running"; fi;
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
@Rhamlock: Can you please send me an email to support@jdownloader.org and then I will take a look at it myself. Currently just very busy. I don't see any reason why it should not work when both scripts are placed in one. most likely just a simple misstake. can you please send me a reminder and link to your post?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Hi! I'm trying to add an additional download from a script whose Trigger is "Packagizer Hook". I try:
myObject = callAPI("linkgrabberv2", "addLinks", { "links": link, "packageName": packageName, "destinationFolder": destinationFolder }); How can I influence the packageName OR destinationFolder? Maybe the aforementioned myObject somehow allows finding the links in the LinkGrabber and changing the package name? alert(myObject); yields just a number, I don't know what I can do with that number. A separate Event Scripter script that catches the links added by the mega co nz plugin wouldn't know what package name the original script wanted. |
@SMS: You have to enable overwritePackagizerRules , else the destination folder/package name set by Plugin and/or Packagizer Rules will be applied.
with overwritePackagizerRules true, you tell JDownloader that you custom package name and/or directory should be used see https://my.jdownloader.org/developers/#tag_244 for the fields of addLinks
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Hi everyone.
Is there a function that allows me to save the number of packages in my Download list in a variable? Basically I'm using this script to merge packages with the same name: Code:
if (name == "Merge Packages") { alert("Merging..."); var count=0; //used to count merged packages getAllFilePackages().forEach(function(package) { if (package) { var packages = []; getAllFilePackages().forEach(function(package2) { if (package2.name + package2.downloadFolder == package.name + package.downloadFolder) { packages.push(package2); } }) if (packages.length > 1) { var linkIds = []; packages.forEach(function(package3) { package3.downloadLinks.forEach(function(link) { linkIds.push(link.UUID); }) }) linkIds.sort().forEach(function(linkId) { callAPI("downloadsV2", "moveLinks", [linkId], -1, package.UUID); }) count++; } } }) alert("Merged: "+count); } 25%, 50%, 75 and 90% using the percentage formula: tot*0.25, tot*0.50.... in pseudo code Code:
tot=countFunction() //or similar .... .... if(actualPackage==tot*0.25) alert("progress 25%") ...... ....... |
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JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Perfect. This works!
Thanks |
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I still want to do that thing with conversion then cover addition. But I haven't find a way |
Is there a way to automatically deactivate the "Silent Mode" after a certain time after switching it on? E.g. different timer settings: after 2, 3, 4, 5 hours after activating the "Silent Mode" etc. should the "Silent Mode" switch off again automatically?
I often forget to turn it back on myself after I've turned it on for a while. https://board.jdownloader.org/showth...279#post515279
Aktuelles Windows |
@Rhamlock: Yes, but I did not yet find time for it, sorry.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Good day! Happy New Year! Help needed again please. I have expanded the above script to suit my needs which would get certain links matching names enabled and rest disabled. My issue now is that when the links get updated, I do not see the active ones under 'Downloads' tab. I have to go any other tab and come back to see the latest links. Is there anyway to refresh the UI to see the latest links please? |
Good Gentlemen, I would like to know if there is any way that Jdownloader 2 can read the links saved in an X link history folder and that when the file is previously downloaded it marks it as if it were downloading in red or if it can be another color Whatever, if there is a script for that or if something occurs to you, please tell me the code. Thank you very much. In the same way, I thank you for paying attention to me and I currently have a script from here that It creates a text file per day, I wish it was just one and they simply added more links, but it creates 1 text file per day with date. If there is a way for a script to filter those links where it is generated in the auto folder I would appreciate it very much. i use this
// Simple history // Trigger Required : A Download Stopped if (link.isFinished()) { var a /*date*/ = new Date().toString().substring(4, 16); var b /*history folder*/ = JD_HOME + "/auto/history/"; var c /*history file Name */ = a + ".txt"; var d /*download url*/ = link.getContentURL(); var e /*download file name*/ = link.getName(); if (!getPath(b).exists()) getPath(b).mkdirs(); writeFile(b + c, [d, e].join(",") + "\r\n", true); } Last edited by Alexpark24; 10.01.2023 at 17:52. |
can someone make me a script that download 1% of the file then stops and disable that file (gray it out) then move to the next file and do the same , not required the downloaded size is 1% it just need to download some data from that file whether 1% or download for 10 second then gray it out then move to the next one.
Sounds like a script you want to use to either generate clicks and/or keep files online(?)
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
I'm downloading 2TB worth of files and each files require captcha , that for normal user but once captcha is entered it's not required again, i want to load some bytes of that file (1%) so when my premium account ends i don't need to keep entering captcha each 1 minute...... it's like 1k files + and on each download need to wait 90 second that too much time ...
Ah I understand I didn't think of this.
Keep in mind though that those pre-generated direct-URLs may expire after a specified amount of time and/or once your IP changes. Also, where are you downloading from - usually in premium mode, captchas are not required.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
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they are not generated .. they are to my luck static the function of captcha was just added for normal users lately due to server load so it's fine . |
Well then good luck with that script!
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Please help me update this code I want this code to run only under a package-name For Example Package name is "10GB" all files under that package will run this code Trigger: A Download Stopped Code:
// Move downloaded files to user-specified folder // Trigger: A Download Stopped if (link.finished) { var destinationFolder = "/Users/admin/Desktop/Download/JDownloader/"; getPath(link.downloadPath).moveTo(destinationFolder); } I'm using a certain program that auto-upload the files under that folder if i use that as download directory it won't start uploading, probably because the temp file is on that folder and when it completes it ignores it. so I have to move it to different folder and then put it back so it start uploading. Thanks |
Is it possible to access the extracted Archive Name? Can't find the value here in examples of scripts or in the API?
I can get the ArchiveName how the archive itself is named. But not the folder name inside the archive what is extracted. I want to access it and pass it as an argument to my python script. Any clues? Code:
disablePermissionChecks(); var extractionFolder; var archiveName; package.getArchives().forEach(function (archive) { archiveName = archive.getName(); archive.getDownloadLinks().forEach(function (link) { while ( link.getExtractionStatus() == "IDLE" || link.getExtractionStatus() == "RUNNING" ) sleep(1000); }); }); var packagename = package.getName(); var folderLocation = package.getDownloadFolder(); var cmd = "python"; var script = "/output/Scripts/Uppy/sorter.py"; alert(packagename, extractionFolder, archiveName) var command = [cmd, script, packagename, folderLocation, extractionFolder] alert(callSync(command)) |
Please, I'm doing downloads from Pixeldrain, and apparently even if I set max download from host to 1, it starts to ask recaptcha, maybe because I start the next download too fast after the last one finish. Would someone help me write a script just to wait like 60 seconds, between a finished download and the start of a new one? Last edited by Leonfake; 02.02.2023 at 21:58. |
So pixeldrain.com captchas can be avoided by waiting?
If yes: Waiting is enough or is an IP change required? If you want I can add a plugin setting for that.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Nevermind I figured it out on my own.
I've added a plugin setting which lets you customize the behavior for pixeldrain whenever a captcha is required. At this moment the wait time is hardcoded (5 minutes) whenever a captcha is needed but you prefer to wait. Screenshot of the new setting (you will get that with our next set of CORE-updates): ![]() Bitte auf das nächste CORE-Update warten! Please wait for the next CORE-Update! Wartest du auf einen angekündigten Bugfix oder ein neues Feature? Updates werden nicht immer sofort bereitgestellt! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! --- Are you waiting for recently announced changes to get released? Updates to not necessarily get released immediately! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download Last edited by pspzockerscene; 03.02.2023 at 16:29. Reason: Added screenshot |
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About the question, I think yes, but, also there is some files which ask for captcha because they say them have "unsual traffic", but, if you have a lot of files from Pixeldrain in queue, and one asks for captcha, the other ones will start to ask too. There is another thing, when I'm starting them manually, and a file asks for captcha, so I go to another after a few time, it starts normally. But if JD does that, he does very fast, and then maybe the Pixeldrain detect suspicious action, starting to ask captcha for all files. I don't know if after a certain time it resets, I was using a VPN to change IP everytime it started to ask captcha for all files. Quote:
Off-topic: I have a bit of OCD, I just would like to suggest about your lines of update, you put "please read our faq" in english and deutsch in both, would be better if you put the english one only in the english paragraph and the deutsch one only in the deutsch paragraph.. ![]() ![]() |
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Is there any Script that renames the files to be downloaded and names them the title of the page? In my case, I download videos from pages and it's sometimes confusing since it comes with the name of the video file that was uploaded to that page by default, so it doesn't even come with the name of the video or anything similar, that complicates searching for it after downloading it. Last edited by Alexpark24; 10.02.2023 at 19:57. |
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Please try my changes first and then feel free to provide feedback to further improve that. Quote:
Apart from this small thing though I'm always open for feedback. Quote:
Feel free to rpovide early feedback to my changes.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
A script that automatically resumes / continues (called "Fortsetzen" in German) all of the links in the download list every minute, 5 min., 10 min. (or in a user defined time) would be great.
Aktuelles Windows Last edited by Dockel; 14.02.2023 at 13:50. |
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Context please: - Which links are you trying to download? - Which filenames do you get now? - How would your desired filenames look like? [Please provide examples]
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
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1) links to anime pages (the videos on those pages to be exact) I do a deep analysis and jdownloader brings me the video files directly example link: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**..., After the analysis it leaves me several video files named like this: 7inspectre.mp4 with link of :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**... 2) and what I wanted was for the script to rename it and it would look like this: Kyokou Suiri Season 2 episodio 7 — MonosChinos.mp4, that name is the title of the page. 3)of course I have several pages from which to do analysis to download the videos: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**... **External links are only visible to Support Staff**... **External links are only visible to Support Staff**... **External links are only visible to Support Staff**... **External links are only visible to Support Staff**... **External links are only visible to Support Staff**... I think I have given you the information you need. anyway and in advance thank you very much for paying attention and helping me.;) |
I can't help you with the script but to be able to rename those files accordingly, JD has to obtain the "better"/"real" title from somewhere and it doesn't have access to that html code so the only possible source is the source-URL.
Does that contain the title? About all links in your recent reply: They've been eaten by a rare forum bug. Please either re-post them or put them into a .txt file and attach that to your next reply so that I can see them. EDIT To sum this up: Either way I don't think that script will help you. I think you got false expectations on what that script is doing.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Getting tired of editing filenames of topic-related links from Mixcloud, I've written an Event Script, which normalises the commonly encountered variations to what I want. That part is actually working fine, but while I was at it, I thought I might as well influence the package name too, by checking it matches my preferred format, or perhaps by parsing and expanding a #abbreviation_tag. Here I have encountered behaviour I don't understand, related to interaction between the 'Information overwrites packagizer rules' checkbox found on the 'Analyse and Add Links' dialog, and the script. Script and screenshots follow:
//FHK 2023 02 19 - Normalise spelling/capitalisation of PoTP file captures from Mixcloud // Trigger required: Packagizer Hook String.prototype.includes = function(str2) { return this.indexOf(str2) > -1; } var packLink = link; var inPack; var inHost; var inName; var outName; var outPack; var subst; var regex; var inPack = packLink.getPackageName(); alert(state + " 1 inPack: " + inPack); inHost = packLink.getHost(); if (inHost.includes("mixcloud.com")) { inName = packLink.getName(); regex = new RegExp("(pick of the pops)|(potp)", 'gi') subst = "Pick of The Pops"; outName = inName.replace(regex, subst); if (outName.includes(subst)) { packLink.setName(outName); if (inPack.includes("PoTP")) { // leave as-is } else { //alert(inPack + " does not include 'PoTP'"); alert(state + " 2 Setting Package to 'PoTP '") packLink.setPackageName("PoTP "); } } outPack = packLink.getPackageName(); alert(state + " 3 Confirmed outPack set to: " + outPack); } **External links are only visible to Support Staff** Above: Null Package name, checkbox unset. Below: Script receives default Package name. Script sets new Package name as intended. Nothing to argue about. **External links are only visible to Support Staff** Case 2: **External links are only visible to Support Staff** Above: New Package name supplied, checkbox unset. Below: Script receives default Package name, not user-supplied one. Where did 'wibble' go? Is there a method to access 'wibble', otherwise why is this field enabled in this situation? Shouldn't script be given a chance to decide whether to use it to contribute to built-in packagizer rules? **External links are only visible to Support Staff** Case 3: **External links are only visible to Support Staff** Above: Null Package name, checkbox set. Below: Script receives default Package name. Script sets new Package name as intended. Nothing to argue about. **External links are only visible to Support Staff** Case 4: **External links are only visible to Support Staff** Above: New Package name supplied, checkbox set. Below: Script does receive user-supplied Package name 'wibble'. Debug alert()s show Package name is changed by script - and read back as confirmation. When Packagizer state is 'AFTER', Package name is still read as what the script set on the "BEFORE" pass. But the main LinkGrabber pane shows that the Package name set in reality is 'wibble', despite twice having read back a different value during the script's 2 passes. If this is intended behaviour, perhaps the PackageName() method should return a status value to signal success or failure reason? **External links are only visible to Support Staff** As things stand, my script either (case 2) has the ability to change the package name, but is unable to receive input from the user to influence its behaviour, or (case 4) it is able to receive user input, is able to manipulate that information, but is prevented from applying any modification. This seems over-restrictive to me. Test link: <**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**[0]=AT3eXG8WEU6WO5zKysBFAXRpf0zFCNOEAF2ZrUHaXeDB9rYFAAdpkQldG41VxqWYguzbB_gOTxHoljswA5SJm46su_W6GxhxRrJ OLGpbwoWuuWRfJd_5Pj6_YB7oijkjZkXx21a4UoP8hfD0HOJxYlLfb9Pw1XbBbO5TQ6QwuPeef3OCsvoZRm6Qvd21n-HUldG84FQUPgDYPu8Q937UoDU> PS, What processes happen between "BEFORE" and "AFTER" in a Packager Hook script? Last edited by Nimboid; 23.02.2023 at 02:27. Reason: Added Test Link |
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