Merged EventScripter threads.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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I would like to request a script where JDownloader would automatically skip the download of the same matching filename with a different extension. Example - If I have Apple.zip in my directory, and if JDownloader is about to download Apple.7z, it would skip the download. It should work for any extension. Thank you. Last edited by golddust; 25.02.2023 at 08:22. |
hello again,
will you have a script so that every time the link grabber is activated it performs a deep analysis every time I copy a link? thanks. |
A script for this is not needed!
Are you sure you really want this? Do this on your own risk! JDownloader will request/every(!) URL that you copy/add! It is also possible using a single LinkCrawler rule of type DEEPDECRYPT: Code:
[ { "enabled": true, "logging": false, "maxDecryptDepth": 1, "name": "Auto deepdecrypt everything", "pattern": ".*", "rule": "DEEPDECRYPT", "packageNamePattern": null, "passwordPattern": null, "deepPattern": null } ]
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download Last edited by pspzockerscene; 24.02.2023 at 18:08. Reason: Fixed typo risk = CPU, risc = risc :D |
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Script for a short pause between downloads.
Problem; Issue with files downloading with the same created time. |
I'm trying to use the filename that the webserver suggests (which probably happens via the Content-Disposition header). I try the following script (with "Packagizer Hook" trigger), but I get "null" in the responseHeader:
var myBrowser = getBrowser(); var responseHeader = myBrowser.getResponseHeader(link.getURL()); Last edited by SMS; 25.02.2023 at 18:46. |
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So the script isn't working/doing anything. I put all the accounts in a text file with each account and password as well as the hoster on a separate line and the script does noting, tells me nothing and I tried it on a text file with a single account and it didn't import it. this is how they are formatted according to your instructions mega.nz ********@******************.com *************** I copied your code exactly the only thing I changed was the path to the text file. other than that, I don't know what I could be doing wrong. could you please help? |
don't know if this is the right place for this request....if not please forgive me. Sometimes there are many .rev files in a package. It would be great if it were possible to move the .rev files into another package (perhaps with the same name as the original package plus the word 'REV') and starting them as 'disabled'. This way you can decide to download the .rev files at the end, only if necessary. Hope that someone could help...thanks anyway! |
A Packagizer rule could already be enough to do that.
Conditions would be something like "if filename contains .rev" -> Set packagename -> "REV-Package".
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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i want JDownloader to call a Filbot-Node Task / Script over the Event scripter. The only way I found to do this, is over the “eventTrigger : ON_ARCHIVE_EXTRACTED” option. This in principle works, but unfortunately it calls the Filebot-Node Task / Script obviously after each extraction. Is there an easy way to call a Filbot-Node Task / Script only once, when all downloads in JDownloader are finished extracted? Thanks in advance! (I’m running JDownloader headless on a Synology NAS) |
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Thanks no need to answer this now as I have worked out for myself Last edited by perspicacia; 05.03.2023 at 00:59. Reason: Worked out the solution myself |
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Oh...I'm really stupid! ![]() Thanks for help!....anyway, I'm still missing one thing: I just want all the .rev files in one (new) folder; ![]() |
This is my "Package Finished" script.
It will run when I downloaded a YT Video to a specific directory. The downloaded video will then be moved to a remote host by calling a shell script. Should the moving fail, and so the video still be there, I pop up an alert and want to set the comment accordingly. Unfortunately neither setting the comment on the package nor on the link does have any effect. Can someone please guide me here? Code:
// move YT Video to target // Trigger Required: "Package Finished" // Forum Post used as basis: https://board.jdownloader.org/showpost.php?p=386822&postcount=18 package.setComment("copying..."); var links = package.getDownloadLinks(); var failure = 0; for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var link = links[i]; var file = link.getDownloadPath(); var pos = file.indexOf('/jdyt/'); if (pos >= 0) { callSync('/Users/skeeve/bin/jdyt2target.bash', file.substr(0,pos+6), file.substr(pos+6)); var myFilePath = getPath(file); if (myFilePath.exists()) { ++failure; alert(comment); var comment = "Couldn't copy " + file.substr(pos+6); link.setComment(comment); package.setComment(comment); } else { link.setComment("ok"); } } } if (failure == 0) package.setComment("ok"); Last edited by Skeeve; 09.03.2023 at 21:12. |
So then simply use the "...then set" ... "Download Directory"...
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Hey there!
I am looking for a way to get the very ordinary "Start Downloads"-Entry into the Context-Menu. Unfortunately I could not find it in the list of possible items to add. ... So I guess the only way would be an event-script. Can someone help me with the code for this, please? This would be very appreciated. |
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But I had done all those steps already. All I needed was the java command for starting the downloads. Because it is NOT in the list of possible items to add to the context menu. (To the toolbar yes, but not to the context menu). But since this must be so ridiculously easy, your post gave me the idea to search this thread for "Start downloads" ... and indeed: The command popped up: HTML Code:
startDownloads(); It's working now! Thanks again! |
I would like to have the "Force Dowload"-function from the context menu as a toolbar button.
Can someone help me with the script code for this, please? |
I would like to ask for assistance in creating an event script that will move the extracted files and folders from my extraction folder "/output/EXTRACTED" folder to the "/output/FILEBOT" folder.
My attempt, which you can see below, doesn't move the folders. Can you please help me edit the script so that it also moves the folders or alternatively removes the left behind empty folders. Code:
/* Move extracted files Trigger: Archive extraction finished */ var destination = "/output/FILEBOT"; archive.extractedFilePaths.forEach(function(filePath) { filePath.moveTo(destination); }) |
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
My first approach was to use Packagizer with the parameters "Match on any file and ignore conditions below" and "Move to". This works in principle, but unfortunately some files e.g. .idx or .sub as well as the empty folders remain. They should be moved aswell. |
Sounds like a possible bug.
Please provide example URLs which can be used to reproduce this issue.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
I read all 130 sides of this topic and a lot of other topicas as well. As far as I understand it, Packagizer is not designed to move folders, but only files. Every time someone made a request to process folders, it was referred to the Eventscripter since Packagizer wouldn't be capable of it.
What kind of URLs do you want? Downloads links for the mentioned packages? I don't want to post anything which is not compliant with your rules. |
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Sorry - please ignore my reply #2584. EDIT I've created a ticket for this since it has been requested by other users too throughout the years. Ticket:
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download Last edited by pspzockerscene; 23.03.2023 at 14:48. |
Hi I'm trying to write a script (I don't know JavaScript unfortunately) so that I organize my downloads from jDownloader which is running as Docker on my Unraid.
The goal is to have the unpack path set to a specific path after a successful download. If the %packegename% ends with "_program" for example, then it should be exported to "/mnt/jDownloader/extracted/programs". So I want to save myself moving and in addition the whole thing over unraid with python doesn't work so well therefore directly under jdownloader using javascript. I had something generated by ChatGPT, however that doesn't really work. Maybe someone of you can help me. Thanks already! // Trigger: Package Finished // Customize the script to your needs if (package.getArchives() && package.getArchives().length > 0) { var archive = package.getArchives()[0]; var packageName = package.getName(); var basePath = "/mnt/jDownloader/extracted/"; // Adjust the condition to match the desired pattern if (packageName.lastIndexOf("_program") === packageName.length - "_program".length) { var subFolder = "Program"; outputPath = basePath + getPathSeparator() + packageName; } else if (packageName.lastIndexOf("_game") === packageName.length - "_game".length) { var subFolder = "Programs/Games"; outputPath = basePath + subFolder + getPathSeparator() + packageName; } else { outputPath = basePath + getPathSeparator() + packageName; } archive.getSettings().setExtractPath(outputPath); } |
If you do not care about running/incomplete downloads, you could simply let JD download them to the final destination right away. You could use a Packagizer rule to do stuff like "if package name contains 'xy' then set download destination to <path>". However if you want to download your items to location A first and then move them to location B, you will need an EventScripter script or an external application to do this.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
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Leider habe ich wohl einen Fehler. Kannst du mal drüber schauen? Ich kann wohl keine screenshots teilen. Zumindest sehe ich diese selbst nicht. **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Das ganze habe ich natürlichj auch ohne regex mit *_spiel versucht. Es wird im standard ordner geladen und entpackt. Auch der Kommentar den ich zum testen gesetzt habe, funktioniert nicht. Somit scheint die Bedingung nicht treffend. **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Obwohl der Paketname ja eindeutig stimmt. Last edited by itsVeto; 24.03.2023 at 13:55. |
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Bitte warte auf die Antwort von anderen Usern oder Teammitgliedern. Quote:
URLs sind hier standardmäßig nur für Mods sichtbar. Falls du welche für alle sichtbar haben willst, entferne das Protokoll von der URL (den Anfang mit "http...").
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
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Einstellungen -> Paketverwalter -> Hinzufügen
Paketname -> Enthält -> Deine Dateinamens-Bedingung ... dann setze Downloadordner -> Dein Wunsch-Downloadordner EDIT (Paketverwalterregeln greifen nur für alle danach hinzugefügten Elemente!)
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download Last edited by pspzockerscene; 24.03.2023 at 17:30. Reason: Mehr Infos ergänzt |
Siehst du das bild von meinem vorherigen Post? Ich habe das eigentlich genau so erstellt..
Ja ich sehe deinen Link zum Screenshot. Das sollte so funktionieren.
Nur wie bereits gesagt: Damit kannst du Downloadordner vor dem Download setzen - keine speziellen Entpackordner oder Ordner, in den die Dateien nach dem Download verschoben werden. Deine Regel sollte immer greifen, wenn ein Paket mit dem Name "Spiel" eingefügt wird. Bedenke, dass die Regel nicht greift, wenn du z.B. bestehende Pakete umbenennst - sie greift nur 1x indem Moment, in dem die Links hinzugefügt werden.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download Last edited by pspzockerscene; 24.03.2023 at 18:42. Reason: Tippfehler fixed |
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Leider steht in der Anleitung, dass das ganze VOR dem downloaden greift. Hat man eine Möglichkeit die dlc Dateien vor dem hinzurügen zu benennen? |
Nochmal: Die Regeln sind dafür gedacht, Pakete/Dateien beim Einfügen automatisch unzubenennen/einzusortieren/whatever. Man kann also sagen es gibt genau einen Zeitpunkt zu dem sie greifen: "Beim" Einfügen in den Linkgrabber. Wenn du deine Links z.B. nicht per Zwischenablagenüberwachung sondern über Linksammler -> links unten "Links hinzufügen" einfügst und dort z.B. in das Paketnamenfeld "blabla spiel" reinschreibst, würde deine Regel ebenso gelten, aber eben nicht, wenn du ein Paket einfügst und es später umbenennst. Wenn der Packagizer nicht für deine Zwecke ausreicht oder du komplexere Dinge tun möchtest, wirst mit EventScripter Scripten arbeiten müssen. Quote:
Natürlich kannst du einen DLC Container beliebig benennen und ja du kannst per Packagizer Regel auch dafür sorgen, dass z.B. alle Links im eingefügten Container in einem Paket landen, das nach dem DLC-Container-Dateiname benannt ist. Ich verabschiede mich jetzt ins Wochenende. Bitte erwarte keine weiteren Antworten von mir vor Montag.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
I am currently trying to crawl a tiktok account and wish to not do it manually. Sometimes the user will post videos and would sometimes delete them. I'm trying to write a script that will search for the tiktok profile link provided then download the link if found. Basically, a refresh of the link so it will get the most up to date video. I've read upon @pspzockerscene's report at (https://board.jdownloader.org/showth...314#post511314). There he says, "Now you could add that profile URL every day to update your personal library of clips of that profile. While JDownloader does not support that out of the box, you could also automate this process using an EventScripter script" I am in the process of writing the script but i am running to a problem. Here is my current script. -------------------------------- }; // Define the link to search for var link = "**External links are only visible to Support Staff**; // Search for the link in JDownloader var linkFound = false; var linkList = getAllDownloadLinks(); for (var i = 0; i < linkList.length; i++) { if (linkList[i].getURL() == link) { linkFound = true; break; } } // If the link is found, start the download if (linkFound) { var dl = createDownload(link, "Downloads"); dl.start(); } -------------------------------- Error: ReferenceError: "DownloadLink" is not defined. (#2) Let me know if there are easier ways to do this, and let me know how i should rewrite the script. Thanks. |
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For some reason, my script runs but nothing happens. Links are in the txt file and address is also correct. Does this script still work? |
@samoreye: What trigger do you use for that script? Seems it is incomplete because it starts with }; ?
The error means that you use variable DownloadLink which is unknown |
Merged EventScripter Threads.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
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